Thank you daggerfallunity team

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Thank you daggerfallunity team

Post by Midknightprince »

I can pretty much confirm everything works as intended in build #78.
I know about the horse thing, but since you have the wagon with the horse its a non issue for me (it is so much fun :D ).
I'm still trying to find one of those doors in the dungeon that won't open but I'm sure it's fixed as mentioned.
Only thing I can think of is when my bow breaks (I need my bow).
The terrain flats are working (shadows included), which makes me very happy, weapon stats work, I'm still going up in lvl's (same guy from builds 76 & 77), I love the fact that Dungeons and such are NOT showing up until you find them (thanks guys), the time/location, info up and running, so many good things...

For me, this game is alive now.
The quests Jay_H keeps pumping out are just that good.
AlexanderSig is just kicking butt on the mod front, as is TheLacus, Nystul (you guys rock), and whomever else I'm forgetting (forgiveness please).

I just want you guy's to step back for a second, and take pride in what you've accomplished.

You people should feel proud.
All of you.
Just for a moment if that's all you have time for, but soak it in none the less.

You are bringing this thing back to life, and you're not just trying.
It is happening.

I just wish I could show my appreciation in a more fitting way than just a post on a forum.

Nevertheless, I thank you for all the hard work you ladies and gents are doing from the bottom of my heart, and the joy you folks are spreading around on almost a daily bassis.
I appreciate it in a big way.

Thanks guys.
Check out my YouTube Channel!

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Re: Thank you daggerfallunity team

Post by Interkarma »

Thank you Midknightprince for the sincere and heartfelt words. They mean a lot to me, and I'm sure to all the others who have worked on this project as well. :)

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