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0.7.2 Pre-Alpha/Windows 10: Slept in an Inn; fell from a height and died [CLOSED]

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2018 12:21 am
by Narf the Mouse
So I loaded up my character, found I had stomach rot, went to the Resolution of Z'en (it was the closest temple and my character isn't particular about the Eight), got myself cured, went back to the Inn (it was late), bought another 24 hours, slept for 14 hours and woke up at 7 to find myself at such a height in the air that, when I fell back to the Inn floor, I died.

Anyway, I didn't save before this happened, but I'm going to do the exact same thing, except save before I sleep.

Edits: So it appears it happens every time, but I'm unsure of the exact steps. Time slept doesn't appear to have an effect, but leaving the Inn does.

Edit3: Reloading after saving before it happens, seems to fix it.

Save zip:
(173.89 KiB) Downloaded 154 times

Re: 0.7.2 Pre-Alpha/Windows 10: Slept in an Inn; fell from a height and died

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2018 12:37 am
by Narf the Mouse
Whoops, sorry - I was sure I had the right forum. Can I get this moved?

Re: 0.7.2 Pre-Alpha/Windows 10: Slept in an Inn; fell from a height and died

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2019 7:32 pm
by Hazelnut
Another one I'll take a look at. So if I load the attached save and just sleep it should reproduce the issue? Is that correctly understanding what you said Narf?

Re: 0.7.2 Pre-Alpha/Windows 10: Slept in an Inn; fell from a height and died

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2019 9:40 pm
by Interkarma
Just FYI, I've encountered this one before and made a small change to help in 1e4a8951 (ignore prefab changes, unrelated). Try increasing FixStanding(0.4f, 0.4f) params on line 509 of DaggerfallRestWindow.cs a bit more until the ray finds the floor properly.

Re: 0.7.2 Pre-Alpha/Windows 10: Slept in an Inn; fell from a height and died

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2019 9:15 pm
by Hazelnut
Pretty sure it's not that Interkarma. I think it's something to do with the world compensation stuff, but I'm not sure when and what triggers that. Unfortunately the save was made using a different terrain sampler so I had to run to the tavern and when I save the world compensation is 0,0,0 and resting y coord is well below the actual coords of the bed. Saves from modded DFU where terrain sampler is different are not very useful if the player position is a factor.

I cannot reproduce this myself from scratch, only by using an old save from when I did the original tavern coding. That save was prior to the world compensation and the bed coords saved are wrong when loading inside and give the same result. Exiting and re-entering fixes it. Note this is not possible with saves created using up to date code with the compensation so I don't see it as an issue.

Re: 0.7.2 Pre-Alpha/Windows 10: Slept in an Inn; fell from a height and died

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2019 9:29 pm
by Interkarma
Thanks. If the save is running sampler mods, it's not a good candidate for reproducing issue in any case.

I spent a lot of time testing every migration scenario I could think of for pre/post floating Y change. It's likely this was an edge case. As you say, it shouldn't happen with new saves. I'll close this one now and we can revisit if there are more reports of this and we have a means of reproducing. Cheers!