Other Elder Scrolls

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Re: Other Elder Scrolls

Post by Deathcrush »

I could, and have, happily played the base game + unofficial patches + realistic levelling. A very few more mods can expand the game a lot, without hitting your load order. Basic Primary Needs is adding an entire extra dimension to my current play-though. Persuasion Overhaul allows you to replace the minigame with dialogue options. Liking Enhanced Economy so far; the shops feel more like real places when Rinder only pays for staffs (or is it staves?)

However, currently playing with 190+ mods, including FCOM+MMM+MOO+OOO+WarCry. My load order can't handle adding Oblivion Reloaded, though. Might just get OBGEv3. Heh.

Only found one mod for mercenaries, though, and two for pack animals; and I decided not to use either.

The Mercenaries mod allows you to hire mercenaries from just about any faction, including the *Imperial Army; and the mercenaries are +4 to +12 levels above you (good if you're playing an archaeologist; not so good if you just want some reasonably-priced help).

The two pack animal mods add seven unique pack animals to the Chorrol stables, which is...Quite a bit more specific than what I'm looking for, which is generic pack animals, and not just at one city.

* I get that the empire is in decline, but... :lol:
I'll have to try the mercenary mod out sometime, it sounds cool enough. On my old computer the mod list was huge and half the time it would just crash so now I have it down to about 15 in the load order (if you can believe that). I've heard many good things about Oblivion Reloaded, so I think I might finally give that a go after building a new PC.
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Re: Other Elder Scrolls

Post by Narf the Mouse »

Deathcrush wrote:I'll have to try the mercenary mod out sometime, it sounds cool enough. On my old computer the mod list was huge and half the time it would just crash so now I have it down to about 15 in the load order (if you can believe that). I've heard many good things about Oblivion Reloaded, so I think I might finally give that a go after building a new PC.
Reloaded tends to run into compatibility issues, I've found; but: it's a major upgrade to graphics; I've never managed to get *ENB to work; it adds dual-wielding, horseback combat, various other things; and it can glitch your game.

Overall, I'd recommend trying it, but on a separate install. Or directory-junction everything to the Oblivion install directory, and use version control. :)

* There seems to be some step I'm missing, and I'm still not sure what they're supposed to do, other than "adjust visuals".

Edit: In good news, though, OR might actually work with my install. When I tried, it glitched when I entered combat mode, so I quit and reverted, but after reverting, occasional glitches when I enter combat mode seem to be a thing that happens with my load order, so OR might not be the culprit there.
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Re: Other Elder Scrolls

Post by Narf the Mouse »

Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivon. In Anvil. Talk to woman tending to graveyard. Ask about Anvil.

"I believe I was made a Prelate of Anvil's chapel of Dibella for my kind and loving nature."

Ask about rumours.

"They say that when you murder someone, the Dark Brotherhood comes to you in your sleep. It's how they recruit new members."


Do Mage's Guild Anvil recommendation quest. Pass, but one escort dies reload, because casual play; easily beat the encounter with higher-damage frost touch spell.

Head back to town. Meet someone on the road. Stop for a chat.

tl;dr - "Terrible attack on the chapel in Anvil. All of Dibella's priests and priestesses, murdered."

...My character finds this chain of events rather suspicious...

tl;dr - Random chatter leads to strange suspicions. :lol:
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Re: Other Elder Scrolls

Post by Jay_H »

For some reason (likely the save-loading) your post reminded me of a screenshot Let's Play of Oblivion. Not the #1 best SSLP of all time, but it's great material.

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Re: Other Elder Scrolls

Post by Narf the Mouse »

Jay_H wrote:For some reason (likely the save-loading) your post reminded me of a screenshot Let's Play of Oblivion. Not the #1 best SSLP of all time, but it's great material.
...I just realized. This room:

Where does it come from? How do you get there/ Why, exactly, is there a storeroom and well right next to a secret escape tunnel? It goes way away from anywhere, and terminates right next to a brick wall.

...Are goblins trying to dig their way into the prison?

