The Quest Prompt Thread

For all talk about quest development - creation, testing, and quest system.
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Re: The Quest Prompt Thread

Post by Jay_H »

Yes, absolutely. That's a better idea :)

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Re: The Quest Prompt Thread

Post by Feralwarlord »

Knights Quest: Necromancer Incursion

Recently there's been a string of murders in town, it turns out that a necromancer has snuck into town and is turning our citizens into an army of the undead.
Patrol the streets at night and kill the necromancer and his/her army of the undead
Reward: gold, reputation

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Re: The Quest Prompt Thread

Post by Jay_H »

Hmm, I'm thinking about how to implement this one. I think I'll discover the necromancer through dialogue with people in town... It may have to wait until that's in game, but I'll take that idea up.

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Re: The Quest Prompt Thread

Post by CM August »

Fighters Guild Quest: A man has been forced to flee his rural home after it was occupied by a group of Nymphs. Exactly how this came to pass is unclear, and a point of much innuendo and gossip among the townsfolk. At any rate the Fighters Guild has been paid to remove them. You can slay them as normal (on the first blow they put a scripted curse on you so it's not a cakewalk - when magic is implemented of course), or alternatively track down a known scholar of Nymph-lore in the region. He's not prepared to go traveling with you, but suggests that confronting them while presenting a certain herb of the forest (which he gives you) and saying some choice words in the Nymph language (which he tells you) might convince them to leave. It's not guaranteed to work, but if it does, they leave without a fight. Return to the guild to receive your usual gold reward.

Pipe dream 1: new quest system condition which performs an action when PC's designated stat is > (or <) a certain percentage. In this case, a third quest path is available: if the player's Nymph skill is high enough, you will have the option to speak to them in their own language whether you've visited the scholar or not (the Nymphs also furnish you with their side of the story, including the embarrassing details of how the owner had foolishly tried to lure them to his property). On top of that, if your Personality is high enough, they may reveal the location of a coven they treat with, or even gift you a magic item.

Pipe dream 2: new quest system action which awards x experience to x skill; the quest paths that have you talk to the Nymphs award some experience to your Nymph skill.

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Re: The Quest Prompt Thread

Post by Jay_H »

CM August wrote:Pipe dream 1: new quest system condition which performs an action when PC's designated stat is > (or <) a certain percentage. In this case, a third quest path is available: if the player's Nymph skill is high enough, you will have the option to speak to them in their own language whether you've visited the scholar or not (the Nymphs also furnish you with their side of the story, including the embarrassing details of how the owner had foolishly tried to lure them to his property). On top of that, if your Personality is high enough, they may reveal the location of a coven they treat with, or even gift you a magic item.

Pipe dream 2: new quest system action which awards x experience to x skill; the quest paths that have you talk to the Nymphs award some experience to your Nymph skill.
I certainly hope that, at least within the mid-long term, someone will mod in skill-based conditions :)

Knight quest: 0-10 rep. Take a weapon to a member who's about to enter a dungeon. (COMPLETED)

Innkeeper quest: The innkeeper fears he/she is being pursued by a murderer/headhunter. The innkeeper travels with the PC until such time as the murderer tracks them down. (COMPLETED)

Necromancer quest: Go down into a dungeon and slay a wraith/ghost of particular value to the faction, and bring it back in a soul gem.

Necromancer quest: Find a mid-level mage in the region wanted by the faction for his/her knowledge. 50/50 chance of being cowardly and willing or of being belligerent, leading to combat. Escort (dead or alive) to questgiver for reward.

Innkeeper quest: Buy a treasure map leading into a regional dungeon. Reward could be gold, a magical item, or junk. (COMPLETED)

Innkeeper quest: The merchant excitedly tells you he/she has met a member of the Necromancers and asks you if you want to join the cult. 75% chance of being some fledgling nobody, 25% chance of being an undead in disguise, and in either case the PC must defend him/herself from attack.

