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Daggerfall Remaster w/future builds

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2018 5:02 am
by mikeprichard
I apologize if this is an inappropriate question after the recent controversy (feel free to lock the topic if so), but I downloaded KOW's Daggerfall Remaster v2.0 when I saw it might be removed from the site, as has now apparently happened (though there's still a broken link for the mod in the Legacy Mods topic, by the way). Anyway, since the Remaster consists entirely of textures, should it continue to be compatible with future builds of DFU in the foreseeable future? Or will there likely come a time when the textures will no longer be recognized by DFU due to Unity or other software updates?

Re: Daggerfall Remaster w/future builds

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2018 5:20 am
by Interkarma
I'd rather let this one sit for now, please. The mod was deleted at King of Worms' request. And as far as I'm concerned he's still a welcome and valuable part of the community here.

If he decides to relist his mod later, that is entirely his choice. In the interim, I feel his work should remain unlisted here out of respect until if and when he decides to make it available again.

To better answer your question though, these kinds of loose texture mods should continue work if you have already downloaded.

Cheers. :)

Re: Daggerfall Remaster w/future builds

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2018 5:22 am
by mikeprichard

Re: Daggerfall Remaster w/future builds

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2018 9:11 am
by NikitaTheTanner
Hmm... Have no idea what happened, but the mod looked super sweet! Hope the King will consider relisting it one day, it's a shame to see such a mod disappear from the site. Now, I don't know any details and I'm definitely not saying it was a wrong decision, whatever the cause, its author's right to remove their own mod, but wanted to make sure that all the work was highly appreciated! The community is still rather small and it's sad to see some controversies pop up, but let's face it - one way or another it's inevitable. Hope that everyone will remain mature, I mean most of us are pretty old anyway :)

And I do hope to see future work of King of Worms someday whatever he'll decide to work on - Daggerfall Remaster or something else.

Re: Daggerfall Remaster w/future builds

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2018 1:39 pm
by King of Worms
Hi, I will relist the mod when its in its new version somewhere down the road. In the meantime, you can grab v2.0 from a addons section of moddb under Daggerfall for Unity project here ... master-2-0

What happened was a slight miscommunication and nothing serious worth mentioning IMO, everything is cleaned up now anyway.

I think its good to fill that addon section on moddb and that its a good move - if not - let me know please. Its basically where all the mods/addons might officially be as well. That way, ppl outside the forums circles might be able to find out about this project. Maybe the already existing DFU section there should be revived a bit. Last post is from 2015 welcoming Nystul, InconsolableCellist, and Lypyl :) But I agree, mods should be listed here on the forums as well, in the (released) mods section.

Time for a weekend and some rest tho

Re: Daggerfall Remaster w/future builds

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2018 10:21 pm
by Interkarma
Thanks for the link KoW. I'm happy that people still have a way to download your mod. This is a genius move on your part! :)

I've always said that hosting mods on the forums would be temporary. The "Released Mods" topic was a part-measure, and even the new dedicated forum area for this is a half-measure at best. At some point Daggerfall Unity should have its own presence on places like ModDB and Nexus. The potential for modding this game is crazy and we're all just barely scratching the surface right now. So I'm actually happy to see the first big mod for Daggerfall Unity sitting on ModDB now.

BTW, when I created the "Daggerfall Tools for Unity" page on ModDB, I didn't have the full scope of the project as it is now in mind. I think I should repurpose this to just "Daggerfall Unity" and update the page content. It hasn't been touched since about 2015. This will also change the URL to the mod page KoW linked above.

I've renamed the ModDB page to just "Daggerfall Unity" and it will remain this moving forward. The new path is:

The new path to KoW's mod is: ... master-2-0

When I have time, I'll go through and update all the descriptions, screenshots, and other content on the Daggerfall Unity ModDB parent page to bring it up to date with 2018.

I sincerely apologise for the inconvenience of breaking links now, but I think it's best to do this before too many people start using this location and it becomes linked heavily from elsewhere. I'd be delighted if people chose to use this as a hub for new Daggerfall Unity mods/addons in future.

Re: Daggerfall Remaster w/future builds

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2018 11:37 pm
by Jay_H
Eh, I don't get how to upload stuff to ModDB. My account is Jay_H but I guess I need permissions to add my mods?

Re: Daggerfall Remaster w/future builds

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2018 11:59 pm
by Interkarma
Jay, head to the Daggerfall Unity addons page below.

Then click the little + sign to "add addon". I don't think you need any special permissions? KoW added his without anything on my end. I hadn't even touched that ModDB page since early 2015.

Let me know how you go.

Re: Daggerfall Remaster w/future builds

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2018 12:06 am
by Jay_H
I don't see a plus sign at all :| I guess I'm blocking something I'm not aware of. I'll try in another browser when I get a chance.

Re: Daggerfall Remaster w/future builds

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2018 12:40 am
by Interkarma
Highlighted in red below. It's not obvious and very hard to see for some reason. :)
plus-thingy.jpg (38.76 KiB) Viewed 3710 times