Daggerfall Unity Quest Pack #1

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Re: Daggerfall Unity Quest Pack #1

Post by NoobioDF »

Is 0.7.146 a more recent version than 0.7.2 or older than it?

I'm trying to figure out what version I should use with 0.7.146 build of DFU.

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Re: Daggerfall Unity Quest Pack #1

Post by Jay_H »

More recent.

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Re: Daggerfall Unity Quest Pack #1

Post by Interkarma »

Try to think of 0.7.146 this way:
0 = major version
7 = minor version
146 = patch version

A patch version of 146 is greater than a patch version of 2, so 0.7.146 is a much later release than 0.7.2.

Hope that helps!

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Re: Daggerfall Unity Quest Pack #1

Post by NoobioDF »

@ Interkarma

It helps. Thanks very much.


More recent, thanks for reply.

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Re: Daggerfall Unity Quest Pack #1

Post by NoobioDF »

Ok, so I downloaded the latest Github version. I'm going to have to ask a few install questions, just in case.

When I unzip this file in 7-zip I get these four entries if I click on the dfunity-questpacks-master folder:

.vscode Folder
PQP Folder
QP1 Folder

Now, it is pretty obvious what to do with the PQP and QP1 Folders. I drill in and I find the JH Folder for each, put what is needed into Questpacks as a readme also describes, and put if needed one txt file into the game's Quests Folder for initializing via the console if I use an existing character. That much Jay_H has taught me to do.

But I'm a little confused on the .vscode Folder and the imdfu00a.txt . The imdful00a.txt seems to be an Innkeeper's quest, with multiple stages and conditions which then branch upon what the player does during the quest. Either that is meant to be installed separately in game's Quests Folder, or perhaps it was a late addition and is meant to be in the Questpacks, dunno.

The .vscode Folder has only a subfolder with a settings.json file. Now, a .json file is I believe a Java file or a java script file. Not sure where it belongs here, is it a leftover or should I put it somewhere? I did not see an obvious place.

Perhaps 7-zip is expanding these in the wrong folders, but it is my default set-up and works for all other downloads.

If you could advise me on what, if anything, to do with the .vscode folder and the imdfu00a.txt file I'd be much advised. The two readme files for the PQP and the QP1, did not seem to mention either, nor did the quests in both of those folders have the exact same beginning, so not sure where it absolutely goes. I'm guessing it is a stray file or new file not yet put in the Questpacks.


If I had to guess, imdfu00a.txt is an added update file, so probably should be put where it belongs in the Questpacks folder. Although I think it might work either way. Or perhaps it needs an Innkeepers folder and then to be put in there, under Questpacks.

The .vscode folder seems to have within the settings.json file code that might be related to how the DFU launcher works, and thus could configure the Questpacks, maybe. Just a guess. But I have totally no idea how to do that, but probably not important at this time.

So going to just place the two JH folders and the console start quests as needed, and see what happens. But still curious as to advice for rest.

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Re: Daggerfall Unity Quest Pack #1

Post by Jay_H »

You can ignore the imdfu00a.txt and .vscode files. The PQP and the QP1 are the only folders that matter to install.

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Re: Daggerfall Unity Quest Pack #1

Post by NoobioDF »

@ Jay_H

Thanks much, I'll ignore those then. Yeah, I was just reading your exchange all the way thru the thread and saw that you had put that imfdu00a.txt aside for now and would return to it later.

Hey, on your changing the Perpetual Quests to Consequence Quests that trigger after either previous Guild Quests or previous Commoner Quests, did this also solve the concern you had with there being more Custom Quests than Normal Quests for each Guild?

I did find that your concern made sense, especially for a newer lower level character or player. But, if the Consequence Quests method makes them only occur after you've done many of the regular/default game Guild Quests, then that would solve the problem and allow the player to ramp up familiarity and see most of the quests.

Other than that, you could also, if need be, add more of the standard quests, thus making the chances of them go up, perhaps with a very slight variant to them but achieving the same purpose. That is drudgery though. Too bad DFU doesn't have some way to put a percentage chance or multiplier to a quest's chance to occur. That would be helpful for modders down the road, perhaps after release.

