Wilderness Overhaul

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Re: Wilderness Overhaul

Post by Shapur »

I'll release the rebuilt .dfmod once the update drops
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Re: Wilderness Overhaul

Post by l3lessed »

Ohh yes, new updates. Can't wait to see.
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Re: Wilderness Overhaul

Post by King of Worms »

Glad the project is moving again

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Re: Wilderness Overhaul

Post by Shapur »

Daniel87 wrote: Fri Nov 19, 2021 12:40 pm
Shapur wrote: Thu Nov 18, 2021 6:41 pm ...so turns out, the version I've built doesn't work on 0.13. so great.
On it's own, the mod seems to work fine, but it breaks LevelUPAdjuster (the "canary mod", witch means it also probably breaks other stuff).

Typically, this would be fixed by enabling the "Precompiled (experimental)" setting, when building the mod.

I, with the help of Kab the Bird Ranger, tried to get that to work, but to no avail.

The compiler would complain about TileTexArrUniforms and KeyWords (from MaterialReader.cs) not being accessible, due to them being internal, but even after addressing that, the game just wouldn't spawn any trees, bushes... for some reason:

Therefore, I ask you to fix your mod ;)
It would be a shame to let this great mod be incompatible with 0.13
Thanks for the feedback!

I used the TileTexArray to store my own terxture set, as there are many texture transitions for the terrain that don't exist in the original game, so I conjured some new ones up in Photoshop. The error speaking about accessibility, sounds to me like something in the core game changed towards restricting modding access for certain classes. I hope this is not the case, as otherwise a minimum of 100h of work spent with the terrain will be lost in vain.

Don't worry about there not being any trees in Desert, Swamp, Mountains, etc. I commented that part of the code out to only focus on Temperate Climates forests.

After all, deserts gonna be deserts :D Not many trees in the deep desert, only sand as far as the eye can see. But if you find a spot of water, you will see oasis and lush greenery around it :) Just have to find these spots, they are rare. I wrote a function that paints an oasis here and there into the terrain but this might now be broken as its part of the TerrainTexturing which you mentioned seems to be broken T_T.

To test this: Open the WOTerrainTexturing.cs, insert a new Line between Lines 426 and 427 where you add Debug.Log("Oasis was created!");
It should be inserted before the return statement: return (JobRand.Next(0, 100) <= newChance);.

Then when testing, to to the deep desert and check if this log comes up in the console. If it comes up, there should be an oasis somehwere in the loaded map.

BUT :!: be careful if you remove the commenting and try to use that code for other climates again, as I have heavily changed some functions and parameters given to them for tree generation and the commented part was never adjusted to this over a long period of time.
You can use the parts for Temperate Climate as a template if you want to adjust the desert and mountain parts of the script.
Also :!: The same goes for the WOStochasticChances.cs: This script holds the spawn chances for certain tiles in the different Biomes. Have a look there if the spawn chances for trees in the desert are too low compared to the chances for temperate climate.

If and how many trees will spawn in a cliomate depends on their spawn chance (WOStochasticChances) and on the conditions in (WOTerrainNature)

Look into WOTerrainNature.cs
There you will finde HUUUUGE parts of the whole script being commented out. These parts are other climate zones that I put aside for the time being. Starting at Line 281 is the temperate climate condition in which the code decides what to spawn when and where (mostly stochastics and pseudo-randomness).
That code block is split in 3 different tile types --> if (tile = 1) // Dirt, etc.
There the code decides what plants and how many are spawned on dirt tiles, stone tiles and grass tiles for Temperate Biome.

Below that code block at Line 464 the Mountain biome starts in the very same structure as Temperate, after that comes Djungle I think etc. I put comments there so you know which climate it takes care of. Feel free to uncomment these blocks and adjust to similar chances and layout as the Temperate code block, then go Ingame and test the hell out of it to see what noise parameters look good for forests in mountains, what kind of trees should be grouped together, how many flowers can you spawn without getting lags or reaching the batchSize maximum error, etc.
It's HELL of a lot of testing to find stochastical values that mostly create landscapes performant enough and realistic looking.

