Loans, Roads & Ships

Talk about the mods you'd like to see in Daggerfall Unity. Give mod creators some ideas!
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Loans, Roads & Ships

Post by LypyL »

Loans - I know I'm not alone in abusing the loan system in Daggerfall with many new characters. Traveling to all the remote regions, taking out max loans and never paying them back is easy, and there is basically no downside, which makes for a bad game mechanic. I do like that Daggerfall had loans and I think they should be kept as a feature in remakes, but the system should be changed to prevent easy exploitation. This is really more of a DFunity thing, but I thought I'd throw this in.

Roads - While I doubt they would make it any easier to travel from point A to B without using fast travel, it would make the world feel more connected and interesting and less randomly placed stuff. It would make exploration more rewarding as well.

Ships & Docks - It would make the bay feel a lot more alive if there were actual ships in it! I think it would be great to stand on the shore and see the occasional ship sailing by. And with a lot of cities now right on or near the coast, they could have docks with ships sitting in them. Docks could make the player ship more interesting as well - for example say you sail to a coastal city, your ship would then be docked there and could accessed at the docks.

Anyways, just some random ideas that I've had. :D

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Re: Loans, Roads & Ships

Post by Deepfighter »

Additional Ideas.

For roads:
  • there could be camps, taverns, bandits around the road (or on road crossings) to make it more attractive to travel ( I remember to have read that Ted wanted to have camps of the bestiary to use the language skills)
  • with the "real" heightmap there could be roads leading to places above the hills
  • there could be some quest-events like rescuing prisoners or so
For Banking:
  • the originally planned headhunters, if you don't pay your debts could be implemented
  • an association of bank institutes, so that it's not region based
Furthermore small rivers are an option, but not necessarily needed after my opinion.
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Re: Loans, Roads & Ships

Post by LypyL »

I made a little demonstration video of ships on the iliac. They're moving more like speed boats than sail boats, but I didn't want it to be 10 minutes long :lol:

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Re: Loans, Roads & Ships

Post by Arctus »

Deepfighter wrote: For Banking:
the originally planned headhunters, if you don't pay your debts could be implemented
I feel like this wouldn't even be that difficult to implement, once certain coding is understood. There are several events in DF that already will continuously spawn enemies against you (like refusing the dark brotherhood) so it could just be modified code from an event like those.

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