Mod Suggestion: Silly Lycanthropy

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Mod Suggestion: Silly Lycanthropy

Post by C0rg1 »

In our reality, Lycanthropy was used in the past to explain temporary madness, cults and just plain evil actions. Thus it takes on a tone of being spiritualy evil or just wild with its animalistic nature.
In Daggerfall its an actual medical condition.
Why couldn't there be a form of Lycanthropy where a Dunmer transforms into a Khajiit, or a Nord into an Argonian.
Sure it would be silly but it would also be consistent.
So the idea for this mod is that Lycanthropy could be aquired from encounters with other individuals, wither combat, food, or being frisky. Ie sleeping in a room where a persons sprite is located. All player species, including your own, are available for lycanthropy. If the random choice results in your own species it just flips the player sprite from male to female. If it's to another species this flip of gender is random. That way everything if a wacky wild card of nuttyness.
It's a silly idea. I hope you like it.

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Re: Mod Suggestion: Silly Lycanthropy

Post by Werewolf »

I’m no academic but lycanthropy wasn’t used in just a negative light in the past. Medieval Europe, generally yes. But even then werewolves in medieval literature were actually way different from contemporary portrayals of mindless beasts. In medieval literature werewolves could often retain their human intelligence and were far closer to an actual wolf in appearance. The modern portrayal of werewolves we see in Daggerfall is closer to old Hollywood monster movies then how werewolves were portrayed in the Middle Ages. Bisclavret, a 12th century werewolf story (that you can read online) portrays it’s werewolf protagonist as being an intelligent baron who retains his human intelligence as a werewolf. Also if you go pre-Christian lycanthropy was portrayed more positively in numerous cultures and I think even some warriors in pre-Christian cultures believed in lycanthropy to enhance themselves in battle.

But back to Daggerfall, that sounds like a neat mod idea. We need more lycanthropy mods, such as the idea you have and I’d also love for werewolves to jump higher as well…

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Re: Mod Suggestion: Silly Lycanthropy

Post by C0rg1 »

Technically I suppose any species that the game already has animated sprites for are available for lycanthropy. Although I would limit it to those with humanoid forms overall. This may mean that harpies and snake people are ruled out.

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