If you have questions concerning the code you can ask me anytime. I am happy if I can motivate you to help me work on the project and will help whenever I can :)

I will have to download 0.13 and study the change log to see what might cause this. I still run the older version of DFU, as I haven't touched the project for quite some months now. But this long absence is also the very reason why I made my Github open source without any licensing, so the community might pick up where I stopped and continue my work. I kind of already set the basics of how I create different forests from different tree species according to different heights, etc.

Currently I am pouring a lot of thought ant time into my RTS game. I am struggling with a good task system for my Units and their interaction.
From calculating their distance to each work task in a performant way to managing their AI interacting with enemies and each other - It's a pain. Once I get fed up with it, I will resume work here at the mod again to get some break from my own Game project.
(I'm on the latest version of DFU)
Most of the climates seem to work fine. I can release a .dfmod that shouldn't cause problems with LevelUPAdjuster, when 0.13.3 drops.

However, oases don't seem to spawn in "coastal deserts" at all, and travelling to the deep desert (to Alik'r for example), just crashes the game - I haven't been able to resolve that yet:

Code: Select all

Couldnt find index. Setting tile to water.
UnityEngine.Debug:LogErrorFormat (string,object[])
WildernessOverhaul.WOTerrainTexturing:FindTileIndex (int[][],int,int,int,int) (at Assets/Game/Mods/WildernessOverhaul/Scripts/WOTerrainTexturing.cs:498)
WildernessOverhaul.WOTerrainTexturing/AssignTilesJob:Execute (int) (at Assets/Game/Mods/WildernessOverhaul/Scripts/WOTerrainTexturing.cs:159)
Unity.Jobs.IJobParallelForExtensions/ParallelForJobStruct`1<WildernessOverhaul.WOTerrainTexturing/AssignTilesJob>:Execute (WildernessOverhaul.WOTerrainTexturing/AssignTilesJob&,intptr,intptr,Unity.Jobs.LowLevel.Unsafe.JobRanges&,int)

// and 

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
WildernessOverhaul.WOTerrainNature.AddBillboardToBatch (WildernessOverhaul.BaseDataObject baseData, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] billboardCollection, System.Single posVariance, System.Boolean checkOnLand) (at Assets/Game/Mods/WildernessOverhaul/Scripts/WOTerrainNature.cs:2812)
WildernessOverhaul.WOTerrainNature.LayoutNature (DaggerfallWorkshop.DaggerfallTerrain dfTerrain, DaggerfallWorkshop.DaggerfallBillboardBatch dfBillboardBatch, System.Single terrainScale, System.Int32 terrainDist) (at Assets/Game/Mods/WildernessOverhaul/Scripts/WOTerrainNature.cs:1722)
DaggerfallWorkshop.StreamingWorld.UpdateTerrainNature (DaggerfallWorkshop.StreamingWorld+TerrainDesc terrainDesc) (at Assets/Scripts/Terrain/StreamingWorld.cs:1264)
DaggerfallWorkshop.StreamingWorld.InitPlayerTerrain () (at Assets/Scripts/Terrain/StreamingWorld.cs:625)
DaggerfallWorkshop.StreamingWorld.Update () (at Assets/Scripts/Terrain/StreamingWorld.cs:252)
Do you have any tips?
(I want to fix the crashing first, before starting adding missing biomes)

P.S.: Do you use Discord? If yes, I'd recommend joing the DFU DC Server, to simplify communication.
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Re: Wilderness Overhaul

Post by Shapur »

commenting out this to this line stops the crashing, but I still get a bunch of these errors:

