How To Track Down Bug?

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How To Track Down Bug?

Post by l3lessed »

So, I have a rebuild of my compass mod running wonderfully on the editor. I fixed all the bugs and added some nice repair and cleaning animations.

However, when I build it, then try to load it into a DFU game, it crashes the DFU engine without any output anywhere to track down what is causing it. I can get into the daggerfall game and mod menu, but the moment I click play and it launches daggerfall, it pops up the random crash window and then closes out.

The player log merely says it loaded the mod and initialized it. When it does, it crashes unity engine and dumps without any read out of what's causing it.

Is there any log the unity engine itself may be dumping to help me track down the error between the editor build and the compiled version loading into the DFU game, outside the player log?

As of now, despite having a working version in the editor for release, I'm at a standstill unable to figure out why it compiles fine, but then completely crashes unity engine.

The mod files and code are in my github. You can easily drop the textures into the streaming assets folder, and the mod files into the game/mod folder to do a quick launch, run, and compile in the editor; it will compile fine, but the moment you used the compiled mod, it will crash DFU on daggerfall game launch.
My Daggerfall Mod Github: l3lessed DFU Mod Github

My Beth Mods: l3lessed Nexus Page

Daggerfall Unity mods: Combat Overhaul Mod

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Re: How To Track Down Bug?

Post by Jehuty »

I'm gonna send this over to Modder Discussion, as I believe that's the best forum for it.

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Re: How To Track Down Bug?

Post by l3lessed »

No ideas on this yet? I have none myself right now. This is stopping me from releasing a build version of my mod, despite it being fixed and running smoothly in the editor.
My Daggerfall Mod Github: l3lessed DFU Mod Github

My Beth Mods: l3lessed Nexus Page

Daggerfall Unity mods: Combat Overhaul Mod

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Re: How To Track Down Bug?

Post by BlazeGuardianR »

Have you confirmed that the mod's external dependencies are correctly referenced in the build compared to the editor?

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Re: How To Track Down Bug?

Post by l3lessed »

It ended up being a dumb dependency oversight issue. I should of caught it sooner. I am using one of unity editors build in font materials for constructing the labels for buildings, and it for some reason adds a font script file that is not actually built into the editor or the DFU branch of the editor. So, it compiles magically, but it doesn't compile the font script. Noticed it before even reading this comment today.

The odd thing and good thing is the labels seem to work just fine without it when removed. I had removed it long ago when I first built the original mod back in alpha, but it snuck back into the build editor some how. Sigh, much wasted time for something so small, but hey its working. I pushed the new compass mod with all the fancy new repair and cleaning animations and code updates. I think it fixed all the reported bugs with both repairing and other things, but will see when people play more.
My Daggerfall Mod Github: l3lessed DFU Mod Github

My Beth Mods: l3lessed Nexus Page

Daggerfall Unity mods: Combat Overhaul Mod

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