Dark Brotherhood quest: A ransom is being fulfilled, but the handler of the child has been slain. Go retrieve the child from the dungeon and return him/her to family. Possibility of being ambushed at the delivery site.

Innkeeper quest: The innkeeper's residence in another city has been taken over by armed foes, but it's due to a shady deal that went badly, so he/she doesn't want the guards involved. Go with the innkeeper to the residence and slay the foes for a reward.

Innkeeper quest: A simple betting game. Bet 200 gold and choose from two options to either lose it or double it.

Innkeeper quest: Entirely dialogue-based, where you can talk the shopkeeper through some problem via yes or no prompts. Receive some payment for granting peace of mind.

Temple quest: A cursed object threatens to bring an undead each night to haunt the possessor. The temple asks you to take the object and slay the undead when it appears at night to end the curse.
Last edited by Jay_H on Wed Feb 06, 2019 8:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Quest Prompt Thread

Post by RH666 »

Quest ideas for cartographer's guild

1)Find a still hidden area (Shrine/ruin/dungeon). Travel to three locations and ask the locals for rumours this unlocks the location on your world map. Travel there and find a container with a map. Text pop up indicating you've found the location and the map is you having drawn the map yourself. Possible bandit spawn.

2) NPC has a map the guild wants a copy of. Find NPC, NPC charges an expensive price for it, you can either pay the price or try to steal it from their house.

3) Mystery shopper. Go to town x and talk to x number of shopkeepers. Return to quest giver, flavour text about how their maps for that town now include the best shops to patronize.

4) Guild networks. Travel to 3-5 halls of x guild in the area and enter the building to find one of those map containers. Return when you have all the maps.

5) Dangerous places to avoid! Travel to 3-5 witch covens/werebeast lairs/vampire lairs/necromancer hideouts/etc and find the map containers.

Quest ideas for Dibella temple

1) Sexual education. Go to private residence or castle. Use Etiquette on guard if it's at the castle. Find NPC. Activate NPC, flavour text that you've spent the night. Random chance to spawn jealous suitor that attacks. Return to quest giver.

2) Paint me like one of your french girls. Buy Painter's kit and canvas (or quest giver gives you them) find NPC. Quest has two versions one where you are the painter and the other where you are the model.

If painter activate NPC for Etiquette skill check, depending on result you get Awful Painting, Mediocre Painting, Good Painting, Excellent Painting or Masterwork Painting spawn in your inventory. Give painting to NPC. Get gold depending on on which painting spawned in your inventory.

If model unequip all of your items and activate NPC for the same skill check. Give painting to NPC. Get gold depending on on which painting spawned in your inventory.

Quest idea for the Prostitute's guild.

1) Noble's discretion. Stealth to NPC in castle. Activate NPC. Flavour text that sex happened. Set time to next morning. Talk to NPC again to get lots of gold. Stealth away from castle.

2) Walk the streets. Approach up to 5 NPCs on the streets. One of them will flavour text sex that you've slipped into a quiet alleyway or such for sex. talk to NPC for gold reward.

3) Payback. A client got his jollies off by beating up one of your guildmates. This is not cool. Quest giver gives you non-lethal mace to use on him. Find NPC, activate, flavour text that you beat the everloving crap out of him and leave him bloody on the ground. Find the gold in his house and take it. Return to questgiver to keep your share.

4) Recruiting. Find NPC. Escort to guildhouse. Fend off bashers hired by NPC's parents/previous faction. Speak to questgiver for reward.

5 Advertising! Go to shop. Unequip all items. Loiter for 3 hours. Talk to shop owner who thanks you for bringing in customers and pays you.

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Re: The Quest Prompt Thread

Post by Mosin Nagant »

Well, this is less of a prompt, and more like guidelines. I don't think the current quest system can really handle it at the moment, but the goal here was to write a quest that could have a lasting impact on the game world itself. Fans of Claymore might find the plot somewhat familiar. ;)
Fighters Guild, Mages Guild; High reputation/rank required

The quest giver tells you they’ve received a message from a village in the area that has been harassed by orcs (or undead, giants, etc…) lately. The villages own efforts to quell the problem have failed and they’ve sent for help. You are to travel to the town, join forces with 0 to 4 guards to raid a nearby dungeon to kill the orcs. You have approx. one week to get to the village, but as much time as needed to kill the orcs.

