Debunk this - ppl who build Cheops pyramid knew the speed of light

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Debunk this - ppl who build Cheops pyramid knew the speed of light

Post by King of Worms »

Hi, I know there are some really clever and analytical people around here, so Id like to invite you to debunk this:

My statement:
People who build the Chufuvs/Cheops pyramid knew the speed of light

My reasoning:
1) speed of light ===== 299 792 458 m/s
2) location of pyramid: 29.9792458, 31.134667
3) GPS system was actually invented Before Christ: ... ate_system
"The invention of a geographic coordinate system is generally credited to Eratosthenes of Cyrene, who composed his now-lost Geography at the Library of Alexandria in the 3rd century BC"

When you will put the coordinates to google u get this
94720223_629814747875438_5924819462556483584_o.jpg (65.08 KiB) Viewed 2809 times
U can see its not 100% perfect to the top of pyramid. I say its because during the 1000s of years, the tectonic plates moved by those few meters.
When it was built, the 29.9792458 was directly at the top with a one cm or more likely a one mm precision (as everything in this insane building)

I dont accept copy/paste of a link or any kind of replies like that as a debunking. I accept only people using their brains to show me where Im wrong and why.

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Re: Debunk this - ppl who build Cheops pyramid knew the speed of light

Post by pango »

It just shows that if you look for (approximate) properties in enough numbers, you eventually find some, It's just statistical.

(by the way the meter is an arbitrary unit of length that was defined at the end of the 18th century. The speed of light in another unit would have different value, so there's nothing specific about 299 792 458).
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Re: Debunk this - ppl who build Cheops pyramid knew the speed of light

Post by Baler »


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Re: Debunk this - ppl who build Cheops pyramid knew the speed of light

Post by BadLuckBurt »

What Pango said, Egyptians didnt measure in meters. If you find this sort of stuff interesting I suggest looking up Graham Hancock and Randall Carson.

Egyptians understood a lot about the universe and may even have known about the speed of light but I dont consider this proof of that.
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Re: Debunk this - ppl who build Cheops pyramid knew the speed of light

Post by King of Worms »

Very valid point about the metric system, thank you guys! Also thanks for the hint towards those authors!

So indeed, I started to be curious about the metric system... and how do we know, we are 1st to use that?

It appears Im not first one asking that question ofc... its quite lengthy and technical article tho, and it indeed proves nada ... years-ago/

But I understand that there are ppl searching for numbers in that pyramid for decades, so the chance you find something like this is there - and it indeed can be pure accident.

I think it will be another type of question we will really never find a 100% answer for.

What I know is, that the loss of Alexandria Library is maybe one of the biggest loss humanity ever underwent, I hate such events

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Re: Debunk this - ppl who build Cheops pyramid knew the speed of light

Post by BadLuckBurt »

King of Worms wrote: Mon Apr 27, 2020 10:59 am Very valid point about the metric system, thank you guys! Also thanks for the hint towards those authors!

So indeed, I started to be curious about the metric system... and how do we know, we are 1st to use that?

It appears Im not first one asking that question ofc... its quite lengthy and technical article tho ... years-ago/

But I understand that there are ppl searching for numbers in that pyramid for decades, so the chance you find something like this is there - and it indeed can be pure accident.

I think it will be another type of question we will really never find a 100% answer for.

What I know is, that the loss of Alexandria Library is maybe one of the biggest loss humanity ever underwent, I hate such events
You can manipulate numbers to do pretty much anything you want. One thing people should pay more attention to in my opinion is vortex mathematics which revolves around the numbers 1,2,4,8,7,5 and 3,6 and 9. This is a long video (4+ hours) but worth the watch if you want to know more about what it is: I suggest taking it in small bits.

And I'll be treading on thin ice here but the Egyptians probably didn't invent the meter, knowledge like that was likely shared by an even older culture: ... and-021191.

When you look into Graham Hancock's research, it's pretty clear that history needs to be rewritten whether he's completely right about things or not. People from ancient times probably knew more about certain things than we do today, we just think we're the most advanced / intelligent with our current technology while most people are too dumb to even understand how that technology works.

Library of Alexandria was a great loss, I can't even imagine where we'd be right now if it survived up to this day. I can go on at length about stuff like this but I'd appreciate it if everyone can keep it civil, I'm not looking for people to agree with me, I'd rather that you look into it yourselves and draw your own conclusions.
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Re: Debunk this - ppl who build Cheops pyramid knew the speed of light

Post by King of Worms »

Lovely! 3,6,9 were the numbers Nicola Tesla was into, and he was IMO just incredible genius, so I will take a look!
I think we can move on thin ice as we want, I guess the thread title itself will keep people who dont like that out, or they cant say they have not been warned :lol:

Im completely positive the history should be re evaluated, but that will not happen unless present is re evaluated as well...

