The Red Lantern Guild

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The Red Lantern Guild

Post by harbinger451 »


Red Lantern bawdy houses are opening up all over the Iliac Bay; providing high-class prostitution to the masses, with profitable behind-the-scenes sidelines in espionage and blackmail.


This mod adds a new guild to the game called The Red Lantern. Ostensibly a guild of prostitution, pleasure and seduction; it is in fact a front for a more secretive underworld organization with ties to both the Thieves Guild and the Blades, specializing in blackmail and espionage. The guild houses present as taverns but do not operate as such. Admission and promotion are tied to your Personality score, as well as certain skills (see below) and, of course, your reputation with them. The quests start off as standard prostitution quests (like in my Prostitutes and Lovers mod), but slowly the more surreptitious underbelly is revealed. Getting serviced and servicing others comes with a small risk of catching a disease, as well as the chance, in the case of servicing others and depending on your Personality, of not performing satisfactorily and getting a negative and violent response from an angry client.

Faction Data:
Social Group = Underworld
Parent faction = The Prostitutes
Allies = The Thieves Guild and The Blades
Enemies = Sanguine (plus enemies added into some quests, The House Sanguine Cult and The Wharf Rats, that aren't actual in-game factions)

Minimum Personality: Ranks: Benefits and Teasers:
PER-NA: N: Client: access "get serviced" quest from any of the numerous quest givers in the Red Lantern.
PER-35: 0: Hussy: guild access at any time and can rest within the guild, plus "get serviced" for half price and service in-house clients.
PER-40: 1: Floozy: receive free health restoration and "service" wealthier clients at local locations.
PER-45: 2: Strumpet: access training from trainer and begin to get more diverse quests.
PER-50: 3: Harlot: receive cure disease from healer and the quests begin to become more dangerous.
PER-55: 4: Coquette: access the spymaster and the quests start to take on a more illicit slant.
PER-60: 5: Consort: buy potions from the potion seller and the quests get decidedly nefarious.
PER-65: 6: Courtesan: make potions with the potion mixer and get ready to blackmail.
PER-70: 7: Concubine: get cure disease for free and deal out vengeance against a notorious sex cult.
PER-75: 8: Madam: access a high level epic quest against traitorous enemies of the Blades.
PER-80: 9: Grand Madam: access an even higher level epic quest on behalf of the Blades.

List of preferred skills for ranking and also those that can be trained at The Red Lantern:

The Red Lantern bawdy houses can be found in many large towns and cities. I'm using one of the taverns present in a oft used shopping plaza block so should be fairly common and easy to find - especially in the Breton regions. Although they look like a tavern and have an innkeeper present, they will no longer operate as a tavern. They have been converted to a guild hall.


name, group, membership, minReq, flag, notes:
REDLA000, GGroup8, N, 0, X, get serviced paying 300 gold
REDLA001, GGroup8, M, 0, X, get serviced paying 150 gold
REDLA002, GGroup8, M, 0, X, service a brave soldier in-house priced at 300 gold for 150 reward
REDLA003, GGroup8, M, 0, X, service a weary adventurer in-house priced at 400 gold for 200 reward
REDLA004, GGroup8, M, 1, X, service a rich merchant in a remote jewelry shop priced at 500 gold for 250 reward
REDLA005, GGroup8, M, 1, X, service a powerful noble in a remote palace priced at 600 gold for 300 reward
REDLA006, GGroup8, M, 2, X, deal with a rowdy adventurer or two causing trouble in the Red Lantern
REDLA007, GGroup8, M, 2, X, escort a fellow member to a remote location with one of various possible factions trying to intervene
REDLA008, GGroup8, M, 3, X, protect the Red Lantern from a paid band of ruffians and find out who sent them and why
REDLA009, GGroup8, M, 3, X, deliver an item of questionable provenance to a Thief ally in a remote tavern while others try to take it for themselves
REDLA010, GGroup8, M, 4, X, rescue a fellow member from a remote dungeon after they were kidnapped by House Sanguine
REDLA011, GGroup8, M, 4, X, deliver a compromising letter to a Blades ally in a remote house while dodging opposing agents
REDLA012, GGroup8, M, 5, X, blackmail a merchant client in a remote store into paying whats owed to the Red Lantern plus interest
REDLA013, GGroup8, M, 5, X, steal evidence of a conspiracy from a remote noble client on behalf of the Blades
REDLA014, GGroup8, M, 6, X, compromise a turbulent cleric agitating for the closure of Red Lantern bawdy houses
REDLA015, GGroup8, M, 6, X, steal a valuable painting from a banker client's remote bank on behalf of your Thieves Guild allies
REDLA016, GGroup8, M, 7, X, discover, infiltrate and destroy a particularly pernicious House Sanguine cell in a remote dungeon
REDLA017, GGroup8, M, 8, X, help the Blades eliminate a daedric cult trying to become the dominant force for evil in the area
REDLA018, GGroup8, M, 9, X, help the Blades eliminate an undead army risen by a rogue Mage agent turned Lich
REDLA019, GGroup8, M, 1, X, service an Orcish emissary in-house priced at 500 gold for 250 reward
REDLA020, GGroup8, M, 2, X, an unusual and risky request to service a Barbarian warlord in his stronghold priced at 600 gold for 300 reward
REDLA022, GGroup8, M, 0, X, service a client at a local tavern who may or may not be an assassin hired by a mysterious enemy