Why is this, even?
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Re: Other Elder Scrolls

Post by TesmaniaK »

It is probably not cool to say so here, but to me, Morrowind is the Non Plus Ultra of all games of all ages. There never was nor will be anything like it. Why? Well...

Its world is gorgeous. One can fly. One may place one bottle upon another and continue to do so beyond where Icarus' wings melted, and after 15 years , that babylonian pillar still stands proud.

I have made structures from bottles, spore pods, weapons, shields, lights that are the size of a small town. Why? Because I came from Diablo 2, with its crap tiny inventory. I had to throw so many set items away that I was emotionally damaged, and then came Morrowind. The things my very first hero sold Irgola in Caldera are still there! No need to buy a ship.

And there is something else: Morrowind shipped with the Tool the developers used to create and populate that world : the TES Construction Set (CS). "Feel free to tweak whatever you desire." And so I did. After 3 years of vanilla, many of my Heroes were 50+, and even with difficulty maxed, there were no more challenges, no more real dangers. And when I started a new hero, he/she had to go to Vivec Telvanni to buy a very expensive Levitate and then to a Mage Guild to have them make a small one that I could cast with any chance fo success, go to Caldera for some Bound Weapons and tune those down, etc.

And so I added Teacher Foragers who sell tiny spells for the young one , and friendly fishes and dreugh, so that the level 1 in Seyda Neen could throw away their rags and swim the prison dirt from their body with hardly a chance to be attacked, while Baby Racers and Baby Netches gently float through the sky. And talk. And trade. Tiny things. Tiny budgets. Bigger comes later.

Why? Because I like it better that way, and Bethesda said : "Go ahead, the choice is yours. You don't have to mess with hexeditors and decompressors and whatever, here, use OUR Dev Tool !"

Skyrim may have Dragons, I have Nightmare Racers who spawn magic spitting Ash Racers, paralyzing Horror Racers even, when under attack, and who even may respawn after you kill them. You think that's it then? Nah. By the time you're 55+, there are way worse things in the sky. But even then there are the Baby Racers, and if you allow them, they give you wings. Modest ones at level 1, very fast at 60+

And that's only some of the Racers I added. Why? Because CS and Gimp and nifskope made it so effing easy to do so. And when I'm in a dungeon or another middle of nowhere and have looted so much that I can hardly walk anymore, or need some bolts or potions or whatever, I cast the appropriate Summon and trade, or travel. Why? Because I like it that way.

And if I'm in an area where there's hardly any action, I put on that funny hat, and prepare for more fun. And every once in a while, the hat adds a Tree Seed to my inv when it spawns a party, and wherever I drop such a Seed, a Tree will grow, and that Tree is hollow, so i can stow things in it that I don't want to sell and neither care to drag around all the time. And after I've accessed such a tree a couple of times, i notice the lights...

Lights. Oh man. But I have to stop ranting now. You may get the picture by now. The game has allowed me to make it behave exactly how I'd like my perfect game to be. Which took me twelve years. So for me this game has no competitors.

One more thing that lifts MW to tremendous heights is MCP. I don't need better graphics in MW, or better bodies or ragdoll physics. I need uncapped skills and attributes, i need bigger map, and the tons of comfort that MCP offers.

So to me the original MW was a great game. By allowing me to tweak it to my heart's content, it made itself unique. Adding MCP to that highly volatile cocktail turns High Level Gameplay into a Nuclear Nirvana. Always the chance to die, even with 1800 Health. But that's what those potions and spells are for. And Items.


And Daggerfall and Oblivion too I consider sublime, each in its own way. I added some dynamite to Oblivion as well, but by no means as extreme as what I did for MW. YET. And DF is so delightfully new to me, and so compelling. Those huge dungeons took only a couple of weeks to become friends I love to visit again and again. Even when there's seven Vampire Ancients in one room...

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Re: Other Elder Scrolls

Post by Narf the Mouse »

Oblivion Reloaded works fine. You just have to turn off half the stuff and remove an animation folder. [/dryhumour]

OTOH, it is pretty.
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Re: Other Elder Scrolls

Post by legion »

I was just on Gamespot.com and saw that whoopteydoo they are working on Elder Scrolls VI.
So I watched the preview, and was not inspired. That musical theme is incredibly old, and was never good in the first place.