I was going to suggest, prior to reading about your Consequence Quest adjustments, that perhaps having a precondition of Reputation Level, or some other level or stat or spell, that is unlikely to be had at lower levels or just available after finishing a certain standard default game quest, might solve the issue for you, if such pre-conditions are possible. I know you mentioned Reputation as a condition as possible, so was going to suggest that.

So, at any rate, if I understand your Consequence Quest adjustment, I think this is a very good improvement, from my point of view. It should, via my mere noob's understanding, allow you to gate the custom quests better, and allow early normal quests to show up more frequently, which solves two birds with one stone. So I wanted to thank you for that change, as that would be my noob type's preference as well.

Want to suggest maybe something I always hoped to see in some games, like say in Oblivion, for here in Daggerfall. You may already have made some of these.

The idea is that when you do something, like say Steal from merchants after hours, or just take something lying on the floor from the various Guild locations or houses -- even if you don't get caught, they might act as triggers for additional quests. Basically, there is an overwatch faction, or the chance of being seen, but not by someone who reported to the guards. Then a quest is triggered where you might meet an NPC or be ambushed, and told that it is time for you to pay a fee for being allowed to get away with this activity. In effect the game, or the quest designer, is almost allowing for a strange policing of the Law or Rules that should otherwise be balancing the game or just cool. Or like a reason for another Faction or Guild to stick their heads and hands into the player's business. Basically it could introduce you to another rarely used Guild or Faction, and allow the designer to flesh them out.

The problem, obviously, is that I don't know what the game can track as triggers or as events. But if you can access something like that, or even fake it perhaps (heck the player can be wrongly accused and policed as long as it creates flavor, as the initial quest for such policing might just be pay or fee or else, or join us or else, or we are alerted so watch yourself), thus initializing the flavor or guild depth quests. This would also fit well with then inserting rumors , if possible, in dialog trees or via letters received, that then expand upon the player's concerns if he is being watched, policed, mob-controlled, that a faction exists and has some say in his life, making him look over his shoulder more and more -- even if it is just fake and not real.

Anyhow, much enjoyed reading the whole thread. Thanks for the reply. Adding this in now and then via console on my current still Level 1 newest character, who already has met 5 cool Hunters for a Murderer, who almost accused me but then another one said I wasn't the guy. Probably from Wilderness Pack of Kamer's that you helped me to get running. They remained spawned there on the edge of the city. Which I thought to myself was interesting. Suggested the Murderer might soon appear there, or that I might use them if I had to run with something on my tail from an City Quest.

By the way, the DFU Wilderness is so much more cool now. Has adequate flavorful graphics, you can see a good distance away. The edge of the city remains on the M map well even as you leave the city boundaries. I even got into fighting a Highwayman while still being able to see the City's Buildings. That was enjoyable. Same with the Bounty Hunters -- within range of the city, right on its border.

Daggerfall is dangerous as heck compared to the other Elder Scrolls games. Even way more than I had remembered. These additional quests you and Kamer in his WAQ quests have made only add to that. Holy Toledo, it's dangerous, but in a semi-fair way, since you can almost always run or avoid.

Thanks much.

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Re: Daggerfall Unity Quest Pack #1

Post by Aleryn »

Wanted to say thank you for writing these quests, as they just made me do something I thought I would never ever consider.

Defending a Giant Scorpion. True, it was a mage accidentally polymorphed into one, but still.


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Re: Daggerfall Unity Quest Pack #1

Post by Jay_H »

Haha! Great to hear it :D I wonder if allied monsters will be in the quest system further down the line. This kind of thing could become more sophisticated.

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Re: Daggerfall Unity Quest Pack #1

Post by Jay_H »

I'm in the process of reorganizing many of my ambient quests with Kamer and Warm Ashes. There'll be some content missing from my quest pack that'll soon show up in Warm Ashes, so people will want to update both when that happens to prevent quest duplication.

My quests are completely on hold until I'm done fixing the quests from classic Daggerfall, but besides throwing a few error messages at the player log, there shouldn't be anything obviously wrong with QP1's execution.

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