All the quests are flagged X, which means adult, so you must make sure Player Nudity is ticked ON to get these quests in your game! Some of them may be a little saucy here and there but none are explicit. They are more humorous than anything, but if this sort of thing offends your sensibilities, don't download it.

Every successful sexual encounter now results in a fatigue hit and three hours of game time will pass (though you do get to train Streetwise, Etiquette or Orcish depending on the client), brought in because it could otherwise be considered easy money with little to no downside - now you have to rest after servicing a few clients rather than going every few minutes all day and raking in the gold.

Many of the quests have multiple endings, often depending on your choices, chance, or Personality score. Reputation, both legal and with various factions, can be impacted positively or negatively according to those choices ... so choose wisely. I've added a pickpocket prompt to the two "steal something" quests, providing a potential alternative route to success depending on your pickpocket skill.


Version 1.0: Initial Release for basic play testing.
Version 1.1: Fixes a stupid oversight with the quest list that stopped the quests from appearing. Still an early release that needs some thorough play testing.
Version 1.2: Fixes a problem with ranking up in the guild.
Version 1.3: Fixes problems with the "Protect the Red Lantern" quest, REDLA008.
Version 1.4: Fixes a couple of minor problems with the "Deliver an Item of Questionable Provenance" quest, REDLA009.
Version 1.5: Adds three more quests, fixes a couple of others and refines a few more.
Version 1.6: Fixes the unable to rest while enemy NPC clients are still present bug.
Version 1.7: Adds a bespoke Red Lantern Guild sign, thanks to Zoran and King of Worms (HD version coming soon to DREAM).
Version 1.8: Fixes a problem with the new sign in the latest build of DFUnity (0.15.3 ... and maybe 0.15.1 too)
Version 1.9: Adds one new quest. Refines the old ones. A successful servicing now has small fatigue/time hit and the two "stealing" quests now have a prompt to try and pickpocket.
Version 2.0: Some fixes and improvements. WorldData files now packed within the main dfmod. Provided a new FDA compatibility patch (v1.2) now packed in an optional dfmod.


From NEXUS if you're using the Fixed Desert Architecture mod you need to download the optional compatibility file for that.


Unzip the downloaded file(s) into your StreamingAssets folder and allow to overwrite as needed. VORTEX, if you use it, will do this automatically.

If using DREAM, make sure this mod loads before the Dream - Textures mod to get the full HD version.