I played Morrowind a lot, but I always thought Daggerfall's art and music was superior, in spite of using old DOS technology. The pixelated sprites and enemies look better than anything that came out in the later games.
In my opinion, the TES games got progressively worse with each release as they designed them around consoles.

I am amazed at how overrated 3-5 are. They are incredibly bland. Shouldn't really be called The Elder Scrolls. Todd Howard hijacked the brand and ruined the series.

Julian LeFay had the right idea. The original DF manual specifically states that you should live with your decisions and roleplay through everything. There is a sense of danger and reckless coding that is a lot more stimulating. It seems like the randomly-generated coding actually had a sinister digital life of its own that became something beyond what the developers could ever finish. Imagine using that same risky philosophy with today's technology.

Unfortunately, all the newer titles seem to have a business model that gets people to buy them because of the "open-world" novelty in spite of the fact that they are very safe, limited games that are generic and get boring fast. And the NPC's are just cringeworthy. For example: the way they all turn their heads to look at you when you're near, like weird robots. And the fact they're all voiced by the same character. Today's Bethesda does not understand ambiance and doesn't bother to fix any of the immersion-breaking awkwardness, they are clueless.

But since it makes $$$ they haven't deviated from the formula one bit, and it keeps getting dumbed down. It seems like VI isn't gonna be any different.

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Re: Other Elder Scrolls

Post by Narf the Mouse »

I have some hopes, around certain released info. Of course, we all know how well Bethesda's pre-release announcements match the released games. So anyway, if the release info at the last E3 is correct:

1) Bethesda Game Studio just recently went from 30 employees to 200 employees. That should result in more capability.

2) Starfield, and it's roguelike, massive nature, including at least one planet city.

Ok, so this is going to take a bit of explaining. To do this, they need either unvoiced dialogue, or at minimum, thousands of voices. However: There is a way they could have a unique voice for each procedurally-generated NPC, and that's procedural voice generation. And from what I've heard, there's some interesting work going on there.

Directed procedural generation in general can generate seemingly-natural or -designed planets, cities, NPC models, sounds, music, even quests - Voice is pretty much the missing piece of the puzzle.

3) They've stated that they are waiting years to release ES:VI because "'...the technology doesn't[/didn't?] exist yet.'", as far as I can recall.

If they just wanted to make a game that's basically Skyrim II, the technology certainly does exist.


That being said, I've no plans to pre-order Elder Scrolls VI at this time. Instead, I plan to wait for the player reviews to come out.
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Re: Other Elder Scrolls

Post by Rytelier »

I'm pretty glad that TES games changed their direction from Morrowind, but then I'm upset, that they treat their games from Oblivion as an sandbox slasher instead of rpg.

Daggerfall never really appealed to me. Huge procedural generated world is boring, and massive dungeons are nearly impossible to beat. Especially when it bugs and quest item spawns outside of available position.

I'm following Daggerfall Unity, because it's really promising. Modern engine and modders' dedication will allow to make Daggerfall a gem instead of monstrosity. You guys are doing much better work than OpenMW team, that has decided to make whole game engine instead of focusing remaking MW.

Morrowind did good changes. World is smaller, handcrafted, so it's more appealing. Handcrafted landscapes are superior to procedural, always. They've simplified game mechanics, so you don't have hundreds of useless skills, like "impish" or "swimming".
The setting got an upgrade, now from generic medieval it got more alien, interesting.

Art and music despite it being mentioned 2 posts above, got way better. Morrowind has more consistent and appealing artstyle.
And music, oh damn, getting Jeremy Soule for TES game was the best idea, it got much better than it was in Daggerfall and Arena. Music from 3-5 is the only thing not drowned in flaws 👌

Honestly, Bethesda has never made actually good Elder Scrolls game. They all have flaws. Morrowind despite having its own charm, also suffers from lack of polish and awful balance.
Skyrim simplifies too much, making game way too casual and it still uses outdated mechanics.

Honestly, I have low expectations for TES VI. Until they listen to player feedback, we can forget about good games.

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