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Request - Alchemy ingredients/loot in the wilderness

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2022 4:22 am
by notabreton
In Morrowind and above, you can walk around and find ingredients in plants, etc. After finding what you need, you can make potions, etc.

I would like to see the same in Daggerfall. A mortar can be bought. Overall, this gives more reason to explore the wilderness. Potions can be made. Discovered recipes can come in handy. The player can make their own player-led quests to search for the items in the wilderness instead of going to shops. Maybe new plant art will be required, and some of the existing ones can be used, too. Small pouches can be found a very small percent of the time containing material not suitable for plants: nymph hair, for one.

Re: Request - Alchemy ingredients/loot in the wilderness

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2022 7:50 am
by Jay_H
It doesn't add mobile alchemy, but this is a step toward gathering ingredients:

Re: Request - Alchemy ingredients/loot in the wilderness

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2022 1:56 pm
by imsobadatnicknames
I always thought about implementing a rudimentary version of wilderness ingredient gathering using the quest engine. (Basically a custom quest that detects when the player is in the wilderness, gives a prompt to pick and random plant ingredient, and then restart itself with a random cooldown).
If I decided to, I could whip it up in like 15 minutes. The only problem being that with this approach, it would be impossible to restrict ingredient gathering by cilmate/season.

Maybe someone who actually knows C# could make a mod that spawns plant objects in the wilderness? I know John Doom made on that spawns animal flats so it should probably be possible.

Re: Request - Alchemy ingredients/loot in the wilderness

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2022 7:10 pm
by imsobadatnicknames
I did end up making a mod to this effect. It allows you to use an item in the wilderness to attempt to forage for plants. The chance to find anything is based on your luck.

Re: Request - Alchemy ingredients/loot in the wilderness

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2022 11:14 pm
by notabreton
Thanks! Looks great.

Re: Request - Alchemy ingredients/loot in the wilderness

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2022 6:52 pm
by l3lessed
The only way I can think of doing this is scanning the rmbblock for flats, grab the flats texture information, then using that, spawn a hidden activation trigger on the flat with a percentage chance based on player skill.

I know it can be done in some form, as this is the method I had to use for my minimap mod to figure out what textures and their associated tris were needing replicated, placed, textured, and rendered in my minimap and what ones I could remove. Again, this would be done by grabbing object data for the spawned region and cities, scanning them for their texture information, finding what plant and world textures are associated with the objects that need harvestable ingredients, then setting up the switch to spawn an activable trigger for those that are plants that may have ingredients and assigning its placement on the original flat object.