Yes pls, lets not ridicule each other here, its just a healthy human curiosity at work here, natural thing which got us to the space already. If this process was absent, we would not be writing on our PCs sharing information all over the world ;)

Be well everyone!

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Re: Debunk this - ppl who build Cheops pyramid knew the speed of light

Post by DigitalMonk »

On the "possibly" side of the argument:
The diameter of the earth was calculated in 240 BCE by Eratosthenes (same guy that made the geographical coordinate system) in Alexandria, near the mouth of the Nile River by the Mediterranean coast, in northern Egypt. His result depended on measuring the distance between Alexandria and Syene, which was found to be 5000 stadia. Unfortunately, the stadion was not universally standardized and we don't know which one he was using. Worst case, he was off by 16%, which is pretty amazing for the measurement tools available and the multiplication of any errors by the resulting scaling up. Best case, he was only off by 1%, which is conceptually staggering.

I bring this up because the meter was originally based (in 1793) as one ten-millionth of the distance from the equator to the North Pole. If you know the size of the earth, you could easily derive a unit that would be similar, just with the decimal point in a different place depending on the scale you were interested in. I would expect such a thing to appear in records, but as mentioned, a great deal of knowledge was lost with the Library of Alexandria.

On the "pretty sure it isn't" side of the argument:
So, I can't rule out the meter side of the measurement, but I would like to throw a few other pieces of doubt at this theory:
  1. Precision: 299,792,458 is insanely precise. 1% error on that would give you numbers between 296,000,000 and 302,000,000. The tools necessary to get that precise are, shall we say, involved... And it's only that very specific number because in 1983 they redefined the meter in terms of the speed of light to get rid of some extra noise in the fractions that they'd worked out.
  2. "per second" requires accurate measurement of the second. I'm not sure if this is a problem or not... "Seconds" were derived from astronomical observation as early as the third millennium BC (thousands of years before the size of the Earth was calculated), but rather than being 1/3600 of an hour, they were 1/3600 of a day (so they were 24 modern seconds long). As far as we know, reliably measuring modern seconds was not possible until between 1560 and 1570 AD (or CE if you prefer), but, again, the loss of most of Western civilization's knowledge means we could be missing something. However, any variation at all in the length of a second will significantly change the resulting m/s value for the speed of light.
  3. A much bigger problem is the origin point for east/west measurement, the Prime Meridian. East/west positions are measured by angular distance away from the Prime Meridian, and in those times:
    In the 1st or 2nd century, Marinus of Tyre compiled an extensive gazetteer and mathematically-plotted world map using coordinates measured east from a prime meridian at the westernmost known land, designated the Fortunate Isles, off the coast of western Africa around the Canary or Cape Verde Islands, and measured north or south of the island of Rhodes off Asia Minor. Ptolemy credited him with the full adoption of longitude and latitude, rather than measuring latitude in terms of the length of the midsummer day.[4]

    Ptolemy's 2nd-century Geography used the same prime meridian but measured latitude from the Equator instead. After their work was translated into Arabic in the 9th century, Al-Khwārizmī's Book of the Description of the Earth corrected Marinus' and Ptolemy's errors regarding the length of the Mediterranean Sea,[note 2] causing medieval Arabic cartography to use a prime meridian around 10° east of Ptolemy's line.
    Modern lat/lon coordinates use the Prime Meridian going through Greenwich instead (no longer technically true, as standardization moved it slightly, but the point remains). That change means that ancient and modern longitude differs by approximately 20 degrees.
I have to chalk this one up as one of those insane coincidences. Either that, or God has a strange sense of humor...

Latitude, on the other hand, can be derived directly once you've got the size of the Earth, so if you found correlations with the North/South coordinate, those would be harder to argue with ;)

(Debunked or not, it's still pretty cool that it happens to work out that well. I didn't bother to go look at the tectonic plate movement direction, but that was a fun thing to throw in there, and to remember in any similar theories.)

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Re: Debunk this - ppl who build Cheops pyramid knew the speed of light

Post by King of Worms »

Thanks for a nicely sorted and worded contribution Monk.

I made a shallow investigation on the movement of the tectonic plates. Every place moves a bit differently, but its well documented.

The place where pyramids are located is moving N/E at the speed of cca 5 cm/year.

As it appears to me, that is the opposite direction than the one which would support my theory?
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Re: Debunk this - ppl who build Cheops pyramid knew the speed of light

Post by MasonFace »

I think these are fun. I've always thought there should be a required high school class on critical thinking where the teacher spends the entire class period trying to convince the class of something and the students have to note as many wrong assumptions and logical fallacies as they can, then write a rebuttal as homework. Sort of like a debate, but in more of a written essay format. Then every once in a while, do a topic that sounds too crazy to be true but actually is true, just to see if the students are actually learning critical thinking or are just being skeptical.
