Imsobadatnicknames' Thieves Guild QuestPack

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Imsobadatnicknames' Thieves Guild QuestPack

Post by imsobadatnicknames »

Heyo! I'm just showing off a little questpack I made for the Thieves Guild. I'm kinda new to the DaggerFall modding scene (I was active on this forum about a year ago asking for advice on quest writing and then completely disappeared lol) and this QuestPack is my first time dipping my toes into quest writing.
It's kinda short, only includes 5 quests, a couple of them are simple fetch/kill quests, a couple of them are a little more complex. I plan on adding a few more quests in the future, as I already have a few more ideas.

Edit: If you downloaded this file before Jun 04 2020 please download it again. I made a dumb mistake with the questlist file but I have fixed it now

Anyway, I'm attaching the questpack to this post, and I also uploaded it to nexus so you can get it there too: ... escription
imsobadatnicknames thieves guild questpack.rar
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Re: Imsobadatnicknames' Thieves Guild QuestPack

Post by Jay_H »

EDIT: This quest list info is for the Nexus version; looks like you didn't update it?

Gave this a shot; your quest list needs a bit of fixing. It works for me like this:

Code: Select all

schema: *name, group, membership, minReq, flag, notes

QUEST1, GeneralPopulace, M, 0, 0, steal drugs from a rival organziation
QUEST2, GeneralPopulace, M, 0, 0, replace a painting with a fake
QUEST3, GeneralPopulace, M, 1, 0, frame someone for one of your crimes
QUEST4, GeneralPopulace, M, 0, 0, get a stolen religious item back from a group of freelance thieves who stole it first
QUEST5, GeneralPopulace, M, 2, 0, Deal with some traitors trying to leave the guild
The game doesn't recognize ThievesGuild as a faction; it needs to be GeneralPopulace.

Also, I needed to rename the quest list as QuestList-ThievesGuild.txt before it would work.

QUEST1: The quest file makes reference to a _slain_ task that doesn't exist. When you want to create an empty task, you can use

Code: Select all

variable _inside_
and the game will recognize it as a task. It's mostly for readability in the quest file.

QUEST2: An NPC was standing on the painting I needed to steal; he didn't respond to any actions. The ___painter_ indicator in the journal points to an incorrect city; you need to use ___house2_.

QUEST5: I recommend stopping the timer once the enemies are dead. It'd be silly to fail the quest just because you took too long to return to the Thieves Guild after that.

I haven't tested 3 or 4 yet, as they appear to be pretty complex. Your ideas are good and the quests are quite functional. The Thieves Guild in particular needs a lot of content. Well done so far.

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