Extended notebook

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Extended notebook

Post by jedidia »

My favourite mod for Morrowind was always... the one that let you write into books. Yeah, just that. I know alt-tabbing isn't a problem, but somehow it's so much more fulfilling when you can write your diary in-game and have it be there in the savegame instead of loosely hanging around somewhere else.

Daggerfall already has a writable notebook, but the length of input is extremely short. I don't know how difficult it is to extend that, and currently certainly don't have the time to find out, but if anybody takes a stab at it, I would be thrilled.

Bonus points if you can only write down notes if you have a quill and ink in your inventory (inlcuding copying notes when in dialogs). Even more bonus points if the ink runs out and the quill wears down. Everlasting adoration when writing to the notebook uses up parchment, and you can't take notes when you don't have any.

Just an idea I hope somebody might pick up.

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Re: Extended notebook

Post by Hazelnut »

I used the pre-existing DaggerfallInputMessageBox which only allows a single line to be entered and then restricted the length to the max line length of the journal page display. It's intended for notes about the game to remind between sessions or to record events as you playthough. Not for writing a diary. I think that would really need it's own texteditor window modded in. Or someone to create a multiline input box version for something lamer but less work.
See my mod code for examples of how to change various aspects of DFU: https://github.com/ajrb/dfunity-mods

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Re: Extended notebook

Post by jedidia »

Yeah, I was afraid something like that might be the case. Input boxes always tend to be a problem with homebrew UI toolkits.

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Re: Extended notebook

Post by bbkodas »

Hi there!

First of all, thank you Hazelnut for implementing all of the Notebook features that were missing from Vanilla DF! I'm a big fan of your work.

I’m a noob programmer :geek: , but I wanted to dig a little bit more into this idea proposed by jedidia. I would love to roleplay my character through a diary (without breaking immersion)!

I was looking at the code for DaggerfallInputMessageBox.cs and I looked up the properties for the textbox class in C#. I see there is a WordWrap property that automatically wraps input when it reaches the edge of the control. Is it possible to set this to true to allow for larger input?

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Re: Extended notebook

Post by Hazelnut »

Hi, I think the only wrap available is for the text displayed before the input area, and doesn't allow for multiple lines to be entered. The link you gave is for windows forms controls which is not what DFU is using.
See my mod code for examples of how to change various aspects of DFU: https://github.com/ajrb/dfunity-mods

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Re: Extended notebook

Post by bbkodas »

Ah, okay. Thanks for looking into it!

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Re: Extended notebook

Post by Regnier »

Is it possible to inverse the way the notebook populates? Instead of scrolling down to see the most recent quest, it should be at the top.

Same with overhead popups (skill ups, pacification messages)

If i want to check which skills raised if i missed it i have to scroll all the way down

Just an idea

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Re: Extended notebook

Post by Hazelnut »

Regnier wrote: Tue Dec 01, 2020 9:13 pm Is it possible to inverse the way the notebook populates? Instead of scrolling down to see the most recent quest, it should be at the top.
Yes that would be possible but it's coded to match Daggerfall. Making it configurable would also be possible but a bit of work since there's a lot of code that relies on the ordering. A mod could replace the window and invert the quest order from the quest machine query - that would be pretty easy but would only affect the active quests page.
See my mod code for examples of how to change various aspects of DFU: https://github.com/ajrb/dfunity-mods

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