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[Classic feature] Way to clear bonus pool in class maker

Posted: Thu May 18, 2023 8:42 am
by pango
In classic you can decide to clear the remaining (or missing) bonus points left by pressing the U key, letting you create less balanced classes. It lets one create OP classes from the start, or underpowered ones for challenge or for reaching higher levels later.
Was leaving that feature out a choice or an oversight?

Anyway, it wasn't too difficult to implement (calling statsRollout.BonusPool = 0 from CreateCharCustomClass.Update()), but anything typed is also appended to the class name, haven't found a way to prevent that yet.

Re: [Classic feature] Way to clear bonus pool in class maker

Posted: Thu May 18, 2023 11:57 am
by Magicono43
Huh, honestly never knew that was a thing in DOS, lol. Definitely not a key I would ever think of pressing while in that screen that is mainly mouse-controlled.

Re: [Classic feature] Way to clear bonus pool in class maker

Posted: Thu May 18, 2023 12:49 pm
by pango
Some shortcuts are very obscure. For example I don't know if using Ctrl-B was ever documented as a shortcut to reach save screen directly ;)

So yes, totally possible it was an oversight.