Code: Select all

Couldnt find index. Setting tile to water.
UnityEngine.Debug:LogErrorFormat (string,object[])
WildernessOverhaul.WOTerrainTexturing:FindTileIndex (int[][],int,int,int,int) (at Assets/Game/Mods/WildernessOverhaul/Scripts/WOTerrainTexturing.cs:498)
WildernessOverhaul.WOTerrainTexturing/AssignTilesJob:Execute (int) (at Assets/Game/Mods/WildernessOverhaul/Scripts/WOTerrainTexturing.cs:159)
Unity.Jobs.IJobParallelForExtensions/ParallelForJobStruct`1<WildernessOverhaul.WOTerrainTexturing/AssignTilesJob>:Execute (WildernessOverhaul.WOTerrainTexturing/AssignTilesJob&,intptr,intptr,Unity.Jobs.LowLevel.Unsafe.JobRanges&,int)
Unity.Jobs.JobHandle:Complete ()
DaggerfallWorkshop.StreamingWorld:CompleteUpdateTerrainDataJobs (DaggerfallWorkshop.StreamingWorld/TerrainDesc,DaggerfallWorkshop.DaggerfallTerrain,Unity.Jobs.JobHandle) (at Assets/Scripts/Terrain/StreamingWorld.cs:1217)
DaggerfallWorkshop.StreamingWorld:UpdateTerrainData (DaggerfallWorkshop.StreamingWorld/TerrainDesc) (at Assets/Scripts/Terrain/StreamingWorld.cs:1211)
DaggerfallWorkshop.StreamingWorld/<UpdateTerrains>d__79:MoveNext () (at Assets/Scripts/Terrain/StreamingWorld.cs:655)
UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour:StartCoroutine (System.Collections.IEnumerator)
DaggerfallWorkshop.StreamingWorld:Update () (at Assets/Scripts/Terrain/StreamingWorld.cs:253)
And a bunch of these water patches spawn in the desert. Are those supposed to the oasis?
2021_11_20_19_25_05.jpg (98.3 KiB) Viewed 7282 times
Other climates don't seem to have these problems, any ideas?
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Re: Wilderness Overhaul

Post by Daniel87 »

Shapur wrote: Sat Nov 20, 2021 6:26 pm Hm...
commenting out this to this line stops the crashing, but I still get a bunch of these errors:

Code: Select all

Couldnt find index. Setting tile to water.
UnityEngine.Debug:LogErrorFormat (string,object[])
WildernessOverhaul.WOTerrainTexturing:FindTileIndex (int[][],int,int,int,int) (at Assets/Game/Mods/WildernessOverhaul/Scripts/WOTerrainTexturing.cs:498)
WildernessOverhaul.WOTerrainTexturing/AssignTilesJob:Execute (int) (at Assets/Game/Mods/WildernessOverhaul/Scripts/WOTerrainTexturing.cs:159)
Unity.Jobs.IJobParallelForExtensions/ParallelForJobStruct`1<WildernessOverhaul.WOTerrainTexturing/AssignTilesJob>:Execute (WildernessOverhaul.WOTerrainTexturing/AssignTilesJob&,intptr,intptr,Unity.Jobs.LowLevel.Unsafe.JobRanges&,int)
Unity.Jobs.JobHandle:Complete ()
DaggerfallWorkshop.StreamingWorld:CompleteUpdateTerrainDataJobs (DaggerfallWorkshop.StreamingWorld/TerrainDesc,DaggerfallWorkshop.DaggerfallTerrain,Unity.Jobs.JobHandle) (at Assets/Scripts/Terrain/StreamingWorld.cs:1217)
DaggerfallWorkshop.StreamingWorld:UpdateTerrainData (DaggerfallWorkshop.StreamingWorld/TerrainDesc) (at Assets/Scripts/Terrain/StreamingWorld.cs:1211)
DaggerfallWorkshop.StreamingWorld/<UpdateTerrains>d__79:MoveNext () (at Assets/Scripts/Terrain/StreamingWorld.cs:655)
UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour:StartCoroutine (System.Collections.IEnumerator)
DaggerfallWorkshop.StreamingWorld:Update () (at Assets/Scripts/Terrain/StreamingWorld.cs:253)
And a bunch of these water patches spawn in the desert. Are those supposed to the oasis?
Other climates don't seem to have these problems, any ideas?
Hy I'm on the road right now, so can't do a long reply.