After killing the orcs, you are to return to the guild which hired you, and collect your reward. There is a 50% chance that 1 to 2 weeks later, the player is approached by a courier with a letter from the guild that initially hired you. It contains a desperate message from the village pleading for help. With the orcs dead, a gang of bandits as sought to take advantage of it.

With the orcs in the area, the bandits were too afraid to attack, fearing they might be overwhelmed by the Orc tribe if their paths crossed. But with the orcs out of the way, the bandits are now free to plunder the town and continue to extort it. As the town isn’t able to pay, the guild won’t take the job, but instead forwards it to you, basically saying “if you want to help, go for it, but we aren’t getting involved.”

The player now as the choice to go help the town, or leave it to suffer. If the player decides to clear out the bandits, he gains a large reputation bonus both in the area the village is in, and with knightly orders. In the village, taverns will now offer free rooms indefinitely, and shops sell to the player for 40% less. Local guilds will offer low-mid rank services regardless of the player’s rank or membership.

Else, the town’s shops will be downgraded to the lowest quality (“rusty relics”), and only offer 10% of the amount of inventory normally available. Every week, a shop, tavern, temple, etc… becomes abandoned, and as a result, no longer offers their services. Pickpocketing NPCs will never yield loot. Residences will be locked 24/7. This will continue until the player helps, or until all services in the town are abandoned. When all services are abandoned, no NPCs will spawn in the town, and it will take 12-18 months before the town returns to normal.

The number of orcs and bandits will be some multiple of the number of blocks in the town, to ensure the game spawns a reasonable number of orcs that would be needed to harass or conquer the town. E.g., a town with 4 blocks might require the player to kill 12 orcs, where as a town of 6 blocks might require the player to kill 18 orcs.

As far the dungeon goes, when we have the ability to add new locations to the game, it would be better if the player had to go an orc or bandit camp instead.
Just and idea (pipe dream, perhaps)! :D
Previously known as LordMordecai on DXL forums

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Re: The Quest Prompt Thread

Post by Jay_H »

I can show you what is and isn't possible with current DFU. I don't do that as a matter of reflex because I worry that I'll crush people's aspirations, and would rather preserve them for the future :) But I can show what can and can't be done right now with what you've suggested there.

Also, I just have to do this:


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Re: The Quest Prompt Thread

Post by Jay_H »

Dark Brotherhood quest: A noble must be killed without evidence. The Dark Brotherhood has enlisted the aid of a magician/object that can teleport the mark to a dungeon, where the PC must arrive to slay him/her. If the PC takes too long, the noble will Recall back out and the quest will fail terribly. High rank required. (COMPLETED)

Fighters Guild quest: A werewolf makes a certain dungeon its haunt, but only at specific hours. Get to the dungeon and slay it when it appears before time runs out. (COMPLETED)

Any faction quest: Someone has gone missing in a certain dungeon. The PC must get to it and spend a certain amount of time inside, which will make the NPC appear and join to return. (COMPLETED)

Any faction quest: The use of some cursed item that can't be dropped during a quest. A bell that rings every so often, summoning an enemy to attack the PC. (COMPLETED)

Merchant quest: Escort someone to a certain place, but it's a trap. Before/when you arrive the person turns into a creature to kill you.

Thieves Guild quest: Grab a bag of money from a residence in another town, but don't fight the guards inside. They'll identify you and drop your legal rep.
Last edited by Jay_H on Wed Feb 06, 2019 8:27 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: The Quest Prompt Thread

Post by Kamer »

Is it possible to create a quest to where it starts by receiving a letter form a courier? Kinda like the Thieves Guild or Dark Brotherhood?

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