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Blood splash sprites (texture 380) - not all frames being used

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2021 2:38 pm
by King of Worms
The 1st frame 380_0-0 is not used in DFU.
Was it the same in original? And even if it was, is it really better that this 1st frame was skipped? Or is it a bug?

Re: Blood splash sprites (texture 308) - not all frames being used

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2021 3:49 pm
by Kab the Bird Ranger
From a quick look at the code, the "blood splash" billboard is not any different from any other animated billboard. Are you sure it's skipped, and not just going by really fast? And are you sure it's any different from, say, the particles that appear when you hit a skeleton?

It's possible there's an issue with the first frame being too short compared to other frames, but if so, I doubt 380_0 is the only one

Re: Blood splash sprites (texture 308) - not all frames being used

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2021 5:18 pm
by King of Worms
Ive made really sure its the case before posting. The 1st frame is skipped. And that happens both in modded and unmodded game session.

Ive tested it on my pc, opening console on a hit, trying to catch that elusive 1st frame - never happened, its missing.

But the last thing which made me 100% certain was a utube video, which I slowed down to 1/4 and the frame was missing as well.

Im quite sure the frame 380_0-0 is NOT being rendered.

Re: Blood splash sprites (texture 380) - not all frames being used

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2021 7:18 pm
by Hazelnut
You're correct KoW, the frame # is incremented before the first is rendered. Well spotted. PR#2166 with a fix submitted.

Re: Blood splash sprites (texture 380) - not all frames being used

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2021 7:56 pm
by King of Worms
Thanks a lot Hazelnut :)
Maybe worth checking if the "dust" hit from skeleton does not have the same issue?
Thats the 380_2-0 as a 1st frame.

Re: Blood splash sprites (texture 380) - not all frames being used

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2021 9:15 pm
by Hazelnut
The fix is for all sprites and archives.