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Re: Enhanced Sky

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2021 10:22 am
by KrypticCypher
Does this mod no longer work on dfu 0.12.0 + because The texture arent appearing properly just the vanilla sky dome as usual

Re: Enhanced Sky

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2021 11:33 am
by haloterm
KrypticCypher wrote: Tue Sep 21, 2021 10:22 am Does this mod no longer work on dfu 0.12.0 + because The texture arent appearing properly just the vanilla sky dome as usual
Works fine in 0.12.x, but not in 0.13.x

What is your load order? Player.log may also give hints.

Re: Enhanced Sky

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2021 4:35 am
by Interkarma
I've taken the liberty of grabbing Enhanced Sky source from Nystul's repo and updating for DFU 0.13 and above. I bumped version to 3.0.0. I've only tested this in Windows, could I please ask others to test in Linux and Mac before I link in first post?
In case Nystul wants to create a more official mod release as the maintainer of this mod, here's the updated script for SkyManager.cs. The only change is updating a few lines of code for new PostProcessing stack.

Code: Select all

//Enhanced Sky for Daggerfall Tools for Unity by Lypyl, contact at
//Author: LypyL
//License: MIT License (
// v. 1.9.1

/*  moon textures by Doubloonz @ nexus mods, w/ permission to use for DFTFU.

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing;
using DaggerfallWorkshop;
using DaggerfallWorkshop.Game;
using DaggerfallWorkshop.Utility;
using DaggerfallConnect.Utility;

using DaggerfallWorkshop.Game.Utility.ModSupport;

/* Setup instructions:
 * 1. Add EnhancedSkyController prefab to scene (shouldn't be a child of something that gets disabled like Exterior object)
 * 2. Add new layer named SkyLayer.
 * 3. Change fog to expon. squared, and set density to something like .000012
 * 4. Change Main Camera Clear flags to depth only.
 * 5. Uncheck SkyLayer in Main Camera's Culling Mask list (same for other cameras again - only skyCam should have it checked).
 * 6. Make sure all the public refrences are set on the Controller in scene (DaggerfallSky Rig, 
 * Daggerfall WeatherManager, PlayerEnterExit & Exterior Parent).
 * Tested w/ Daggerfall tools for Unity v. 1.4.45 (WIP)

using SkyObjectSize = System.Int32;

namespace EnhancedSky
    public struct SkyObjectSize
        private int value;

        private SkyObjectSize(int value)
            this.value = value;

        public static implicit operator SkyObjectSize(int value)
            return new SkyObjectSize(value);

        public static implicit operator int(SkyObjectSize record)
            return record.value;

    public struct SkyObjectSizes
        public const int

            Normal = 0,
            Large = 1;

    public class SkyManager : MonoBehaviour

        #region Fields       
        public const int DAYINSECONDS = 86400;
        public const int OFFSET = 21600;
        public const int TIMEINSIDELIMIT = 1;

        private Mod modSelf = null;

        private Material _skyMat;
        private Material _cloudMat;
        private Material _masserMat;
        private Material _secundaMat;
        private Material _starsMat;
        private Material _skyObjMat;

        // used to set post processing fog settings (excludeSkybox setting)
        private PostProcessLayer postProcessingLayer;

        public int cloudQuality = 400;
        public int cloudSeed = -1;
        public bool EnhancedSkyCurrentToggle = false;

        //daggerfall tools references
        public GameObject       dfallSky;
        public WeatherManager   weatherMan;
        public PlayerEnterExit  playerEE;
        public GameObject       exteriorParent;

        System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch _stopWatch;
        CloudGenerator  _cloudGen;
        GameObject      _container;

        #region Properties
        public Mod ModSelf { get { return (modSelf); } set { modSelf = value; } }

        DaggerfallUnity DfUnity         { get { return DaggerfallUnity.Instance;} }
        DaggerfallDateTime TimeScript   { get { return DaggerfallUnity.Instance.WorldTime.DaggerfallDateTime; } }

        public Material SkyObjMat       { get { return _skyObjMat; } set {_skyObjMat = value ;} }
        public Material SkyMat          { get { return _skyMat; } set { _skyMat = value ;} }
        public Material CloudMat        { get { return (_cloudMat) ? _cloudMat : _cloudMat = GetInstanceMaterial(); } set { _cloudMat = value; } }
        public Material MasserMat       { get { return (_masserMat) ? _masserMat : _masserMat = GetInstanceMaterial(); } set { _masserMat = value; } }
        public Material SecundaMat      { get { return (_secundaMat) ? _secundaMat : _secundaMat = GetInstanceMaterial(); } set { _secundaMat = value; } }
        public Material StarsMat        { get; set; }
        public Material StarMaskMat     { get; set; }

