Help Accessing Files

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Help Accessing Files

Post by justmadeanaccount »

i'm having a similar issue where DFU only sees a 3rd of my files, and its impossible to go to the directory

im on windows 10

edit: what's weirder is it has found old files that i have deleted, not even in recycle

wth is going on??

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Re: Help Accessing Files

Post by Interkarma »

Hey there. :) Please don't hijack other people's topics for support. I've split your reply into into its own topic.

We're going to need more information before we can help. What do you mean "impossible to go into the directory"? Which directory are you talking about?

If you're looking for saves, settings, and logs, details on how to find this is below.


There's nothing special about accessing this path. The easiest way if you're looking for saves is to click on the SAVE# text at the top-right of screenshot in save/load UI and it will take you straight to that folder. Scroll down to "Finding Saves" title in link above for a screenshot of this method.

If you're looking for the DFU game directory, this will be wherever you unzipped it to. The preferred setup method for DFU is the DaggerfallGameFiles method below.


If you've installed some other way, we'll need to know what you've done so far and what you're trying to do before we can help.

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