Read/Write enabled? Clarification needed pls

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King of Worms
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Read/Write enabled? Clarification needed pls

Post by King of Worms »


What are the exact rules for flagging the sprites/textures as Read/Write enabled?
What specific assets need to be flagged like this?

Example of the log:

Texture GNRC01I0.IMG is not readable.
(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39)

So what does that mean? Does it mean I need to flag it as Read/Write enabled?
What happens when I dont?

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Kab the Bird Ranger
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Re: Read/Write enabled? Clarification needed pls

Post by Kab the Bird Ranger »

In my experience, DFU is pretty poor at this requirement. When code doesn't think about whether they need the texture to be readable or not, it tends to default to asking for a readable texture.

For example, when I did changes to enable custom textures in mobiles, I accidentally required readable textures, and that made Enemy Expansion spam logs with these. I fixed this in 1.1.

As far as I know, the only place where I heard that a readable texture was truly required are the paperdoll textures. For the rest, your choice is either 1) ignore the log 2) take the cost and enable Read/Write Enabled on your textures. This will put a copy of your texture on the CPU, increasing its memory usage and potentially requiring Unity to do extra processing around it.

If you can compile a list of textures that output this warning, we can put it on an issue tracker and get someone to proof check all of these. As I said, ignore the mobiles, that one I've already fixed

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Re: Read/Write enabled? Clarification needed pls

Post by King of Worms »

Thanks for a reply.

From the old info I got from The Lacus, read/write should be enabled in case that:
- a sprite is from the terrain assets (trees, flowers etc)
- is a animated animal or animated sprite in general
- is a overlay of another texture (like a lot of assets in the HUD)
- is paperdoll

So on my side, I have the flag enabled on
- whole paperdoll
- all animals
- all animated lights
- all terrain sprites
- most of the animated sprites excluding NPCs
- lots of HUD elements
- none of the Handheld

I got some warning on assets like:
TFAC... - so checking if portraits including FACES.CIF should be read/write enabled would be cool
Animated HUD elements like Spinning coins (380_6-0 + 434_6-0) & Magic effect (380_5-0 + 434_5-0)

Some HUD assets which overlay (are over-layed by) other assets like

INVE16I0.CIF_9-0 (so this is basically all these INVE-CIF assets whenever they appear ingame)

Some sprites:
207_16-0 (so this is basically the whole 207 archive)

I have also warning on the MOBs...

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Kab the Bird Ranger
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Re: Read/Write enabled? Clarification needed pls

Post by Kab the Bird Ranger »

Thanks, I'll log something soon.
I have also warning on the MOBs...
Yup I fixed this for 1.1 already. I can send you a test build for the next one

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King of Worms
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Re: Read/Write enabled? Clarification needed pls

Post by King of Worms »

Sure, thanks!

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