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[Quests] Arena's Adventures

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2021 7:26 pm
by Cliffworms

Arena's Adventures

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Arena's Adventures brings the 9 sides quests from Elder Scrolls I : Arena to Daggerfall's pool of quests for commoners and nobles. The commoners receive 3 quests and the nobles receive 6.

While simple in mechanics, the charm of Arena's quests is in the writing.

Note : One of the noble quests involve fighting either the Thieves Guild or the Dark Brotherhood. Feel free to decline it if you don't want a big reputation hit with those two factions.

Re: [Quests] Arena's Adventures

Posted: Mon May 24, 2021 6:48 pm
by Cliffworms

Arena's Adventures has been updated to version 1.01. Here's the log :

- Reformatted the text to fit classic fonts and retro rendring mode.
- Fixed some typos
- Noble Rescue : Fixed a bug that would prevent the quest target to spawn.

While browsing through Template.DAT in Arena's files, I noticed that Arena has two quests that were written but never implemented.
On my next version, I will add these two new quests. One involves defending an inn from thugs and another is about defending a palace against soldiers of a rival region.
