Mesh Replacement Test

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Re: Mesh Replacement Test

Post by VMblast »

And direction of the "next" entry to the series (which would be Morrowind) by the original creator of the Daggerfall Julian Lefay, wanted to go toward even more rogue like direction. With even more advanced proceduraly generated algorithms and sprawling worlds. :P

But after staff "changes" in Bethesda afterwards, we got Morrowind as we know it today. Now, Im not bashing the game by any mean, but from my perspective I think that it would be much better game if they retained Lefay and continued the road of the Daggerfall philosophy. ;)

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Re: Mesh Replacement Test

Post by Biboran »

VMblast wrote:And direction of the "next" entry to the series (which would be Morrowind) by the original creator of the Daggerfall Julian Lefay, wanted to go toward even more rogue like direction. With even more advanced proceduraly generated algorithms and sprawling worlds. :P

But after staff "changes" in Bethesda afterwards, we got Morrowind as we know it today. Now, Im not bashing the game by any mean, but from my perspective I think that it would be much better game if they retained Lefay and continued the road of the Daggerfall philosophy. ;)
Morrowind had a lot problems during development, bethseda just die as company if they continue experements, most probably

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Re: Mesh Replacement Test

Post by VMblast »

Good analysis/ramble. ;)

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Re: Mesh Replacement Test

Post by Biboran »

VMblast wrote:Good analysis/ramble. ;)

Not very much like this guy
But degradation of bethesda games actually probably most obvious thing, so it no need video about that. :lol:

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Re: Mesh Replacement Test

Post by jman0war »

He made some good observations.
One of the things he said toward the end was that Bethesda will now probably shift to making games for consoles first, as that is the larger gamer market.
So you can expect less role playing, smaller explorable worlds and more 'cinematic experience'.
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Re: Mesh Replacement Test

Post by Biboran »

jman0war wrote:He made some good observations.
One of the things he said toward the end was that Bethesda will now probably shift to making games for consoles first, as that is the larger gamer market.
So you can expect less role playing, smaller explorable worlds and more 'cinematic experience'.
They already do this in Oblivion. Ads for TES4 on XBOX360 was more hard than on PC - lore become much dumb, interface more console friendly. Then all games after become more and more same way. Skyrim already as console as possible - that interface, style, marcers even on game screen, IQ89 "puzzles" - turn stones with three animals.

Fallout 4 even more linear, has no any rpg system, dialogs are more dumb than last mass effect games and most promouted feature of game is minecraft-type building in game.

Also, dunno what happens with tes series - it now used but different sub-studios to make games like Legends and ESO created only to make money from name - I think with TES happened what was happen with Might and Magic series now - very bad mobile games that had only name.

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Re: Mesh Replacement Test

Post by Nystul »

about the size of the map

the world is 1000x500 map pixels (small height map).

There is a large height map with 5x5 pixels in the game data. This data is somehow only a noise pattern how it turned out.

Each map pixel is approx. 1x1 kilometer. As far as I remember each map pixel in Daggerfall Unity is currently sampled at 128x128 positions for triangle vertex positions of terrain tiles. These detail height values are generated at runtime by using certain rules.

In contrast to computing them one could consider storing and loading them, but it will need lots of diskspace:
Storing a 16 bit height value at every possible position is 1000x500x128x128x2 bytes which is 16,384 gb data (uncompressed)...

In principle there is a terrain sampler class in daggerfall unity from which a mod creater can inherit and with which a heightmap data from pure data approach could be realized.
If one wants to use distant terrain these things are to consider: distant terrain only uses the small height map, so the small heightmap should be the average height of the 128x128 height samples of a world pixel.
Terrain texturing on the other hand is a different topic though...

Furthermore there had been a mod once that allowed to change the terrain heights based on heightmaps (so this might be an interesting starting point for someone who wants to dig into this topic): viewtopic.php?f=14&t=231

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