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Forum for discussing forum

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 10:41 pm
by jet800
I think it would be nice to have dedicated forum to talk about development of those forums itself.

For example, I'd like to point out that fixed width forums would be greatly appreciated, cause not even on ultrawidescreen... well it's a mess already at 1080p.(at least from my point of view)

Or at least 70-80% instead of full-width.

Re: Forum for discussing forum

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 5:54 am
by Interkarma
I'm not sure we need a whole forum just for that, but please feel free to discuss the forums in this thread or create other threads in the Community Discussion forum. That's what CD is for. :)

I think that "mess" is rather unkind, considering the current style is just a black/gold version of the standard PHPBB prosilver style (which is also full-width). Most forums I visit are 90-100% width and they look great to me. I just personally prefer full-width forums (and I'm using a 3840x2160 UHD monitor).

If a majority of others prefer the look of a fixed-width forum however, I'd be happy to modify the default style settings. I can also make available a few alternate styles for you to select in your UCP. Everyone let me know your thoughts on this.

Edit: As a compromise, I have set width to 80%. Hopefully that will improve things for you while others respond.

Re: Forum for discussing forum

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 11:07 am
by jet800
No offence meant! And thanks! That's much, much better! Actually there could be 2 skins with full and limited width, so anyone could choose what they want to :)