Quest Showcase

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Re: Quest Showcase

Post by Jay_H »

I had planned the PQs to take place while other quests are happening. Some of them are a simple diversion from your regular plans, and others will take more time (and none of them are compulsory). So if you did the Cartographer quests at the same time as the PQs, that's one option. Or you could mix them with other quests, too. It's your call, I'm just happy to see the videos :)

I'm actually not sure what happens if you overwrite a quest file and load a saved game. Just to be safe, you may want to finish what you're doing now and then start anew.

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Re: Quest Showcase

Post by Jay_H »

I've added JHPQ012 and JHPQ013 now. They're both really simple, so I won't describe them here. They're of a much more seamless variety that I want to add more of. JHPINIT doesn't link to either one, so they're console-only for now.

I also made a much more useful readme due to Hazelnut's input.

I'm stuck on JHPQ011 since it has a lot of dialogue to write and I'm not in the mood now. Visual:


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Re: Quest Showcase

Post by Midknightprince »

Jay_H wrote:
:lol: Take a break bro, I'm still trying to catch up.
Check out my YouTube Channel!

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Re: Quest Showcase

Post by Jay_H »

JHPQ011: You receive a letter from an amnesiac soldier. What made him lose his memory, and what secrets are in his past?

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Another of my wife's ideas. It's based on a movie series ;) This one has a ton of dialogue, so it took me awhile. Technically it's not so complex, though. This could open a new questline, depending on where I want to go with it. This quest also uses the new "send foe" trigger, but that won't happen until next build is out.

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Re: Quest Showcase

Post by Jay_H »

No new quests for now, but I updated all quests that I remember with any "get item _letter_" action so they use the updated actions Interkarma added in the recent Main Quest stages. This'll make working with the Cartographers and other Perpetual Quests more realistic. I'm in a minor writing lull but I've got some plans for a few of the quest actions yet to be implemented.

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Re: Quest Showcase

Post by Jay_H »

JHPQ016: A mature orphan seeks your help to find an adoptive family through which he can learn the trades of the world. Each will offer a different reward of some kind. Which one is worth it to you?

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Another choice-based narrative! Not every choice is as rewarding as another. The guild-related options will provide a rep increase with them once reputations are implemented, equal to completing a quest for them. This is another quest that's more for role-playing flavor than anything, but I like the concept behind it. I do have some more plans behind-the-scenes for this, so more might come from this, though not a full questline.

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Re: Quest Showcase

Post by Jay_H »

JHTP003: Temple quest. A member is sick and needs an herb to recover. The PC is asked to make the delivery.


This is another introductory quest for the temple, between 0 and 10 rep. There's a 50-50 chance that the member is already better or sick, but it's all the same in terms of function.

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Re: Quest Showcase

Post by Jay_H »

JHIM007: Innkeeper and Merchant quest. The merchant got into an argument yesterday and could not prevail. The PC is asked to beat the opponent into submission.

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Just make sure you don't kill the enemy! And definitely don't tell the merchant if you do ;)

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Re: Quest Showcase

Post by Interkarma »

Jay_H wrote: Just make sure you don't kill the enemy! And definitely don't tell the merchant if you do ;)
This is clever. I like that you give the player an RP solution to the problem of slaying the target.

Something I struggled with when building these quest actions was "what happens if player one-shots enemy?" I had to put in special handling so stuff like "injured foe" still fires on a one-shot kill, because quests often place quest item into foe's inventory when injured.

When it came to pacifying an enemy when injured, it's a lot harder to deal with one-shots. Still don't have a perfect solution for this that doesn't limit player's choices or artificially make foe invulnerable for a bit. It's impossible for me to distinguish whether player killed target accidentally or on purpose, so I just have to assume it was on purpose.

The way you deal with this inside quest itself by allowing player to RP and lie is really genius. :)

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Re: Quest Showcase

Post by Jay_H »

Thank you :) I was planning on having a minor legal rep decrease if you kill the foe and a bigger one if you tell the merchant, but now I'm gonna lay it entirely on talking to the merchant. The merchant does warn you upon quest acceptance to not kill them, so there's at least a hint there.

Through some of these quests I want to generate a lot of options that make no sense to the powergamer but really open up some issues for RPers. I go back to thinking, "If I never reloaded and was doing everything blind, how would this turn out for me?" I hope people are pleasantly surprised by the things that happen :)

I just now decided to add in one more part... If you lie, don't expect you can always get away with it ;)

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