        public GameObject Container { get { return (_container); } set { _container = value; } }

        public SkyObjectSize SkyObjectSizeSetting { get; set; }
        public CloudGenerator CloudGen  { get { return (_cloudGen != null) ? _cloudGen : _cloudGen = this.GetComponent<CloudGenerator>(); } }
        public bool UseSunFlare         { get; set; }
        public bool IsOvercast          { get { return (weatherMan != null) ? weatherMan.IsOvercast : false; } }
        public bool IsNight             { get { return (TimeScript != null) ? TimeScript.IsNight : false; } }
        public float CurrentSeconds     { get { return UpdateTime(); } }
        public float TimeRatio          { get {return (CurrentSeconds / DAYINSECONDS); }}
        public int DawnTime             { get; private set; }
        public int DuskTime             { get; private set; }
        public int TimeInside           { get; set; } 

        #region Singleton
        private static SkyManager _instance;

        public static SkyManager instance
            get {
                if (_instance == null)
                    _instance = GameObject.FindObjectOfType<SkyManager>();
                return _instance;
            set { _instance = value; }

        #region Events & Handlers
        //Events & handlers
        public delegate void SkyEvent(bool isOverCast);
        public delegate void UpdateSkyObjectSettings();

        public static event SkyEvent updateSkyEvent;
        public static event SkyEvent toggleSkyObjectsEvent; //no longer needed
        public static event UpdateSkyObjectSettings updateSkySettingsEvent;

        /// <summary>
        /// Get InteriorTransition & InteriorDungeonTransition events from PlayerEnterExit
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args"></param>
        public void InteriorTransitionEvent(PlayerEnterExit.TransitionEventArgs args)      //player went indoors (or dungeon), disable sky objects

        /// <summary>
        /// Get ExteriorTransition & DungeonExteriorTransition events from PlayerEnterExit
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args"></param>
        public void ExteriorTransitionEvent(PlayerEnterExit.TransitionEventArgs args)   //player transitioned to exterior from indoors or dungeon
            TimeInside = _stopWatch.Elapsed.Minutes;
                ToggleSkyObjects(true);                 //enable sky objects

        public void WeatherManagerSkyEventsHandler(DaggerfallWorkshop.Game.Weather.WeatherType weather)
            if (updateSkyEvent != null)

            if (postProcessingLayer != null)
                if (weather == DaggerfallWorkshop.Game.Weather.WeatherType.Fog)
                    if (postProcessingLayer != null)
                        postProcessingLayer.fog.excludeSkybox = false;
                    if (postProcessingLayer != null)
                        postProcessingLayer.fog.excludeSkybox = true;

        /// <summary>
        /// Disables / enables the Enhanced sky objects
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="toggle"></param>
        private void ToggleSkyObjects(bool toggle)
                else if(toggle)
                        RenderSettings.skybox = SkyMat;
                        throw new System.NullReferenceException();

            catch (System.Exception ex)
                Debug.LogWarning("Error enabling or diabling Daggerfall Sky object. ");
                Debug.LogWarning(ex.Message + " | in ToggleSkyObjects toggle: " + toggle);
            //trigger toggleSkyObject event - this event is not used by ESKY anymore
            if(toggleSkyObjectsEvent != null)


        /// <summary>
        /// Updates enhanced sky objects
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="worldPos"></param>
        public void EnhancedSkyUpdate(DFPosition worldPos)                         //player teleporting
            if (updateSkyEvent != null && SkyManager.instance.EnhancedSkyCurrentToggle)   //only trigger if eSky on
                //Debug.Log("triggering fastTravelEvent");


        #region Unity
        void Awake()
            if (_instance == null)
                _instance = this;
            else if (this != instance)

            PresetContainer presetContainer = this.gameObject.GetComponent<PresetContainer>(); //this.gameObject.AddComponent<PresetContainer>();

