Holiday text, temp. wrong music when loading dungeon save [RESOLVED]

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Holiday text, temp. wrong music when loading dungeon save [RESOLVED]

Post by R.D. »

This issue has been around as long as I know, but sometimes when loading a saved game in a dungeon DF Unity the music will play for the wrong type of environment.

A specific way that seems to always reproduce this is to load a game in an outdoor environment, then load a game in a dungeon environment. The dungeon save will play outdoor music. Also, if it is a holiday, holiday text will show, which is only supposed to happen if you are outdoors.

I think there might also be an issue that after loading a game music from the "safe" throne room areas of the main castles plays in dungeons, or dungeon-music playing in the safe areas, when switching between these two areas.
Last edited by R.D. on Sat Aug 04, 2018 7:57 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Outdoor music playing in dungeons after loading a save

Post by R.D. »

It seems to even be a little more weird than I thought. Loading between non-palace block dungeon save, outdoor area (in a town), and palace-block save, I sometimes was getting correct music, sometimes getting wrong ones, in a non-obvious pattern.

About the steps to reproduce in the above post, this only seems to reliably reproduce the issue if the you load the outdoor save (in a town in my test case) from the menu as the first save you load after starting the program, and then load the dungeon save as the 2nd. If you have been loading other saves and then load an outdoor followed by a dungeon, the problem doesn't necessarily appear.

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Re: Outdoor music playing in dungeons after loading a save

Post by Interkarma »

Yes, this one has bothered me for a while. I've taken a few chops at fixing it, but always had trouble reproducing reliably. Your comments around load order are a good clue and might help me solve this next time I take a look at it.

Cheers. :)

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Re: Holiday text, temp. wrong music when loading dungeon save

Post by R.D. »

Wrong music after loading into a dungeon is fixed.

Updated the title to the remaining issues.
Holiday text can still incorrectly show and wrong music can play for a moment while loading a save, which I think is involved with the player first being relocated to the exterior pixel before being placed in the dungeon. Only happens when you are in an exterior and then load a dungeon save. I think it will also happen when loading a save in a building.
