( Request/Suggestion )Foggy skies?

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( Request/Suggestion )Foggy skies?

Post by C0rg1 »

For some reason I can never get distant terrain and enhanced/dynamic skies to work together. Many times Distant terrain just doesn't want to work. Also dynamic or enhanced skies just produces a black /gray line on the horizon meant to be the sea. So it looks like the world has a black/sea bar then the sky. Worse when you see the end of the world where distant terrain does not seem to work. So I have a simple request. FOG.

The idea is that at a certain distance from the player character you see a white fog the envelopes the world, it rises up and fades at the horizon mark where the enhanced skies takes over.

Sure it makes the game look like its from the 90's but it hides square landscape drop offs. I don't mean for the fog to start at the player character, just "out there" far enough to fade into zero to hide the edge of ground drops. Heck have the fog color adapt to the weather or darkness of night time to blend in with the weather and time. Those world drop-offs just completely break the suspension of disbelief for me. So such a simple mod would be wonderfull.

A bonus is that this could easily work with retro mode players or those that want to play the game but not want to be disturbed by such issues due to conflicting mods.

I hope this is is an easy mod and perhaps that others would like it too.

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Re: ( Request/Suggestion )Foggy skies?

Post by DunnyOfPenwick »

One potential way of implementing a fog effect is to attach several semitransparent layers to the camera at various distances. More distant objects would be obscured because the player has to look through more fog layers. This could fix the distant terrain problem, but it would also obscure the sky.

You could also have fog layers parallel with the ground. As the player gained altitude, these layers would be gradually activated while the layers attached to the camera would be gradually deactivated.

I'm not sure what performance impact this would have.

If no one else attempts it, I might give it a go sometime in the future.

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