[MOD] The Penwick Papers

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[MOD] The Penwick Papers

Post by DunnyOfPenwick »

Over the past several months I've been working on a large composite mod.
This mod includes improved versions of my existing mods, as well as a bunch of new stuff.

The mod is available for download on Nexus.
Source code available on Github.

Many of the features added can be disabled in the mod settings.
Added spells and items can't be disabled, but can be ignored.

Many features require the player to be in a specific activation mode (Steal, Grab, Info, Talk).
To reduce tedious mode switching, there are options in the Mod settings to enable mouse buttons 3 and 4
to perform one-shot activation actions.

Here's the rundown...


Enhanced Info
This is a useful feature for all players.
This feature provides more information when activating a creature or NPC while in 'Info' mode.

For enemies, you can see health status, incumbent effects, whether it is weaker/stronger than normal, and disposition.
Instead of You see a Grizzly Bear you might read You see a wounded, burning frail Grizzly Bear - Hungry.

When used on NPCs, you can potentially see their position in a guild, some flavor text, and disposition towards the player character.
Guild status won't be given for the more covert guild types, but the flavor text might give you a clue.
Quest givers will often be described with terms like troubled or distracted, making it easier to find quest givers in taverns.
If commoners in the streets are described using these terms, it means there is trouble in the region (war, famine, crime waves, etc.).
Merchant/Innkeeper descriptions will indicate store/tavern quality.
Disposition information provides the player with some idea of their standing with the NPC's faction.

Grappling Hook and Rope
This feature requires a grappling hook item be equipped, from Ralzar's Skulduggery mod.

When the player activates a ledge in 'Grab' mode, a climbable grappling hook/rope will be deployed.
It effectively functions as a portable wall.

Landmark Journal (somewhat improved replacement for the Delver Compass mod)
The Landmark Journal allows for fast-travel within the confines of dungeons
and towns to places the player has already visited and marked.

It is a fairly common item that can be purchased at most General Stores for a moderate price.

Using the Landmark Journal for travel costs time and fatigue.
These costs are influenced by such factors as:
-Distance travelled
-Speed attribute
-Streetwise skill (if in town)

While fast-travelling in a dungeon, there is a small possibility of contracting a disease for characters above level 4. The probability is influenced by Luck and distance travelled.
Nearby magic portals in dungeons interfere with navigation.
Nearby enemies prevent navigation.

While fast-travelling in town, there is a possibility of encountering thugs at night, and cutpurses during the day. The probability is substantially higher if there is an ongoing crime wave in the region.
The Streetwise skill and Acute Hearing can help here.
If the character's Streetwise and Pickpocket skills are high enough, they can simultaneously pick the pockets of any cutpurse encountered.

There is also a possibility of contracting the plague while travelling in town if there is an ongoing plague in the region.

Dirty Tricks
It's the old throw-dirt-in-the-eyes trick, to temporarily blind opponents.

This can be attempted by clicking a facing opponent while in Steal mode, if within range.
This is a contest of Pickpocket(sleight-of-hand) versus Streetwise, with bonuses for agility.
This is a rechargeable ability, with a luck-based recharge time.

See the Blind spell effect for more information.
Like the Blind spell, most undead are immune. Vampires can be blinded with difficulty.
In addition, some creatures are resistant.

Fair Warning: some of the sneakier opponents can pull the same trick on you...

It's the old throw-pebble-to-distract-opponent trick.

To use, click a distant floor or wall while in Steal mode.

Most nearby unengaged opponents will be attracted to the sound and investigate.
This is a rechargeable ability, with a luck-based recharge time.

----The Boot
Some find riches and fame in the reaches of The Iliac Bay, others just find a boot to the face.

The Boot is a special attack that sacrifices damage for better knockback.

This can be attempted by clicking an opponent while in Grab mode, if within range.
Success is determined by a contest of Critical Strike versus Dodge, with bonuses for agility.

The amount of knockback is related to character strength and momentum, and opponent weight.
(Note: some enemies, like zombies, are unexpectedly heavy)

The Boot pairs well with its colleague The Ledge.
Attacking enemies are easier to Boot.
Unaware/non-facing enemies are much easier to Boot.

In the future, some enemies may be able to Boot the player character (pending).

