[MOD] Shield Module

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Re: Shield Module

Post by l3lessed »

Getting close to marking this as final/released and moving on from it.

Until then, here is 2.2.

This update has probably the biggest game play impact so far, even if it isn't visually noticeable right away. Please read the nexus page for all the update info.

I removed the second block timer, and instead combined my new int state system with my animation timer to ensure all animations are synced with their effects, including the timed block hit detection itself. Now, all hits should sync properly. Also, one less timer eating cpu cycles.

I also added in a weapon management system. Now, each shield mechanic type has its own weapon responsiveness too. It's not huge, but its noticable. What this means is, you cannot attack while blocking of course. However, once you stop blocking, there is a small delay before you can attack again. This delay changes based on your total block time and the shield type you are using. The buckler has the smallest recovery window over the other three.

removed the parry sounds from being hit during the vulnerable window and put back the player hit sounds. This is so you can easily tell if you timed blocked or not. If you're still raising the shield and hear the normal parry metal clank sound, you timed block.
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King of Worms
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Re: Shield Module

Post by King of Worms »

Hi. Im much less active last month but Id like to thank you for continuing your work on the combat systems :)
When I get back to playing DFU these will be the 1st mods I look forward to trying out.

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Re: Shield Module

Post by l3lessed »

Thanks man. This game will always have a soft spot in my heart, as it was the first game to really show me such a massive world was possible. I remember being blown away as a little kid, when I first played this game. This work is me hoping I can give back and give another young kid some thing similar.

Dropping in also to say, I spent an hour, and I sorted out how to detect attack angles. Stole a code block from enemySenses.cs. Point being, shields will now only protect you from enemies you're facing in front of you/can see. If you can't see the enemy, you can't block their attacks. makes sense to me.

No more invuln shield by merely holding the block button.

I'll add a quick mod setting, so players can easily set the block angle as high/low as they like.

Should this also be considered for shields? Should smaller shield have smaller block angles as a draw back for the quicker timings and better knock back? I think this could be neat. The tower shield would have a massive block angle to make up for how slow and large it is. The buckler would have the smallest to compensate for how quick and agile it is.
My Daggerfall Mod Github: l3lessed DFU Mod Github

My Beth Mods: l3lessed Nexus Page

Daggerfall Unity mods: Combat Overhaul Mod

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Re: Shield Module

Post by l3lessed »

Spent another hour fooling around with the shield equip property and putting in shield angle mechanics. Now each shield has its own blocking area based on their size. This will help make the larger, slower shields more balanced when compared to the benefits of the buckler and round shield.

Here is a Diagram I threw together for the next update. Hoping it will be the last. I just need to get in bash and a short enemy stun effect, update the settings area, and this module should hold up over the life time of DFU.


As you can see, the Buckler and round will not provide tons of block protection against groups of enemies surrounding you. However, the faster times and different mechanics should allow you to block more opponents, if you time and position them right.

This, compared to the larger shields, which will take longer to get up, but will be able to block more opponents in an easier way. Get swamped by a mob and have a tower shield, no problem, just ensure your back doesn't face anyone, and you can tank all the hits you need. Or, just back yourself into a corner, tank/block the hits with that massive tower shield, wait for the opening, and start failing that mob one enemy at a time.

Oh yeah, the buckler can now do damage on succesful timed blocked, which scales with your strength, up to 10 damage. Just messing with it now, but thinking about keeping it. I guess could always make it a toggle setting. Any thoughts?
My Daggerfall Mod Github: l3lessed DFU Mod Github

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Re: Shield Module

Post by Mind »

Is there a chance to add option to reduce animations framerate to match original daggerfall ones. Currently it falls straight into uncanny valley for me

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Re: Shield Module

Post by l3lessed »

Hmm, this would could be done using a loop that segments the animation time into five update intervals. I'll see if I can do this without a huge rework of the code. If so, sure thing.
My Daggerfall Mod Github: l3lessed DFU Mod Github

My Beth Mods: l3lessed Nexus Page

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Re: Shield Module

Post by l3lessed »

Classic animation mode is done. Took some thinking, but turned out easy once I stumbled around and then had an idea.

I setup a simple four stage if then, it checks the animation percentage time done, and then manually moves the shield at set percentage intervals to mimic the look of oldschool daggerfall four frame animation; required no new code, outside the switch addition.

Some small notes: All animations will default to linear calculations like default daggerfall (not more nifty natural smoothing animations). Also, you may miss out on hit animations because of how short they are, and how few frames are being calculated now. However, everything else still works 100% fine. Just lose pretty animations, as requested.

Original weapons had four attack frames; the fifth was merely the start idle position, and the last was usually barely noticeable/offscreen. I setup the shield to have four also.

Give me feedback on the feel and look though; if my vanilla DF frame counts are off, I can easily add another frame or remove one in my script to get it to look like vanilla now that I have the switch setup.

I'll drop the new release some time this weekend. I don't want to drop it until I can update my nexus page with all the new shield mechanics info. All shields now have their own block time speed, block angle, and timed block window. I need to create a quick simple chart for users to easily understand the mechanics from a technical point of view, in case any one gets confused.

At this point, all I need to put in now is shield bash with a tiny stun for the heater and kite shield, and I think this is done.
My Daggerfall Mod Github: l3lessed DFU Mod Github

My Beth Mods: l3lessed Nexus Page

Daggerfall Unity mods: Combat Overhaul Mod

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King of Worms
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Re: Shield Module

Post by King of Worms »

This game will always have a soft spot in my heart, as it was the first game to really show me such a massive world was possible. I remember being blown away as a little kid, when I first played this game. This work is me hoping I can give back and give another young kid some thing similar.
We share the same story, lots of us here do actually. And yes, I started making DREAM for myself, ended up pushing it for the community and newcomers. And ofc because I enjoyed the process most of the time (until I got from art to technical)

The new shield areas look really good!!

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Re: Shield Module

Post by Simiarex720 »

Any model for the Round Shield?

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Re: Shield Module

Post by l3lessed »

Right now, we only have the two basic shapes to mimic the smaller buckler and round, and the larger heater and kite.

Had to take another swing at the classic animations, but classic animations are in, fully implemented for all animations, and bug free now. Funny thing, I ran into the same animation syncing issue I found when first messing the weapons. When the animation time would start getting into millisecond and smaller times , the movement would bug out because of a lack of enough frames to properly calculate it, even with the forced if-then switch. Ultimately, I combined a timed coroutine with a trick I found when playing with the weapon scripts, which is to divide the animation time by 5 (which mimics the original animation 5 frame at 10 frames a second setup).
My Daggerfall Mod Github: l3lessed DFU Mod Github

My Beth Mods: l3lessed Nexus Page

Daggerfall Unity mods: Combat Overhaul Mod

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