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Jay_H's Random Little Quests

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2021 4:44 am
by Jay_H

Random Little Quests!

This is a series of recurring events in the TES2 world, intended to make the world come a little more alive. If you've used Warm Ashes: Cities or a similar mod, it functions the same way. It is fully compatible with WA and any other events mod.

This requires DFU 0.11.4 or higher.

Re: Jay_H's Random Little Quests

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2021 1:33 pm
by Cliffworms
Hello Jay_H!

Thank you for this. The more events that can happen outside of traditional questing, the better. I will be installing this on my current game.

I did a quick test in-game to reproduce the bug you mentioned, but to no avail. I tried fast travelling between cities several times and I always had one event show up.

At all times only one instance of the RLQinit quest was running.

Should it happen again, maybe setting a variable that's used as additional condition when choosing the quest? It could be a failsafe.

For example :

Code: Select all

variable _eventshown_

_sunnyday_ task:
    when _daylight_ and _sunning_ and _smalldelay_ and not _eventshown_
    pick one of _loan_ _potionsale_ _dud_ _dud_ _dud_ _dud_
    setvar _eventshown_

Re: Jay_H's Random Little Quests

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2021 1:49 pm
by Ralzar
Just started using this.

While camping, a guy needed help killing a rat.

I killed it and then ate it.

I give this a solid 5 out of 5 dead rats.

Re: Jay_H's Random Little Quests

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2021 3:08 pm
by yabay

Re: Jay_H's Random Little Quests

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2021 8:58 pm
by Jay_H
Cliffworms wrote: Tue Jun 08, 2021 1:33 pm I did a quick test in-game to reproduce the bug you mentioned, but to no avail. I tried fast travelling between cities several times and I always had one event show up.

At all times only one instance of the RLQinit quest was running.
With the bug there's only one RLQinit in existence; the problem is that the weather condition persists after the weather changes. If I go from city A where it's raining to city B where it's sunny, it'll trigger a rainy event and a sunny event at the new town because the rain condition doesn't shut off. I'd consider that buggy behavior for the new weather condition, but perhaps it's intentional.
Should it happen again, maybe setting a variable that's used as additional condition when choosing the quest? It could be a failsafe.

For example :

Code: Select all

variable _eventshown_

_sunnyday_ task:
    when _daylight_ and _sunning_ and _smalldelay_ and not _eventshown_
    pick one of _loan_ _potionsale_ _dud_ _dud_ _dud_ _dud_
    setvar _eventshown_
I agree that it would resolve the problem (and that's actually better than what I would've thought of, thank you), but I hesitate to add that new part to every single line. It's going to make the whole file much, much longer when we add a lot of events. If the weather condition stays the same, it may be my only option.
While camping, a guy needed help killing a rat.
I refuse to believe this! He said he was helping you, not the other way around!

These are supposed to trigger in cities only, so I'm not sure how it happened while you were camping. Perhaps there's more to do here...
Great job! Although, these events are distracting during the rest after training. My character is starting to hate these "stupid pesants" (as in the classmaker) :)
Hmm, another time that the events are triggering out of order. They're supposed to happen only once every 15 hours. Where is this happening for you? I might have to do what Cliffworms said and make an absolutely buffer against duplicate events.

Re: Jay_H's Random Little Quests

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2021 9:03 pm
by Ralzar
I got the rat even again. This time in a city. Problem is, both times the "helper" stops me form resting because he counts as an enemy. When camping I just had to move camp, but the second time I was in a small town with three taverns. Two super expensive ones and one medium-priced.
So I wound up going out side, saving, loading and entering again. This cleared out the helper NPC. But not everyone will know to do that ;)

Re: Jay_H's Random Little Quests

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2021 9:06 pm
by Jay_H
That's a natural bug with the allied system. For some reason a monster nearby who's on team PlayerAlly does count as an enemy, whereas a monster that's pacified does not count as an ally. I could pacify or just remove the fellow altogether, but I had hoped to create a "standing guard" outdoors.

Actually, I'm thinking that I need to create a condition, "when pc at any tavern" and then ensure that these events don't happen inside.

Also, it seems 15 hours is still too often for these events. Maybe I'll extend it to like 28.

Re: Jay_H's Random Little Quests

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2021 9:12 pm
by Ralzar
Jay_H wrote: Tue Jun 08, 2021 9:06 pm Actually, I'm thinking that I need to create a condition, "when pc at any tavern" and then ensure that these events don't happen inside.
Good idea, as I think three of the five events I have had happen have been while sleeping at a tavern. If you remove this, the frequency of events will probably also drop drastically.

Re: Jay_H's Random Little Quests

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2021 10:25 pm
by yabay

Re: Jay_H's Random Little Quests

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2021 10:29 pm
by Jay_H
My main concern back with PQP or WA:C was that the events were too infrequent. Now it seems they're happening too much. I'll first slow down the timer, and then work on some of the additional measures we've mentioned here. Thanks for the feedback everyone.