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Concept: Old School Mod suggestion

Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2023 12:49 am
by C0rg1
I have an idea for immersion.
It could be horrible. It most likely is. There is a method to my madness.
Back in the day of interactive fiction by "Infocom" they couldn't put all the information on the disk.
Part of the game play was to have a sheet of paper and to DRAW THE MAP.
Inspired by this I came up with a few bonker ideas.
I believe only the most hardcore players would try this.
1. No automap of dungeons. Not there no more, you have to memorize.
2. No automap of cities. There is a map but it only shows guilds, inns, shops, etc.
3. No auto-identify of buildings in cities.
4. No clock. You only have dawn,morning,noon,afternoon,sunset,evening,midnight,night. You need the SUN and MOON to tell the time.
5. No compass. You need the sun AND stars to navigate.
6. No all encompassing map.
There is a world map but it only list kingdoms and their capitals. No 'i am here' feature.
Detailed maps are only within a kingdoms limit. you can pay to see them, cheap; or to buy them, expensive.
These kingdom maps only list the local cities. Not smaller towns manors and hamlets.
7. Asking 'where am I' now becomes a more usefull feature if its not already in standard diologue.
8. Being decked out in armor can cause a panic in towns and cities and affect dialogue. So you have to have regular clothes.
9. No player journal. Get out your pencils and a real notebook.
10. with no detailed in game maps, roads are needed and printing out that kingdom maps might help you to note down where smaller towns are so you can get there.
11. Background music is replaced with ambient sounds . randomized with the dynamic music mod.
I'm not a programmer so I would not be able to make this mod/mod collection.
If I had to strip this down I'ld just have the no-clock and no-compass.
Thats my two cents of horrible.
Curious as to whom would try it though.

Re: Concept: Old School Mod suggestion

Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2023 7:03 am
by numidium3rd
I like the idea of making things more immersive. Something I really enjoy doing in Morrowind is closing the map in the UI so I have to rely on landmarks and road signs. It makes me feel more attuned to the game world which is relaxing for me personally.

It seems like traveling around would involve a lot of asking NPCs which way to go since there aren't many landmarks to speak of in Daggerfall. There's a lot of repetition in the overworld blocks so I feel like I might have issues discerning one collection of buildings from another. I also don't know if I could survive without the dungeon automap. Though I suppose it could be bearable with smaller dungeons enabled.

I appreciate the shoutout to Dynamic Music :D . I think that Daggerfall already has ambient sounds that D.R.E.A.M replaces. The mod probably wouldn't need to use it.

Re: Concept: Old School Mod suggestion

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2023 2:43 pm
by C0rg1
The "Ochestral and Acoustic Remaster" overhaul of the music has many unused sound tracks. It doesn't really change the sound selection process. I'ld love to see the Orchestral overhaul to be sorted into the Dynamic Music categories so all the various sound tracks could be played properly. Give listeners the full range of the overhauled tracks to listen too but also make it easier for listeners to pick and choose which tracks to use or discard.

Re: Concept: Old School Mod suggestion

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2023 4:27 pm
by MrFlibble
numidium3rd wrote: Tue Jul 25, 2023 7:03 am Something I really enjoy doing in Morrowind is closing the map in the UI so I have to rely on landmarks and road signs. It makes me feel more attuned to the game world which is relaxing for me personally.

It seems like traveling around would involve a lot of asking NPCs which way to go since there aren't many landmarks to speak of in Daggerfall. There's a lot of repetition in the overworld blocks so I feel like I might have issues discerning one collection of buildings from another.
Bethesda has certainly shown in Morrowind that they did their homework after Daggerfall. In fact, they did it in Redguard, creating a small world but completely made of unique, recognizable areas -- almost the complete opposite of Daggerfall. But with that said, in DF this approach is simply the perfect recipe for getting lost and wandering aimlessly through samey terrain -- perhaps less so in DFU with mods that introduce terrain variety and extra features, but still.
C0rg1 wrote: Tue Jul 25, 2023 12:49 am 3. No auto-identify of buildings in cities.
How, then, are you going to find that random residence you need in every other random quest? Or do you still allow for NPCs to mark buildings on your map? (but wait, you proposed that the map not display residences at all, just shops and guilds?)
C0rg1 wrote: Tue Jul 25, 2023 12:49 am 6. No all encompassing map.
There is a world map but it only list kingdoms and their capitals. No 'i am here' feature.
Detailed maps are only within a kingdoms limit. you can pay to see them, cheap; or to buy them, expensive.
These kingdom maps only list the local cities. Not smaller towns manors and hamlets.
I sort of like the idea that you should slowly explore every kingdom instead of knowing from the start where everything is apart from dungeons. I even made a post somewhere here about it a while ago, not gonna search for it right now though.

But throwing away "I am here" is just plain stupid. In the real world, when you even look at a printed map (no idea if anyone still uses those though), your first thing to do is to try identifying your current location, from where you will plot your further movements. "I am here" does not represent a magical GPS beacon, it's just how you'd use any map in the real world (other than just looking at it in idle curiosity that is).
C0rg1 wrote: Tue Jul 25, 2023 12:49 am 8. Being decked out in armor can cause a panic in towns and cities and affect dialogue. So you have to have regular clothes.
Right, we're talking about a fantasy world where armoured knights is an everyday thing and now NPCs should react badly to the player wearing armour.

If you want immersion, NPCs should react to the way the PC is dressed and to their actions, like being aggressive, and also to their faction affiliations and reputation. Simply wearing armour is not a reason for "panic in towns".