            Gradient gradient = new Gradient();
            GradientAlphaKey[] gak = {
                new GradientAlphaKey(55.0f/255.0f, 0.0f),
                new GradientAlphaKey(75.0f/255.0f, 0.21f),
                new GradientAlphaKey(255.0f/255.0f, 0.31f),
                new GradientAlphaKey(255.0f/255.0f, 0.69f),
                new GradientAlphaKey(75.0f/255.0f, 0.79f),
                new GradientAlphaKey(75.0f/255.0f, 1.0f)
            string[] colorsAsHex = { "#3C3C3C", "#727272", "#A8553E", "#DAD6D6", "#D6D6D6", "#C5BFBF", "#A8553E", "#3C3C3C" };
            Color[] colors = new Color[colorsAsHex.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < colors.Length; i++)
                UnityEngine.ColorUtility.TryParseHtmlString(colorsAsHex[i], out colors[i]);
            GradientColorKey[] gck = {
                new GradientColorKey(colors[0], 0.0f),
                new GradientColorKey(colors[1], 0.159f),
                new GradientColorKey(colors[2], 0.244f),
                new GradientColorKey(colors[3], 0.318f),
                new GradientColorKey(colors[4], 0.5f),
                new GradientColorKey(colors[5], 0.694f),
                new GradientColorKey(colors[6], 0.762f),
                new GradientColorKey(colors[7], 0.835f)
            gradient.alphaKeys = gak;
            gradient.colorKeys = gck;
            presetContainer.colorBase = gradient;
            _stopWatch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();

            PlayerEnterExit.OnTransitionInterior        += InteriorTransitionEvent; //interior transition
            PlayerEnterExit.OnTransitionDungeonInterior += InteriorTransitionEvent; //dungeon interior transition
            PlayerEnterExit.OnTransitionExterior        += ExteriorTransitionEvent; //exterior transition
            PlayerEnterExit.OnTransitionDungeonExterior += ExteriorTransitionEvent; //dungeon exterior transition
            StreamingWorld.OnTeleportToCoordinates      += EnhancedSkyUpdate;
            WeatherManager.OnWeatherChange += WeatherManagerSkyEventsHandler;


        // Use this for initialization
        void Start()
            GameObject container = GameManager.Instance.ExteriorParent.transform.Find("NewEnhancedSkyContainer(Clone)").gameObject;


            DuskTime = DaggerfallDateTime.DuskHour * 3600;     
            DawnTime = DaggerfallDateTime.DawnHour * 3600;
            //Register Console Commands

            //if (DaggerfallUnity.Instance.IsReady)
            //    EnhancedSkyCurrentToggle = DaggerfallUnity.Settings.LypyL_EnhancedSky;

            // player starting outside & ESKY starting on
            if (playerEE != null && !playerEE.IsPlayerInside)


        void OnDestroy()

            //Unsubscribe from events
            PlayerEnterExit.OnTransitionInterior        -= InteriorTransitionEvent; //interior transition
            PlayerEnterExit.OnTransitionDungeonInterior -= InteriorTransitionEvent; //dungeon interior transition
            PlayerEnterExit.OnTransitionExterior        -= ExteriorTransitionEvent; //exterior transition
            PlayerEnterExit.OnTransitionDungeonExterior -= ExteriorTransitionEvent; //dungeon exterior transition
            StreamingWorld.OnTeleportToCoordinates      -= EnhancedSkyUpdate;
            WeatherManager.OnWeatherChange -= WeatherManagerSkyEventsHandler;   

            if (_instance == this)
                _instance = null;

        #region methods


        private bool GetRefrences()
                if (!_cloudGen)
                    _cloudGen = this.GetComponent<CloudGenerator>();
                if (!_cloudGen)
                    _cloudGen = this.gameObject.AddComponent<CloudGenerator>();

                if (!dfallSky)
                    dfallSky = GameManager.Instance.SkyRig.gameObject;
                if (!playerEE)
                    playerEE = GameManager.Instance.PlayerEnterExit;
                if (!exteriorParent)
                    exteriorParent = GameManager.Instance.ExteriorParent;
                if (!weatherMan)
                    weatherMan = GameManager.Instance.WeatherManager;

                if (!postProcessingLayer)
                    postProcessingLayer = Camera.main.GetComponent<PostProcessLayer>();
                DaggerfallUnity.LogMessage("Error in SkyManager.GetRefrences()", true);
                return false;
            if (dfallSky && playerEE && exteriorParent && weatherMan && _cloudGen && StarMaskMat && _skyObjMat && StarsMat && SkyMat)
                return true;
                return false;


        private Material GetInstanceMaterial()
            return Instantiate(SkyObjMat);

        private float UpdateTime()
                return (TimeScript.MinuteOfDay * 60) + TimeScript.Second;
                if (DfUnity != null && TimeScript != null)
                    return (TimeScript.MinuteOfDay * 60) + TimeScript.Second;
                    Debug.LogWarning("SkyManager couldn't UpdateTime");
                    return -1;

        public void ToggleEnhancedSky(bool toggle)
            if(!GetRefrences() && toggle)
                DaggerfallUnity.LogMessage("Skymanager missing refrences, can't enable");

