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Races Framework Redone has intermittent issues with 0.14.4

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2022 6:13 am
by 13thsyndicate
Sooo, for a long time now, I (the creator of Races Framework Redone) have not been able to get it to work in my 0.14.4 playthrough, but everyone I spoke to in the discord server has been able to have it work just fine. Recently, I had a bug report on the Nexus describing the same issue I had. I'm new to modding and since this is apparently a rare issue I'd like some help figuring out how to track down the cause.

I do need to figure out if it works with 0.14.5 since that just came out as well.

Re: Races Framework Redone has intermittent issues with 0.14.4

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2022 2:11 pm
by SangvinPingvin
Any news on the 0.14.5 front? I was looking forward to using Races Redone with the Orc race for my next project so I kinda need this to work as well.

Btw, I noticed you hadn't uploaded a source for the new Orc version to be used with RFR (only the old orc on races framwork has a source). As I'd like to modify its abilities ever so slightly to bring it more in line with the Morrowind/Oblivion orc (Magic Resistance instead of Disease Resistance, Adrenaline Rush instead of Athleticism to better emulate the berserk ability) I would very much appreciate the source.

I suppose it's a moot point if the framework itself can't be made to work in 0.14.5 though.

Re: Races Framework Redone has intermittent issues with 0.14.4

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2022 5:40 pm
by 13thsyndicate
I'm still working on getting the framework to work, I'm planning onn totally rebuilding it and hoping that fixes the issue.

As for the source, I have been given permission to redistribute finally and am in the process of getting that uploaded, but the problem of getting it to work in 0.14.5 is going to take priority obviously. I've also got a blank race template that will go up.... at some point. Sorry, Ive been swamped with work and in the morass of mental health issues so this is all going to get taken care of SoonTM

Re: Races Framework Redone has intermittent issues with 0.14.4

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2022 9:47 pm
by SangvinPingvin
Be well man - looking forward to when it comes back new and improved!