----Door Peep
If standing very close to a door, the player can activate the door in Info mode to peep through a small hole.
If crouching, they will peep under the door.

----Door Chock
Inwardly opening doors can be 'chocked', effectively locking them, by a character with sufficient lockpicking skill.
The effective lock level is determined by lockpicking skill.

Chock an unlocked, closed door by clicking on it in Steal mode.

Remember, inward opening doors only...

Herbalism allows the character to use their Medical skill to create herbal remedies.

The remedies include:
Fatigue/Health/Magicka recovery
Attribute recovery
Poison neutralization
A paralysis preventative

There is no herbal remedy for disease; players should seek a nearby Temple of Stendarr, or a temple they are a member of.

Herbalism can not be used in combat.

There is significant overlap with the Restoration school of magic.
In general, herbal remedies are slower and usually weaker than the Restoration spells.

Herbalism requires an equipped Mortar&Pestle in addition to other ingredients.
The Mortar&Pestle can often be found for purchase at alchemist stores.
If a character starts with a high enough medical skill, they will begin the game with a Mortar&Pestle and a few ingredients.

Herbal remedies can be applied by crouching and clicking nearby ground or a non-hostile creature while in Grab mode.

The availability and potency of herbal remedies depends on Medical skill.
Typically, a character will learn new remedies whenever they increase Medical skill.
Most remedies only require two ingredients.
There are usually two remedies for the same condition, the second generally has longer duration.

There are two remedies to neutralize poisons; the remedy to use depends on poison type and will be highlighted.
The remedy typically reduces the poison time, increasing chances for survival. It can sometimes completely neutralize a poison.

Most herbal remedies have some side effect, which is usually drowsiness. In a few cases it is health or magicka damage.

There are three poisons that can be created: Moonseed, Magebane, and Pyrrhic Acid.
The Pyrrhic Acid is the last 'remedy' learned, as it is a strong poison.
When a poison 'remedy' is created, the character enters an Envenomed state.
While in this state, short blades and missile weapons will be continuously coated with poison every round.
Medical skill does not impact poison damage, but does increase the duration of the Envenomed state.
The Envenomed state will end prematurely if the player applies another herbal remedy.

Enemy poison status can be checked using the Enhanced Info feature.

Poisons are useful in long combats, particularly when fighting multiple opponents.
Normal enemy immunities apply.

The trapping feature allows the player to use their lockpicking (mechanical) skill to create crippling traps using available components.

Available traps fall into the following categories:
Snares (holds enemies in place for a time)
Venomous (poison damage)
Flaming Wroth (fire damage)
The Luna Stick (utility), intended to provide temporary non-flammable lighting when underwater.

To deploy a trap, crouch and click on the ground while in Steal mode.

The character's lockpicking skill determines duration of effects, and also the magnitude of damage for venomous and fire traps.
There are multiple versions of most traps, except Flaming Wroth.

Traps are not guaranteed to trigger; the later trap versions trigger more reliably.
The player character has a much lower chance of triggering their own trap, as they are fully aware of it.
Small creatures (rats) and weightless entities can't trigger traps.

Building and dismantling traps is a convenient way to train lockpicking skill.

Governing Attributes and Character Advancement
This is the most recent addition. I'm still not sure if I will include it in this composite mod. I might discuss it further in a follow-up post.

Spells and Potions

Create Atronach (improved replacement for existing Create Atronach mod)
This Mysticism spell allows the caster to construct an atronach minion to aid them.

An ingredient/component must be consumed to cast the spell; the ingredient required depends on the atronach type.

The atronach is a permanent creation, but doesn't leave the dungeon/area when the player exits or fast-travels.

The spell Chance value determines if the atronach is allied with the caster and becomes a minion.
A high Willpower attribute increases the chances of controlling the atronach.
Uncontrolled atronachs can be dangerous, but still useful.

The spell magnitude determines the durability of the atronach.

Speaking to an allied atronach toggles follow/stay behaviour.
An allied atronach can be pushed by activating it in Grab mode.
The maximum number of minions that can follow the player is determined by Willpower.
Following atronachs and undead minions that have been lost will find the player character after a long rest
or when the Landmark Journal fast travel is used.
There is also a Mod setting to allow for quicker minion teleportation.

This Mysticism spell allows the caster to reanimate a human corpse to aid them.