Yes the water spots are randomly created in local basins and the flora should spawn around them when the respective part of the Vegetation script is uncommented and adjusted.
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Re: Wilderness Overhaul

Post by Shapur »

Ok, good. I was a bit afraid it was some systemic issue.
I'm currently playing around with mountains, so I'll get to that later.
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Re: Wilderness Overhaul

Post by Shapur »

Here are some mountain screenshots:
It's not perfect yet, but I don't think it's too bad either.

(Most of the work was already done by Daniel)
2021_11_21_15_55_57.jpg (143.96 KiB) Viewed 7206 times
2021_11_21_15_54_18.jpg (121.34 KiB) Viewed 7206 times
2021_11_21_15_53_35.jpg (103.81 KiB) Viewed 7206 times
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Re: Wilderness Overhaul

Post by Daniel87 »

If you like, you can send me your changes as a pull request and I'll have a look at them :)

In the mountains I planned on having a tree line at a certain max height, from where only rocks and flowers will spawn. Was thinking about a snow retexture of these areas as well, if I find the time to look into widening the texture pool per biome, but from what I remember, that is almost impossible.

Also the density of the forest can be managed through its regional height, so you would find denser confiere forests in the valleys and sparse forests on the hill tops. Flowerfields and whole flanks of mountainsides covered in flowers with sparsley a tree here and there will make for an amazing look.

I have used similar functions for the woodland climate, feel free to use the same techniques from there to mess around with the forests of the mountains :)

I commented all other biomes, as I tried to use the woodland climate as a solid base structure and get it to run A performant and B reliably while getting the max out of the limited billboards.
So in the woodland climate example you will find many functions governed by elevation height, etc.
If I remember it right, I have set it up in a way so that I have 5 different forest types and mixes of trees from that biome and arrange them in an array to always get a seamless transition of different forests next to each other.

Another noise function governs the general lay of land considering the forests. It's a perlin noise pattern spreading forested areas around less dense or not at all forested areas. This one should be the same across the different biomes to get a seamless flora transition between biome borders. (Will be hard for the desert a the gradient is from subsaharan smaller forests to no forests at all and only desert with some spots of oasis and dried forests. Also some more flowery areas around them.

As you see, there are different difficulties considering the different biomes, which was, why I rolled back all biomes to overwork the fundamental algorithms and increase performance and compatibility with other mods like the roads mod and texture mods. Also need to make a texture set compatible with DREAM texture mod. I have everything here to do it but not the time right now :/

I hope really soon I can get back to Daggerfall Modding myself.
Last edited by Daniel87 on Sun Nov 21, 2021 3:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Wilderness Overhaul

Post by Shapur »

Daniel87 wrote: Sun Nov 21, 2021 3:24 pm If you like, you can send me your changes as a pull request and I'll have a look at them :)

In the mountains I planned on having a tree line at a certain max height, from where only rocks and flowers will spawn. Was thinking about a snow retexture of these areas as well, if I find the time to look into widening the texture pool per biome, but from what I remember, that is almost impossible.

Also the density of the forest can be managed through its regional height, so you would find denser confiere forests in the valleys and sparse forests on the hill tops. Flowerfields and whole flanks of mountainsides covered in flowers with sparsley a tree here and there will make for an amazing look.

I have used similar functions for the woodland climate, feel free to use the same techniques from there to mess around with the forests of the mountains :)
Sure, I've made a fork, you can find everything there.
Git will probably show a lot of changes, but that's just some auto formatting by vs code.

The only thing I've really changed is stuff in #region Mountain Spawns.

(Mainly tweaked some numbers from the commented code)
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