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How to use "dialog link" quest action?

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2022 3:44 am
by imsobadatnicknames
The description of the "dialog link" quest action inside the quest editor says "Hides a resource with anyInfo tag from the dialog pick list. Can be later revealed with add dialog or when mentioned inside a message." I'm trying to use it in a quest where you have to ask around to find out the location a criminal is hiding at. The description of this quest action makes me think that resources added with "dialog link" would initially be hidden in the dialogue window, but once they're mentioned inside a message in the quest they become available in the "Tell me about..." section. However, when I test the quest, they are all available from the start. Here's the quest code. Am I using it wrong?

Code: Select all

Quest: BOUNTY2
DisplayName: Bounty
-- Message panels

QuestComplete:  [1004]
<ce> You say you have _bandit_?
<ce> That's fantastic, %pcf
<ce> Here's your reward

RumorsDuringQuest: [1005]
_house_ in __house_ was sold for a suspiciously low price a few days ago.
The previous owner of _house_ in __house_ left in a hurry.
Nice weather!
%t %rn is a vampire! I'm serious! I have proof!
You know _friend_, the merchant from ___friend_? %g might look nice, but they say %g's friends with criminals, thieves... all sorts of unsavory people.
Suspicious people have been seen entering _goal_ in __goal_ at night.

Message: 1010
<ce> By the authority of %t %rn of %reg,
<ce> General _general_ of __palace_ orders
<ce> the capture of _bandit_, a smuggler
<ce> who has been a constant thorn on the
<ce> side of %reg's law for far too long.
<ce> No information about current whereabouts.
<ce> Bring the criminal to _general_ at 
<ce> the __palace_ palace in the next =timer_ days
<ce> to claim the reward.
<ce> Reward: =gold_ gold pieces. 
<ce> _general_ wants this person alive.

Message: 1011
_bandit_? I think %g used to own a house in __house_.
_bandit_ is friends with _friend_. Used to visit %g2 at ___friend_ all the time.
_bandit_... my friend from __store_ says %g was usually found at _store_ once every couple of weeks.
_bandit_? My cousin knows %g2. %g used to live at _house_ in __house_.

Message: 1012
_friend_? %g's a rich merchant. I think %g lives in __friend_
_friend_ owns _store_ in __store_ but %g actually lives at __friend_ in ___friend_.
_friend_... I think %g lives in ___friend_
_friend_? %g was recently in __goal_. Visiting a friend at _goal_

Message: 1013
My cousin was once asked to do a delivery from there to _store_ in __store_
The previous sold it and left in quite a hurry.
People from __house_ say suspicious people were always coming in and out of _house_.

Message: 1014
A new person moved in recently.
I was recently asked to deliver a letter there from _store_ in __store_.
The new owner is kind of suspicious.

Message: 1015
_store_? In __store_? It's owned by _friend_, a rich merchant. %g lives in ___friend_, though.
It's owned by _friend_. Kind of a shady character, if you ask me.
It gets visits from shady character quite often. 

Message: 1016
<ce> This is the evelope of a letter.
<ce> "To: _bandit_, __house_.
<ce> "From: _friend_, ___friend_"

Message: 1017
<ce> This is the receipt of a courier delivery to _goal_ in __goal_

Message: 1018
<ce> Alright, alright, I'll tell you!
<ce> _bandit_ lives at _goal_ in __goal_
<ce> Don't you dare tell %g2 i told you.
<ce> Alright, you convinced me. _bandit_ is at 
<ce> _goal_, in __goal_. Just don't hurt me, alright?

Message: 1020
<ce> _bandit_? I'm afraid I've enever heard that name.
<ce> _bandit_? The criminal? Why do you ask me? I don't mix
<ce> with criminals.
<ce> _bandit_? And why would I tell you anything abut %g2?
<ce> Of course I know _bandit_. But why would I tell you where %g is?
<ce> BEGONE!

Message: 1021
<ce> With _bandit_ dead, you'll be unable to claim the reward.

Message: 1022
<ce> Alright, I'll come with you, %oth
<ce> %oth I know when I'm outmatched. 

Message: 1023
<ce> You really shouldn't have done that!
<ce> Guys, attack!
<ce> (You hear a multitude of steps running towards you)
<ce> Give up, you're outnumbered! 
<ce> (You hear a multitude of steps running towards you)

Message: 1024
<ce> (_bandit_ seems impressed at how easily you kill %g3 bodyguards)
<ce> Alright... you're a worthy enemy.
<ce> %oth.
<ce> I guess I'll turn myself in.

Message: 1019
I picked up a bounty for _bandit_
I have to capture %g2 and bring %g2
to _general_ at __palace_ in =timer_ 
days to claim the reward.
I must not kill _bandit_, 
instead bring %g2 alive

Message: 1025
<ce> So, you're after the _bandit_ bounty?
<ce> Good luck, we have no idea where %g is.

Person _general_ faction Random_Knight
Place _palace_ remote palace
Place _house_ remote house1 anyInfo 1013
Foe _enemy_ is Burglar
Foe _enemy1_ is 2 Thief
Person _bandit_ faction Default anyInfo 1011
Person _friend_ faction The_Merchants anyInfo 1012
Place _goal_ remote house anyInfo 1014
Place _store_ remote jewelryshop anyInfo 1015
Item _paper_ letter used 1010
Item _delivery1_ letter used 1016
Item _delivery2_ letter used 1017
Item _altreward_ Holy_relic 
Item _gold_ gold
Clock _timer_ 00:00 0 flag 17 range 0 2

--	Quest start-up:
	get item _paper_
	start timer _timer_
	place npc _general_ at _palace_
	place foe _enemy_ at _goal_
	place item _delivery1_ at _house_
	place item _delivery2_ at _store_
	give item _altreward_ to _enemy_
	make _altreward_ permanent
	pc at goal set _inside_
	add dialog for person _bandit_
	dialog link for person _friend_
	dialog link for place _house_
	dialog link for place _store_
	dialog link for place _goal_
	log 1019 step 0

_timer_ task: 
	end quest

_inside_ task:

_s0_ task:
    when skill Streetwise is at least 0

_s20_ task:
    when skill Streetwise is at least 20

_s40_ task:
    when skill Streetwise is at least 40

_s60_ task:
    when skill Streetwise is at least 60

_s80_ task:
    when skill Streetwise is at least 80

_0to20_ task:
    when _s0_ and not _s20_

_20to40_ task:
    when _s20_ and not _s40_

_40to60_ task:
    when _s40_ and not _s60_

_60to80_ task:
    when _s60_ and not _s80_

_80to100_ task:
    when _s80_

_hit_ task:
	injured _enemy_
_chance1_ task:
	when _0to20_ and _hit_
	pick one of _capture_ _nocapture_ _nocapture_ _nocapture_ _nocapture_

_chance2_ task:
	when _20to40_ and _hit_
	pick one of _capture_ _capture_ _nocapture_ _nocapture_ _nocapture_

_chance3_ task:
	when _40to60_ and _hit_
	pick one of _capture_ _capture_ _capture_ _nocapture_ _nocapture_

_chance4_ task:
	when _60to80_ and _hit_
	pick one of _capture_ _capture_ _capture_ _capture_ _nocapture_

_chance5_ task:
	when _80to100_ and _hit_
	pick one of _capture_ _capture_ _capture_ _capture_ _capture_ _capture_ _capture_ _capture_ _capture_ _capture_ _nocapture_

_qclicked_ task:
	clicked npc _general_

_done_ task:

_clearclick_ task:
	when _qclicked_ and not _done_
	say 1025
	clear _qclicked_

_hit_ task:
	injured _enemy_

_kill_ task:
	killed _enemy_
	say 1021
	end quest
_chance1_ task:
	when _0to20_ and _hit_
	pick one of _capture_ _nocapture_ _nocapture_ _nocapture_ _nocapture_

_chance2_ task:
	when _20to40_ and _hit_
	pick one of _capture_ _capture_ _nocapture_ _nocapture_ _nocapture_

_chance3_ task:
	when _40to60_ and _hit_
	pick one of _capture_ _capture_ _capture_ _nocapture_ _nocapture_

_chance4_ task:
	when _60to80_ and _hit_
	pick one of _capture_ _capture_ _capture_ _capture_ _nocapture_

_chance5_ task:
	when _80to100_ and _hit_
	pick one of _capture_ _capture_ _capture_ _capture_ _capture_ _capture_ _capture_ _capture_ _capture_ _capture_ _nocapture_

_capture_ task:
	say 1022
	remove foe _enemy_
	add _bandit_ face
	start task _done_

_nocapture_ task:
	say 1023

_attack_ task:
	when _nocapture_ and _inside_ and not _killed2_
	create foe _enemy1_ every 1 minutes 6 times with 80% successs

_killed2_ task:
	killed 5 _enemy1_
	remove foe _enemy_
	say 1024
	add _bandit_ face
	restrain foe _enemy1_
	start task _done_

_tell_ task:
	say 1018

_notell_ task:
	say 1020

_reward_ task:
	when _qclicked_ and _done_
	give pc _gold_
	legal repute +2
	end quest

_friendclicked_ task:
	clicked npc _friend_

_ask1_ task:
	when _0to20_ and _friendclicked_
	pick one of _tell_ _notell_ _notell_ _notell_ _notell_

_ask2_ task:
	when _20to40_ and _friendclicked_
	pick one of _tell_ _tell_ _notell_ _notell_ _notell_

_ask3_ task:
	when _40to60_ and _friendclicked_
	pick one of _tell_ _tell_ _tell_ _notell_ _notell_

_ask4_ task:
	when _60to80_ and _friendclicked_
	pick one of _tell_ _tell_ _tell_ _tell_ _notell_

_ask5_ task:
	when _80to100_ and _friendclicked_
	pick one of _tell_ _tell_ _tell_ _tell_ _tell_ _tell_ _tell_ _tell_ _tell_ _notell_