A ceremonial dagger (Holy Dagger item) and filled soul gem are required to cast.

Upon casting the spell on a nearby viable vessel, a soul selection window is shown.
The spell Chance value determines if the reanimated creature is allied with the caster.
Like the Create Atronach spell, having a high Willpower helps.
A more powerful soul results in a more durable minion, but is also harder to control.

The type of undead is mostly determined by the vessel the spell is cast on, and soul type in a few cases.

Undead minions can be commanded similarly to atronachs created by the Create Atronach spell.

WARNING: use of this spell has significant negative impact on Divine faction reputations, so temple members should
avoid this spell. Reputation with a few factions will be increased, however.

Illusory Decoy (somewhat improved replacement for existing Illusory Decoy mod)
This Illusion spell creates an illusory creature to distract foes.

The form the illusion takes is determined by the caster's best language skills and the current environment.

The decoy will be destroyed if struck, but a high spell magnitude will increase its evasiveness.

A language skill check is made each round to maintain a convincing illusion, with bonuses for Willpower and Personality.
A caster with a high Personality score can create more attractive illusions.

Blind Spell
This Illusion spell effect is used by the Blinding dirty trick, but can be cast as a spell as well.

Note that most undead are immune to blinding.

Blinded opponents can only see directly in front of them, and must rely on hearing.

The Enhanced Info feature can be used to verify blind status.

If the trickster is stealthy enough, they can often get behind an opponent for easier backstabs.
For best results, wear less armor: avoid heavy armor and foot armor in particular.
Having a good stealth skill will obviously help as well.

Wind Walk
This is effectively a flying spell (fast levitation), complete with physics and sound.
It can only be cast outdoors.

The spell magnitude determines acceleration and maximum velocity.

The caster should stay reasonably close to the ground to maintain high speeds, as wind is lessened at higher altitudes.

Warning: a high magnitude cast can be potentially dangerous to the caster and others.

Potion Of Seeking
Adds a new potion to help with finding objectives in dungeons.
Characters with very low Willpower will receive limited, if any, help.
Last edited by DunnyOfPenwick on Mon Jan 29, 2024 4:35 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: [MOD] The Penwick Papers

Post by Regnier »

this sounds incredible

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Re: [MOD] The Penwick Papers

Post by DunnyOfPenwick »

Here's the follow-up on Governing Attributes and Character Advancement

This is a bit of a fiddly subject, so I'm putting it in a separate post.

I initially started looking into implementing Governing Attributes because the game documentation mentions it a good bit, but it isn't implemented.
This lead to more thinking about character advancement in general.

The implementation can be toggled in mod settings, and will probably be on by default.
If the option is enabled, skill advancement rate will be influenced by its governing attribute.
The governing attribute will also act as a 'soft ceiling'; skill advancement beyond the governing attribute value will take twice as long.

The formula used to modify the skill advancement rate is: 1 / Sqrt((governingAttribute - 9) / 50)
...where the governing attribute is clamped between 10-100.

Here are some sample values:
-Attr- -Skill Advancement-
10 - roughly 7 times longer
25 - roughly 1.8 times longer
40 - roughly 1.3 times longer
50 - roughly 1.1 times longer
60 - roughly the same as vanilla Daggerfall
80 - roughly 0.84 times longer
100 - roughly 0.74 times longer

Since player characters usually have significantly above average attributes, I felt the need to tweak the advancement rate of various skills to compensate, so as not to deviate too far from the vanilla Daggerfall experience.

In typical play, a player raises one skill (offensive) very high, has a few more at middling levels, and the rest languish at low levels, mostly unused.

The Penwick Papers mod, and other mods like it, add additional functionality to existing skills.
In order to benefit from that, players will have to raise those skills, but many skills are just too difficult to raise in normal play.

I made additional modification to make advancement in most skills faster, and reduce the amount of tedious training/practice.

If players have both the means and desire to raise skills more, that implies they will level faster than normal, missing out on game content.
That is undesirable.
To compensate for that, I plan on adding a slider bar in mod settings to change the level advancement rate.
The slider will probably vary in the 15-30 range. Vanilla Daggerfall is 15 skill points per level. I will probably default to 18 or so.

