Daggerfall Interior Enrichment Project

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Daggerfall Interior Enrichment Project

Post by RosyTheRascal »

Hey guys, so we all know the infamous sensory deprivation chambers that make up the vast majority of the Iliac's residences. And I'm sure you've all thought at one point or another how nice it would be if they could enjoy the same quality and LOD features that later TES titles would become iconic for

Of course the first problem is Daggerfall's enormous scale and the challenge of creating a balance of detail and repetition which is both appreciable and believable. A while back PRAEst76 started a project under the working title "Houses 2 Homes" which aimed at accomplishing this, but increasing responsibilities in his personal life obligated him to discontinue

But as it so happens, I had a similar idea. Initially I was unaware of Praest's work and completed about 100 interiors. He was then kind enough to grant me permission to incorporate his unfinished progress as well as the custom assets he created for it, which roughly doubled my interior count. I have also created some custom assets of my own (paintings from the games CIF files, as well as some more colours for the beds), and with this in addition to DET I have pretty much everything I need :D

In addition to simply adding/rearranging decorations and furniture pieces, a number of immersion and gameplay enhancements will be included as well. Such as adding quest markers to houses that didn't have them originally, adding windows to all house models that have them on the exterior, more loot containers here and there to bolster thief gameplay, adding basements and sublevels, pets and multiple family members, roof trusses in all the attics, proper actual fireplaces, exterior decorations like gardens/fences/shacks, etc.

Basically a comprehensive once-and-for-all mod to bring the residences of Daggerfall up to a completely new standard. I want to say in terms of overall progress I am at about the 60% mark for the first release - houses which appear more often will have more variants assigned to them. For example if a house appears 120 times in the RMB blocks, it will have 12 variants. 60 times it will have 6 variants, and so on. I probably won't make any further than that myself, but if anyone ever wants to build off this and make sub-mods/expansions they are more than welcome to. I'm not sure how often I'll be checking up on the forum, but if anyone has any suggestions, questions, comments, feel free to say something :)

Here is an Imgur w some of my images so far: https://imgur.com/a/qWbgiqo
スクリーンショット 2024-12-25 225621.png
スクリーンショット 2024-12-25 225621.png (881.57 KiB) Viewed 1245 times

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King of Worms
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Re: Daggerfall Interior Enrichment Project

Post by King of Worms »

Hey this looks and sounds really good, the houses are really barren so any mod which will try to change that, will be very welcomed. As you already know, its good to be in contact with other modders, so you dont do duplicate work.

Good luck, Im looking forward the release!

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