If using Fixed Desert Architecture and Soldier's Luxury Overhaul, make sure you use this load order:
Soldier's Luxury Overhaul
Fixed Desert Architecture
The Red Lantern Guild


If you are updating an older version of the main mod (v1.9 or earlier), please remember the WorldData files are now packed within the dfmod so you will need to delete the following files:
StreamingAssets/WorldData/MARKAA0.RMB.json [file]
StreamingAssets/WorldData/MARKAA00.RMB-15-building9.json [file]

If you are also updating the FDA compatibility files you will need to delete the following as well:
StreamingAssets/WorldData/MARKAB00.RMB.json [file]
StreamingAssets/WorldData/MARKAB00.RMB-1298-building9.json [file]


Delete the following files/folders from your StreamingAssets folder:
StreamingAssets/Mods/the red lantern guild.dfmod [file]
StreamingAssets/Mods/red lantern fda compatibility.dfmod [file] - if you used it.
StreamingAssets/QuestPacks/Harbinger451/RedLanternGuild Quests [folder]


Any other guild/faction mod that uses the guild group emun GGroup8 and/or the faction emums 1300-1305 inclusively will conflict with this one... though no current mods are known to do so. The only other guild mods out there at the moment are the Archaeologists mod and the Love And Lust mod... both of which should be fully compatible with this one.

My Prostitutes And Lovers mod and my Bards And Balladeers mod (which adds a Bards Guild) are also fully compatible and, obviously, are recommended.


If you install this on a saved game, and you have already visited the tavern I use for the Red Lantern - it can sometimes cause strange behavior when trying to interact with the new guild and it's npcs, the factions get mixed up. If this happens, you will need to go to your saved game's folder and delete the DiscoveryData.txt file from that save (and from any others saves you may potentially use). This will clear out the already discovered buildings data so you can populate it again with fresh up-to-date data. The game will auto create a new (and correct) DiscoveryData.txt with your next save. Generally your saved games are at C:Users/[yourUserName]/AppData/LocalLow/Daggerfall Workshop/Daggerfall Unity/Saves/.

If you're starting a new game, you don't need to do anything.

Comments and suggestions are welcome.


I've attached some screen shots though one is probably NSFW so viewer discretion is advised!
2023_06_03_20_14_11.jpg (274.11 KiB) Viewed 5125 times
2023_06_03_20_15_50.jpg (218.32 KiB) Viewed 5125 times
2023_06_01_18_19_53.jpg (204.76 KiB) Viewed 5125 times
Last edited by harbinger451 on Fri Mar 08, 2024 9:30 pm, edited 13 times in total.

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Re: The Red Lantern Guild

Post by Hazelnut »

Really nice to see a new guild mod at long last. :D
See my mod code for examples of how to change various aspects of DFU:

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Re: The Red Lantern Guild

Post by harbinger451 »

Version 1.0 has been uploaded to Nexus! This is an initial release posted as proof of concept and for play testing purposes.
Have updated the OP to reflect this.
I'm looking forward to some feedback ... I did some basic play testing, but I'm sure it could do with some more thorough testing, especially with the quests.

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Re: The Red Lantern Guild

Post by harbinger451 »

Version 1.1 has been uploaded to Nexus ... it fixes a stupid oversight with the quest list that stopped the quests from appearing. Still an early release that needs some thorough play testing.
OP updated to reflect this/

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Re: The Red Lantern Guild

Post by harbinger451 »

Version 1.2 has been uploaded to Nexus, it fixes a problem with ranking up in the guild.
OP updated to reflect this.

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Re: The Red Lantern Guild

Post by harbinger451 »

Version 1.3 has been uploaded to NEXUS: Fixes problems with the "Protect the Red Lantern" quest, REDLA008.
OP updated to reflect this.

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Re: The Red Lantern Guild

Post by harbinger451 »

Version 1.4 has been uploaded to NEXUS: Fixes a couple of minor problems with the "Deliver an Item of Questionable Provenance" quest, REDLA009.
OP has been updated to reflect this.

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Re: The Red Lantern Guild

Post by harbinger451 »

Version 1.5 uploaded to NEXUS: Adds three more quests, fixes a couple of others and refines a few more.
OP updated to reflect this.

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Re: The Red Lantern Guild

Post by harbinger451 »

Version 1.6 uploaded to NEXUS: Fixes the unable to rest while enemy NPC clients are still present bug.
Also added optional compatibility files for use with the Fixed Desert Architecture mod - these prevent FDA from wiping out various Red Lantern Guildhalls from the desert regions.

OP updated to reflect these changes.

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Re: The Red Lantern Guild

Post by King of Worms »

Is it possible to provide a HD guild sign, which would be used in front of the buildings, like its with the inns, shops etc? I have one ready

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