West's 3D Entities

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West's 3D Entities

Post by westingtyler »

Hello. For practice 3D modeling and texturing, and to create assets I can later repurpose for my own games such as #NotSSgame, I am currently modeling as a side project all the Daggerfall enemy types as rigged (automatic weights) 3D models in the hopes someone knows how to implement them into Daggerfall Unity.
sk2 dfu sk2.PNG
sk2 dfu sk2.PNG (417.82 KiB) Viewed 3400 times
I originally posted in the mod forum about my human base meshes to get feedback before I go full steam ahead, to ensure I don't have to fix as many dumb mistakes later. At the time I was more focused on creating a roster of 3D NPC characters (about 150 of them), but since Ninelan is doing great with her own 3D NPC project, I shifted my focus to the other areas needed such as 3D enemies and weapons. I've started with the more non-human-base-mesh enemies to try to get the more difficult ones out of the way first.
dfu modeling ask c.PNG
dfu modeling ask c.PNG (346.4 KiB) Viewed 3400 times
I am not much of a programmer at all (for #NotSSgame I'm using Playmaker visual scripting, and in < two years I plan to start using AI coding (https://youtu.be/x_cxDgR1x-c), once that becomes an actual available product - it exists now but hasn't been "product-ized" yet).
So considering that, if people "in the know" can give me specific guidelines to adhere to with these models, I can keep them in mind moving forward. Because I have ADHD and jump around to different projects, this will be slow going, possibly taking up to several months to complete, but it is a project I fully intend to complete, not just for DFU, but again for practice and assets I can repurpose for use in my own projects such as #NotSSgame.

My goal is to have rigged textured 3d enemy models (automatic weights, ~1024 or 2048 texture map, ~5k triangles) in Blender, then to consider adding mecanim-ready animations into each (where applicable.). These images reveal what I've done so far. The textures are slapped together but can be improved later. Any feedback or specs will help me improve. I have not added these into Unity yet, but I am open to adding 'ragdoll' stuff etc. to them, if someone can explain all that to me like I am a child.

I plan to post images here as I complete each enemy because it would be cool and maybe inspire others as well. It's silly to say, but feedback helps me a lot, though I plan to do this project for sure even without feedback. even so it will take awhile. I hope to see the dream of Daggerfall being fully 3D without flats. Anyway, thank you for reading and have a nice day.
dfu spider black 3.PNG
dfu spider black 3.PNG (652.76 KiB) Viewed 3400 times

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Re: West's 3D Entities

Post by ebbpp »

Well, I like the spider. Really great work, would like to see it in game. As skeleton goes, I believe those red eyes ware for reason. Maybe I'm just a purist, but I like how many mods tries to keep with the original or desired lore (like that thief character someone made).It is not a pile of bones but empowered animated pile of bones.. ;)

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Re: West's 3D Entities

Post by westingtyler »

yeah you are right. I fully plan to make the skeleton's texture match, including the eyes. right now it's just a base texture, but yeah, it will need to have the red eyes for sure.

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Re: West's 3D Entities

Post by carademono »

Hey West, just wanted to give you a heads-up, since your goal is to avoid overlapping Ninelan's work, that she's already modeled most (maybe all?) of the enemies. I think inventory items, weapons, etc would be an enormous contribution.

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Re: West's 3D Entities

Post by westingtyler »

cool! thanks for the heads up. I'll definitely keep this in mind figuring out a game plan moving forward. I wish I could find screenshots of the enemies Ninelan has made. They would be great to see!

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Daggerfall 3d Inventory Item Modeling?

Post by westingtyler »

I've been working on my projects, and after seeing ninelan's great work on the characters and enemies, I'm taking a look potentially trying to model some of the weapons and inventory items if it's still needed. Here is an atlas I compiled.
ATLAS daggerfall inventory items partial no clothing or paintings.png
ATLAS daggerfall inventory items partial no clothing or paintings.png (179.94 KiB) Viewed 2090 times
It has no clothing or paintings, but I THINK it has most of everything else? is this what people are talking about still needing? Is there anything important missing? Is the goal for these to exist in the inventory view/in-world? I think that would be cool.

And then my question is, in order to fit decently okay with Ninelan's style and other 3d model mod styles, what are the specs to use in Blender in regard to polycounts and textures? What kind of quad count per item is best? and what kind of pixel resolution would work well for the item textures, and should they all be on one big atlas or individual item textures (and if so at what resolution)? Are there any other special considerations I should think about?

Truly I'm better at modeling than i am at texturing. If you look at the attached video below you can see my current skill level for modeling and texturing (the texturing is material-atlas based - wood, metal, glass -, not custom textures for each item, but it'd be a start?) This video is for my other side project #AgeOfSingularity (Ultima VI fan rcreation project), so any feedback or recommendations about how to alter that style to make things more in line with the other 3d model projects for daggerfall, would be appreciated as I move forward with these projects.

My texturing may not be the best, but I can do the models decently okay (well, take a look at the vid - still better than nothing, right?)What I would be best at doing is creating a big blend file of all these 3d items from the atlas, then using a simple texture atlas to temp texture them so they are passable, at which point I could make that blend file available for modders to implement or for others to retexture if they desire, since my textures are not great, and as you can see in the below video, I generally do hand-painted textures without normal maps, etc. Potentially if needed I could prepare Unity prefabs of all of them, depending on what people think is needed to prepare for getting the models into the game. It's also not totally beyond possibility for me to code a mod myself if I am able to figure it out - I've been using ChatGPT to learn C# and python recently, for example. but for now modeling the 3d models would be the priority. The more specs and feedback others can offer, the better I can create what the game needs.

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Re: West's 3D Entities

Post by Magicono43 »

Cool stuff, looks good to my eyes atleast :)

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Re: Daggerfall 3d Inventory Item Modeling?

Post by King of Worms »

Lots of these are already done in Handpainted 3d models mod, you should look at that to prevent duplicates. Or, if u feel like, do it all so its in one style. Just a heads up.

Here is a "list of replaced models"
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/ ... edit#gid=0

Here is a mod forum page

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