mod request: companions

Talk about the mods you'd like to see in Daggerfall Unity. Give mod creators some ideas!
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mod request: companions

Post by C0rg1 »

Currently when you take an escort quest, the npc is reduced to an icon in the corner of your screen.
This mod would replaces the icon with a npc sprite that follows you with an identifier icon above it.
This way you have to protect them and in some cases they assist in your combat.

The idea is that this mod would be the first step before implementing a custom companion in the style of Vilja.

I don't know if anyone else has already acomplished this through other mods.
If so let me know!

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Re: mod request: companions

Post by DunnyOfPenwick »

See if the Language Skills Overhaul mod suits your needs...

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Re: mod request: companions

Post by C0rg1 »

Language Skills overhaul is quite similar to what I was thinking of.
I thank you for pointing it out.
However it does not engage the 'escort' quests.
The "Vilja" character chatters quite frequently in the oblivion mod.
Without voice recordings I imagine a scrolling text bar along the bottom of the screen like a television news channel. (Of course the text bar would have a re-position option)
As for a proof of concept character I suggest the following.
This character acts as guide that replaces the tutorial through Privateers Hold and even into GothWay Garden.
"Marigold" (Mary Goldstein) much like "DeadPool" breaks the fourth wall on a constant basis. She explains that she was an early play tester for Daggerfall and sometime in late August of '96 got sucked into the game world. She's only woken up recently when DaggerFall Unity fixed whatever bug that kept her locked away. Without much feedback from the player she tends to talk excessively. Unfortunately since DFU is solo play she has no idea how much time has passed or even what year it is. This results in all her slang being dated to '96.
Just an idea.

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