DFU version 0.14.5 not launching (possible mod issue)

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DFU version 0.14.5 not launching (possible mod issue)

Post by rebelatnight »

Hey there, I'm fairly new to this community, so hi!

After months of not touching the game, I downloaded DFU 0.14.5, transferred my mods from 0.14.4 over, and now the game refuses to load.

It "launches", the screen goes white, I get a "DaggerfallUnity.exe is not working" message, and then the game crashes out or just hangs until I quit.

I tried a whole raft of troubleshooting steps like making sure it was launching with my Nvidia card, disconnecting external monitors, running as admin until I downloaded a "fresh" copy of 0.14.5, unpacking it and launching it with no mods and it works just fine, going straight to the opening menus with no delay.

So this 100% appears to be a mod issue, but I'm having trouble tracking down any specific troublemakers. I'm now going through the process of removing all mods, installing one by one and seeing who's the culprit. I just kind of wanted to ask in case any had any thoughts, or I missed something about specific mods not being compatible with 0.14.5.

I'll add a mod list soon, just wanted to get this post out there first.

For reference, I'm using the uesp.net compiled version of Daggerfall (currently at 2.17.0),and installing DFU over that, and never previously had any issues using this setup.

EDIT: added my player.log file, and attempting what Interkarma suggested by using the recommended DaggerfallGameFiles to see if the issue occurs
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Re: DFU version 0.14.5 not launching (possible mod issue)

Post by Interkarma »

Hey there. :) The ideal place to start is by quickly setting up a fresh copy using preferred DaggerfallGameFiles method with no mods so we're all on the same page for support. If the game starts OK, add back mods one at a time until you isolate the mod causing problem. You might need to update some mods rather than copying across.

If game still doesn't start from a clean unmodded install, it will help to attach a zip of your player log (how to locate). This can reveal why the crash is happening.

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Re: DFU version 0.14.5 not launching (possible mod issue)

Post by 13thsyndicate »

This is a known problem with the Torch Taker mod; if you have that installed, you'll need to swap for Darker Dungeons, which is by the same author and meant to replace Torch Taker.

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