Worst game I have ever played. If you decide to play it, prepare for hours of frustration

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Worst game I have ever played. If you decide to play it, prepare for hours of frustration

Post by MikePhoenix »

The quests are buggier than hell. Never played a glitchier game. Maybe it is the mods, but shouldn't they be tested? Supposedly they are approved by numerous users. I have had more than one quest where the NPC who is supposed to be in a particular building isn't there. In one quest the person I was supposed to look for name didn't appear in the persons menu for the conversation panel. Even though other NPCs claim he should be. There's often bugs in dungeons where quest items are in an unreachable part of the dungeon. One is documented in UESP for the main quest Death Certificate, but I have also seen it in optional quests as well. It is not the way I am playing the game. I checked using the cheat console and verified that the quest item is in a part of the dungeon that is unreachable by normal means. Then there is the Painting quest in Wayrest. I tried every way I could think of to crouch, jump, or walk through the opening after the submerged room and absolutely NOTHING worked
Another bug: when you buy arrows it doesn't add them to your total in inventory.
Not even finished and I can definitely say that this is the WORST game I have ever played. I'll play through once just to say I did it, but there is no way I will do it a second time. Anybody trying it should be prepared for hours of frustration.
Not surprising that Bethesda is giving it away for free and giving it to amateur developers to support. It's worth every penny I paid for it.😀

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Re: Worst game I have ever played. If you decide to play it, prepare for hours of frustration

Post by Jay_H »

There's often bugs in dungeons where quest items are in an unreachable part of the dungeon.
There is a way to get to these places. You haven't learned them :)
Maybe it is the mods, but shouldn't they be tested? Supposedly they are approved by numerous users. I have had more than one quest where the NPC who is supposed to be in a particular building isn't there. In one quest the person I was supposed to look for name didn't appear in the persons menu for the conversation panel. Even though other NPCs claim he should be.
While I understand the need for catharsis, if there are legitimate problems, we'll need something more specific to go off than this.
Another bug: when you buy arrows it doesn't add them to your total in inventory.
This is definitely the first I've ever heard of this bug, after 6 years of development. I just tested it in 0.14.5 without mods, and I bought arrows without a problem.

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Re: Worst game I have ever played. If you decide to play it, prepare for hours of frustration

Post by King of Worms »

I like the sound of melting snowflakes :twisted:

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Re: Worst game I have ever played. If you decide to play it, prepare for hours of frustration

Post by Interkarma »

If you genuinely want help with something, you need to create a topic for that specific problem and attach a save before anyone can try to help you. Just don't be surprised if nobody bothers helping you after your approach here.

As you're obviously venting and not asking for help in this topic, I'm moving this to General. You're welcome to continue griping about Daggerfall there, provided you're polite to our little community.
