Future of These Forums

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Future of These Forums

Post by Interkarma »

Hey all. :)

I've been considering what to do with the DFWorkshop Forums for a while now. I've decided to keep them up and running for as long as I'm able to, and even try to make better use of them.

After experiencing a bit of a decline in overall tone and humanness across several platforms, I think there's some real value to these old-internet spaces like blogs and forums that are maintained by real people. I've come to appreciate how important it is for there to be a few wild places left on the internet.

I'd like to make the forums a little more general and will shift around the categories a little. I would also like to make some space for my new thing in there somewhere, which will give me more incentive to maintain them and be a presence here.

I'm open to feedback if there's a change or category you'd like to see on the forums.


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Re: Future of These Forums

Post by MrFlibble »

Thank you very much for deciding to keep the forums going! I wasn't really aware that closing them down was on the table, so a great relief that you decided otherwise!

As someone who has been using forums since the early 2000s, and is resistant to adopting newer forms of communication like Discord, I'm grateful that these forums will continue to operate, as this is definitely the preferred method of online communication for me.

Cheers! (and a belated Happy New Year, BTW!)

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Re: Future of These Forums

Post by mcarss »

The forums contains a treasure trove of information and it would be a great loss to have it disappear into the aether. Out of curiosity, I checked the Wayback Machine to see if these forums are being properly archived, and they're not. Choosing a few random posts resulted in about half working, half not.

So thank you, Interkarma, for keeping these forums alive for the time being.

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Re: Future of These Forums

Post by pango »

If anything, I'd rather see some activity go from Discord back to here.
Discord is a closed platform, not publicly browsable, nobody is currently making backups of exchanges happening there so the day Discord goes bankrupt all content will disappear (I saw some tools to do backups, but lack time to experiment and put something in place).
Also, discussion form is certainly lower barrier of entrance, but produces unstructured content less amendable to later search/use.
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Re: Future of These Forums

Post by King of Worms »

Very glad for this decision to keep the forums alive.

I totally agree on the sentiment, that its a good idea to keep some wild parts of the internet.

These old forums, are not as enjoyed by the main stream users - and thats a good thing. It keeps the content at higher quality levels. And more focused.

I consider these forums like a fortress, where it all started, community wise. Its a place of sanity. With masses, the insanity comes, and we can enjoy that all over the internet. So having a place, where its less crowded and the quality of posts is deeper than some bitter one-liners is absolutely welcomed.

It was a rough awakening when I branched out of these forums, and when a lot of new ppl came, due to DFU being 1.0.
I honestly did not massively enjoy some aspects of that. Now, when Im banned everywhere, Im in a sense glad for that and feel better. :lol: And I know Im not alone in this..

Im looking forward to see the new sections of the forums, esp about the new project you work on.

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Re: Future of These Forums

Post by Seferoth »

I think these forums are very much necessary for the future of DFU. Good to hear they will be staying up!

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