Mod Suggestion - Carriages

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Mod Suggestion - Carriages

Post by thermallance89 »

Here is the situation. I use the following mods for immersions purposes.

- Travel Options + (That road one that works well with it. Can't remember the name right now.)

- Calories and Climate.

Well, a bunch of stuff. But, you know, moving on town at a time can be a drag at times. There is an option with the travel options mod to enable teleportation for cash but it seems prohibitively expensive. (I don't even know the price, but its clearly more than 1200. Maybe it works with distance or...? No idea, there is zero feedback to know.) Let's be clear, I don't want easy, cheap, cost effective / no drawback travels. Otherwise I'd just remove all those mods.

So, here's what I would like to see as a mod that could complete this kind of setup and remove some of the burden of traveling on land. It's already a non issue for ships. What about low-to-moderate cost carriages (not as ridiculously expensive as teleportation from the Travel Options but not cheap to the point it becomes routine.) between major cities in a given territory. The lower cost would be compensated by the fact you have to travel with a bunch of less fortunate (and maybe sick) people and using the service runs the risk of catching a disease?

That could really help those, like me, who uses those setups but needs a small boost for when quests requires to travel very long distances.

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Re: Mod Suggestion - Carriages

Post by Ralzar »

I like the idea and I think we even discussed ideas for such a mod some time ago.

I could imagine a mod that introduce coach stations outside major cities. When you use the stations service you get a list of towns in the region with coach stations and the opportunity to travel there for a fee based on distance.

That said, just so it is mentioned: if you are not, you should try using the quest location mod. It lets you set a max distance for quests offered. Without it, the traveling gets really tedious as you keep getting sent to the opposite side of the region.

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Re: Mod Suggestion - Carriages

Post by TalonTarp »

Ralzar wrote: Fri Oct 21, 2022 12:55 pm I like the idea and I think we even discussed ideas for such a mod some time ago.

I could imagine a mod that introduce coach stations outside major cities. When you use the stations service you get a list of towns in the region with coach stations and the opportunity to travel there for a fee based on distance.

That said, just so it is mentioned: if you are not, you should try using the quest location mod. It lets you set a max distance for quests offered. Without it, the traveling gets really tedious as you keep getting sent to the opposite side of the region.
I had that mod installed and didn't remember to mess with the options. No wonder it's been so hard starting out. Climates and calories starting out is BRUTAL if you stay in the starting region with a low strength character and heavier armor. Can't afford a horse to carry my loot yet and Anything more than a shortsword puts me into overburdened state. I like this carriage idea for starting out. I don't know how useful it would be later though. Would be fun to have a high chance of getting highway robbers if your carrying too much gold.

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Re: Mod Suggestion - Carriages

Post by numidium3rd »

I like the idea of making travel riskier and more difficult. Adding the possibility of catching a disease on the way to your destination would add more mileage to the disease system which is typically only used on the off-chance that you catch one in a dungeon.

When I was using Travel Options it opened up a new dimension of play for me. Going from one town to another without restoring fatigue made it so I had to stop and rest at inns. Typically I never go to inns (except for quests) and only visit a select few towns for their guildhalls or rusty relics pawnshops where I can sell loot for good profit. However with this mod active, travel would get interrupted by enemy encounters so I'd have to make do with whatever re-supply options the next town on my route had in order to be ready for the next time I'd get waylaid.

I think it would be awesome to have something in between the current system and what Travel Options does. For instance, you'd see your progress along the roads from the map screen instead of from first person. If you get interrupted by bandits or whatever then you're dropped from the map screen and you fight. Add a little Oregon Trail to your Elder Scrolls.

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Re: Mod Suggestion - Carriages

Post by Jay_H »

I think it would be awesome to have something in between the current system and what Travel Options does. For instance, you'd see your progress along the roads from the map screen instead of from first person. If you get interrupted by bandits or whatever then you're dropped from the map screen and you fight. Add a little Oregon Trail to your Elder Scrolls.
Sounds like we need an Indiana Jones progress indicator :lol:


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Re: Mod Suggestion - Carriages

Post by Regnier »

hopefully we can work to get to this

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Re: Mod Suggestion - Carriages

Post by Ralzar »

The only open wrold game I can think of that had a fast travel system I found actually acceptable was Kingdom Come.

You could only initiate fast travel from roads.
You zoomed out to the main map and then a marker for you traveled along the roads.
Time passed while traveling.
Travel got interrupted if you ran into random encounters or points of interest.

I get really exhasperated that this is really not the bare minimum of what a fast travel system should contain. Something that tells you that, yes you are fast forwarding through the boring parts, but the boring parts are actually happening to your character. You are not just teleporting.

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Re: Mod Suggestion - Carriages

Post by C0rg1 »

Morrowind used 3 different transport systems. They are Magic teleportation, Shoreline boats, and land striders. Within each system you often could not directly transport to where you wanted to go. This created the illusion of competing transport systems. Each system had various locales that the other could not go to.
With the huge number of establishments in the Daggerfall game I would limit it to the largest cities.
One idea would be to make two networks for carriages. One would be a Capital City Network that only travels between regional capitals. The other would be a Regional Network that is still limited to the largest cities within the region. This way you could still have that multiple system feeling but its still just the same mechanic. A bit boost to this feeling is that not all capital cities are in the center of their nations. An example is Daggerfall city which is close to the coast. So traveling to the capital cities does not always pay off. It might be cheaper to walk across the boarder and catch a local carriage than using the national system. I hope my idea inspires.
Last edited by C0rg1 on Wed Nov 09, 2022 3:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Mod Suggestion - Carriages

Post by Sappho20 »

Yes, I agree with you, the Morrowind system felt like part of fabric of Vvardenfell. I felt like I was paying to avoid bandits and it was the natural way to travel around the island. Plus, its limitations added realism to it.
Daggerfalls just feels like cheating to me. Just magic consequence free travel that breaks my immersion. With the one exception of boat traveling which feels ok because I am not going to walk all the way around the bay from Daggerfall city to Sentinel.
Like Ralzar I wish there was more to fast travel that would give the player the sense of actual travel and time passing and I feel that types of limitations or consequences would be good.
I like the idea of two carriage systems, one between capital cities and perhaps ports and another local travel network. Maybe the smallest places, taverns, shrines and dungeons not being on the routes at all so there are places you must walk to.

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Re: Mod Suggestion - Carriages

Post by C0rg1 »

The best method to make it feel unique is a completely mapped out system. Even if you limit the custom mapping to the 'capital network' that is a LOT to do.

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