            EnhancedSkyCurrentToggle = toggle;
            Debug.Log("before ToggleSkyObjects");

        public void SkyObjectSizeChange(SkyObjectSize size)
            SkyObjectSizeSetting = size;
            if(!EnhancedSkyCurrentToggle || SkyMat == null)
                //Debug.Log("Sky Material was null");

            if(size == SkyObjectSizes.Normal)
                SkyMat.SetFloat("_SunSize", PresetContainer.SUNSIZENORMAL);
                SkyMat.SetFloat("_SunSize", PresetContainer.SUNSIZELARGE);
            if (updateSkySettingsEvent != null)

        public void SetCloudTextureResolution(int resolution)
            if(resolution < PresetContainer.MINCLOUDDIMENSION)
                resolution = PresetContainer.MINCLOUDDIMENSION;
            else if(resolution > PresetContainer.MAXCLOUDDIMENSION)
                resolution = PresetContainer.MAXCLOUDDIMENSION;
                cloudQuality = resolution;
            if (updateSkySettingsEvent != null)



If the mod tests OK for others on Windows, Linux, Mac, I will also link to download in first post. Cheers!

Re: Enhanced Sky

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2021 5:12 pm
by Falci
Can I make a suggestion? Since you're kinda maintaining the mod and it is a simple, but visually stunning change to the game, maybe it would be interesting to add it directly to Daggerfall Unity as a feature. It can default to off, even, to not affect people who don't want it.

I mean, check with Nystul if he's ok with it, but this seems like the sort of feature that could come packed with Daggefall Unity easily and not add a lot of size and/or maintenance to it.

Re: Enhanced Sky

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2021 12:28 am
by Interkarma
Yep, this is one of the few mods I'd consider integrating back into DFU core. The reason being that some people suffer motion discomfort with classic sky and need the enhanced sky to enjoy playing the game at all. That's why I tend to jump in and do proactive support like this to try and kickstart the mod if it needs some help.

I'll think about it. :) In the meantime, I'd appreciate if Linux and Mac users can test my rebuild above and let me know if working OK.

Re: Enhanced Sky

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2021 8:58 am
by Shapur
Interkarma wrote: Wed Sep 29, 2021 12:28 am Yep, this is one of the few mods I'd consider integrating back into DFU core. The reason being that some people suffer motion discomfort with classic sky and need the enhanced sky to enjoy playing the game at all. That's why I tend to jump in and do proactive support like this to try and kickstart the mod if it needs some help.

I'll think about it. :) In the meantime, I'd appreciate if Linux and Mac users can test my rebuild above and let me know if working OK.
That would be great.
I'm all for integrating these kinds of mods into the core game.
(I would also be for integrating things like the Unofficial Block, Location and Model Fixes or the readable book mod into core DFU, but that's probably not happening)

Re: Enhanced Sky

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2021 9:33 am
by haloterm
Interkarma wrote: Mon Sep 27, 2021 4:35 am If the mod tests OK for others on Windows, Linux, Mac, I will also link to download in first post. Cheers!
I tested it on my Linux laptop; it works in normal rendering mode. In retro mode, the sky renders fine, but the landscape is not visible (but I don't know if the mod should work in retro mode at all).

Edit: On Windows, both modes work fine.

Is it difficult to make post-processing changes to mods which require them, like some terrain mods which stopped working in 0.13?

Re: Enhanced Sky

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2021 9:02 am
by King of Worms
Integrating this mod in game might be good, as long as its open for development, because it deffo needs some (a lot, like smooth weather transitions, more weathers etc)

Eternally confused why this is still not on Nexus but oh well...

Re: Enhanced Sky

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2021 10:27 am
by Nystul
I am ok with everything of course. ;)
as you surely noticed, due to rl issues I currently find too less time to work on dfunity related stuff (already since quite some time unfortunately).
@interkarma, I would link the version you built in the first post if it is ok

Re: Enhanced Sky

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2021 11:28 pm
by Interkarma
Nystul, I've posted link to first page now. Cheers. :)

King of Worms wrote: Fri Oct 08, 2021 9:02 am Eternally confused why this is still not on Nexus but oh well...
The original author is long gone (long before we even had Nexus support) and nobody really owns it anymore. Nystul and I have made efforts to keep this mod alive for the community, but it's not ours and we've already done more than should be expected of us to to help keep it going. What it needs is somebody to actually step up and take over its development, or create a newer alternative.

Having thought about this further, I've made the decision not to include this mod in core. As KoW points out, it needs a lot of work to bring up to scratch. This isn't compatible with my workload and roadmap between now and 1.0. Maybe letting this mod go will be the jumpstart needed for something better to come along.