Here is a table dump of the skill advancement rates I am currently using (lower values mean faster advancement):
{ DFCareer.Skills.Alteration, 0.60 },
{ DFCareer.Skills.Archery, 0.90 },
{ DFCareer.Skills.Axe, 1.15 },
{ DFCareer.Skills.Backstabbing, 0.70 },
{ DFCareer.Skills.BluntWeapon, 1.15 },
{ DFCareer.Skills.Centaurian, 0.50 },
{ DFCareer.Skills.Climbing, 1.00 },
{ DFCareer.Skills.CriticalStrike, 0.70 },
{ DFCareer.Skills.Daedric, 0.50 },
{ DFCareer.Skills.Destruction, 1.10 },
{ DFCareer.Skills.Dodging, 0.75 },
{ DFCareer.Skills.Dragonish, 0.50 },
{ DFCareer.Skills.Etiquette, 0.80 },
{ DFCareer.Skills.Giantish, 0.50 },
{ DFCareer.Skills.HandToHand, 1.15 },
{ DFCareer.Skills.Harpy, 0.50 },
{ DFCareer.Skills.Illusion, 0.60 },
{ DFCareer.Skills.Impish, 0.50 },
{ DFCareer.Skills.Jumping, 0.80 },
{ DFCareer.Skills.Lockpicking, 0.50 },
{ DFCareer.Skills.LongBlade, 1.15 },
{ DFCareer.Skills.Medical, 1.00 },
{ DFCareer.Skills.Mercantile, 1.00 },
{ DFCareer.Skills.Mysticism, 0.60 },
{ DFCareer.Skills.Nymph, 0.50 },
{ DFCareer.Skills.Orcish, 0.50 },
{ DFCareer.Skills.Pickpocket, 0.80 },
{ DFCareer.Skills.Restoration, 0.60 },
{ DFCareer.Skills.Running, 1.00 },
{ DFCareer.Skills.ShortBlade, 1.25 },
{ DFCareer.Skills.Spriggan, 0.50 },
{ DFCareer.Skills.Stealth, 1.00 },
{ DFCareer.Skills.Streetwise, 0.80 },
{ DFCareer.Skills.Swimming, 0.50 },
{ DFCareer.Skills.Thaumaturgy, 0.60 },

This will probably be tweaked over time. I am of course open to suggestions...

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Re: [MOD] The Penwick Papers

Post by Regnier »

for poison weapons, maybe a poison dart item that lets you poison without aggro?

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Re: [MOD] The Penwick Papers

Post by DunnyOfPenwick »

You might be able to use traps to poison without aggro. I haven't tested that.

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Re: [MOD] The Penwick Papers

Post by Regnier »

it would be cool if you run into a high level enemy, you stick them with something and come back later

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Re: [MOD] The Penwick Papers

Post by DunnyOfPenwick »

I think the Arsenic poison is a very long lasting poison. I didn't add that poison precisely because it took so long to work and I didn't think players would get any use out of it.

I could easily add that poison. The player could potentially apply the poison and escape the encounter, possibly with the help of a snare trap, and then relax for a while. Or possibly apply the poison at long range with a bow and then escape.

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Re: [MOD] The Penwick Papers

Post by Regnier »

imagine being the danger in the dungeon.

A monster hears nothing but feels a prick in its neck, it brushes off something its never seen, a secretly crafted poison dart; a slight tingling touches its senses.

Over the course of the next few minutes this lifeform will experience the crushing grip of oblivion, without the sweet release of death.

Just when it starts to hallucinate and its legs turn to stone, you enter the room with a slow clap and a laugh

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Re: [MOD] The Penwick Papers

Post by billyloist »

The problem with governing attributes (and governing skills for spells for that matter) is that there's no way to check them in-game for relevant skills like in Morrowind, so you'll have to consult the manual or the wiki quite often.

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Re: [MOD] The Penwick Papers

Post by DunnyOfPenwick »

I don't have a copy of the original Daggerfall installed, but my vanilla DFU install shows governing attributes listed in the far right column when I check skills.

It does not, however, appear to show them on the character creation screen.

I'm trying to keep the numbers and formulas reasonable to reduce the possibility of players screwing up their characters.

That being said, it's always possible someone might try to create a magic-based character and use Willpower as a dump stat. I might leave the governing attributes off by default for that reason.

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