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Re: [MOD] Realistic Wagon

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2020 6:35 am
by Ralzar
Right, that explains it. I just haven't take into account that people might move several map pixels away. I'll take a look at adding this code to something that runs when you load new map pixels.

Re: [MOD] Realistic Wagon

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2020 8:04 am
by Ralzar
At the moment I'm not releasing any updates to my mods as any new development is done for 0.10.25+ which users should not be switching to just yet.

That does not mean I'm not developing stuff though.

In the new version of Realistic Wagon, I'll be adding this:

When you enter a door while mounted, you will unmount and unhitch wagon before loading into the new area.This means the horse and wagon will always be physically placed outside the door, waiting for you.
You will still be able to access your wagon while inside.

However, what this means is that if you leave without picking up your horse/wagon at the entrance, they get left behind. So you can no longer set a recall anchor in a town, go deep into a dungeon, use recall to pop back to the city, and expect the horse and wagon to have been taken with you.
Instead they will be (hopefully) standing at the entrance to the dungeon. Waiting for you to pick them up.

I am thinking of adding a way to check the name of the place you left them. We'll see. Most likely I will do that as part of Climates&Calories, so you will need that mod for that feature.

Other thing I am vaguely thinking of: having horse and wagon get damaged from use. Then having the wagon need to be repaired using repair tools. The horse gets "repaired" by feeding it.

Re: [MOD] Realistic Wagon

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2020 10:08 pm
by Ralzar
Small addition: You get thrown off the horse if you go into beast form. No more riding while werewolf.

Re: [MOD] Realistic Wagon

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2020 7:56 pm
by Midknightprince
Ok, so I gave this one a go last night..
You guys are blowing me away with all these cool mods, so just let me get that out of the way..

I was using interesting terrain by Monobelisk viewtopic.php?f=14&t=4062

When you are going down a VERY steep slope (say down a mountain side), with this mod, riding the horse and wagon: you dismount (the prompt shows up), and then your standing there, no horse, no wagon (maybe they clipped under the terrain ?), and they are gone from the travel type selector (whatever the frick it's called :lol: ).
The work around is to slowly skirt around the mountain peaks to find a somewhat safer decent.
I let Mono know, so I'm just leaving this here, maybe you guys can get together and figure something out.

p.s. this is a good one, especially when you get jumped in the woods and night, get off your trusty steed to fight back, and then forget where you put it..
I really like that.
So that exact thing happend to me last night, but I zoned while fighting, when I went back I couldn't find my stuff..
Now does it despawn in the wilderness if you zone/go to far away ?
Or did I just not look hard enough ?

Re: [MOD] Realistic Wagon

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2020 8:21 pm
by Ralzar
AH, what's happening is probably that you wind up counting as being in the air, and the mod sees that as levitating, and drops the horse. But since your back is to the cliffside it spawns behind you inside the mountain and then probably drops down to find ground to be placed on :D
I've been looking into some logic for checking if there's room behind you, but haven't found any code tat works consistently.

If you leave your horse/wagon (or tent for that matter), zone and then save and load, you will lose them. This is an ongoing bug. BadLuckBUrt was going to take a look at it as he made the original tent code this is all based on. I have made some code that kinda wonky fixes it in the next release, but I'd prefer something cleaner.

Re: [MOD] Realistic Wagon

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2020 2:13 am
by millyrainbow
Im running on v0.10.26

Now i know this is an unstable build, and im running with hand painted models, and it was installed on a current saved game, not a new game, but this might shed some light on the cart shenanigans.

After unhitching the cart, every tick (or atleast i assume its every tick) it adjusts its position from its starting position. First tilting 45° and every tick after it moves upwards in that angles direction. I havent let it move upwards for too long, but i assume it will continue indefinitely, or at least until it collides with the sun.

Re: [MOD] Realistic Wagon

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2020 6:09 am
by Ralzar
That is SUCH weird behaviour :D

I assume it's hand painted models causing it as I do not see it in my own playing with this mod and a wagon.

I'll have to downalod that mod at some point and do some testing, as it also works weirdly with Torch Taker.

Re: [MOD] Realistic Wagon

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2020 6:50 am
by millyrainbow
That seems to be the case, i just tested without the mod.
Observation though, when i dismount the horse with the mod on, the wagon is set with the front ( the shafts) pointing towards horse
However without the mod when i dismount, its front is turned 90° to the right of the horse

Re: [MOD] Realistic Wagon

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2020 11:19 am
by Ralzar
version 0.4.2 released

HPM bug solved.

Re: [MOD] Realistic Wagon

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2020 5:49 am
by millyrainbow
Can confirm that its working.
Also just a small minor thing ive noticed. When enabling the mod without traveloptions, itll spit an error out saying that it failed to retrieve traveloptions mod, as if it were a dependency.
The mod seems to run just fine without it, at least from what little fiddling ive had with it, so its not a terribly important bug, but i figured id give a heads up regardless :P

Good work with the mod though :D Ive been really looking forwards to using this for a while now, as its really silly that you just magick your horse and cart around.

Now im having issues with the missing cart bug Dx
After reading through some of the previous posts, i tried reloading the save, both from restarting the game, to just loading the save.
Suggestion: add a temporary debug command that allows us to rehitch missing carts if theyre on the same map? Atleast until this bug gets ironed out :T