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Win 10 - When I set "region format" to Turkish (Turkey) 90% of the DREAM mod gets compromised [RESOLVED 0.15.2]

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2021 11:19 pm
by King of Worms
Yes, as crazy as this sounds, its true and THANKS GOD its pinpointed now :!:

Some DREAM users reported very strange behavior, where parts of my mod were missing for them.

And just now EgoMaster from Nexus told me he found out the reason, Ive tested and he is right.

Go to Control Panel > Region > and than set this to Turkish(Turkey)
01.jpg (90.95 KiB) Viewed 10830 times
Apply and run the game with DREAM enabled.

The videos will revert to vanilla, the DREAM HUD will be missing, Handheld will revert to vanilla, paperdoll will be vanilla - basically WHOLE DREAM MOD WILL BE COMPROMISED.

This most likely is not only limited to Turkish(Turkey) region, but many (all?) other regions than English (United States)

Im extremely relieved this bug is identified, as its apparently something so hard to pinpoint its a miracle it happened.

EDIT: Reverting back to English (United States) fixes the game back to working order.

Re: Win 10 - When I set "region format" to Turkish (Turkey) 90% of the DREAM mod gets compromised

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2021 11:29 pm
by TheLacus
Might be an issue with string comparison due to different locales. I'll move this topic to bug reports.

Re: Win 10 - When I set "region format" to Turkish (Turkey) 90% of the DREAM mod gets compromised

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2021 11:31 pm
by King of Worms
Thanks :)
Very glad its identified, just double tested it and its definitely the case

Re: Win 10 - When I set "region format" to Turkish (Turkey) 90% of the DREAM mod gets compromised

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2021 9:48 pm
by King of Worms
Any chance the fix gets in the next release? This renders basically all ppl who dont use English on their computers being unable to use Dream mod :X Thank you

Re: Win 10 - When I set "region format" to Turkish (Turkey) 90% of the DREAM mod gets compromised

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2021 11:11 pm
by Interkarma
Hi KoW, the 0.11.1 builds are already cooked and will be dropped today/tomorrow. Any fix for this has missed the window.

When TheLacus has time to find problem, I'll be sure to merge that fix asap.

Re: Win 10 - When I set "region format" to Turkish (Turkey) 90% of the DREAM mod gets compromised

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2021 2:20 pm
by TheLacus
TheLacus wrote: Tue Feb 02, 2021 11:29 pm Might be an issue with string comparison due to different locales. I'll move this topic to bug reports.
I can confirm this is the issue... fixed with #2045.

I suspect this might be related to issues with loading soundfont, but i haven't investigated further at this time.

Re: Win 10 - When I set "region format" to Turkish (Turkey) 90% of the DREAM mod gets compromised

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2021 5:21 pm
by King of Worms
Thanks a lot Lacus

I do not understand the code changes but I saw the topic was named "Fix mod asset loading on turkish culture"
But this issue is more general. It bugs out on languages which use non-english signs, so probably many more languages than turkish. Just a heads up :)

Re: Win 10 - When I set "region format" to Turkish (Turkey) 90% of the DREAM mod gets compromised

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2021 5:37 pm
by TheLacus
I believe it's actually limited to specific situations. I was able to replicate the issue with textures with an i in the name, which caused ambiguities when converting lower/upper case due to peculiarity of turkish language (ı/I and i/İ are different letters). Fix is not language specific, so any similar problem should also be solved.

Re: Win 10 - When I set "region format" to Turkish (Turkey) 90% of the DREAM mod gets compromised

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2021 10:11 pm
by Interkarma
Thanks for fixing, TheLacus!

Good point on the SoundFont issue being related. I note from that user's screenshots the system locale appears to be Turkish also (at least, text like "diskte boyutu" detects as Turkish in Google Translate). So very likely a similar problem with loading default SoundFont from Resources.

I'll leave this report open until I get a chance to look at that one. Cheers! :D

Re: Win 10 - When I set "region format" to Turkish (Turkey) 90% of the DREAM mod gets compromised

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2021 4:28 pm
by TheLacus
Is this the MIDI synthesizer? Might be the same issue with ToLower().

Code: Select all

string id = new string(IOHelper.Read8BitChars(reader, 4));
int size = reader.ReadInt32();
if (!id.ToLower().Equals("riff"))
    throw new InvalidDataException("Invalid soundfont. Could not find RIFF header.");
If that's the case it should be changed with id.Equals("riff", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase).