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Mages Guild hall Overhaul

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2022 1:01 am
by Swamp_Nutz
I'm attempting to override an existing building (new interior and exterior), and the building, despite being flagged as a mages guild in WDE cannot be identified in game, and is always locked. Also the exterior doors always open to the front door, rather than the doors they are flagged to lead to, with the editor markers. Thoughts?

Re: Mages Guild hall Overhaul

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2022 4:03 am
by BadLuckBurt
If you could provide the JSON file it'll be easier to diagnose the problem. By the sound of it you've replaced the entire building? DFU normally resolves marker / door combinations by finding the closest door so I'm not sure how you're flagging things but that won't work.

Re: Mages Guild hall Overhaul

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2022 9:57 am
by Magicono43
Yeah please include the JSON file and such as Burt mentioned. But also a note that this replacement is probably one of the first cases that somebody is trying to actually change the exterior of a replaced building as well as in the interior. I think every other mod currently out there changing buildings has just done the interior alone, so probably untreaded territory atm, lol.

Re: Mages Guild hall Overhaul

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2022 1:52 pm
by Swamp_Nutz
BadLuckBurt wrote: Wed Jul 13, 2022 4:03 am If you could provide the JSON file it'll be easier to diagnose the problem. By the sound of it you've replaced the entire building? DFU normally resolves marker / door combinations by finding the closest door so I'm not sure how you're flagging things but that won't work.

I've edited the original post to include the override file