Modifying PlayerActivate.cs or other game logic

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Modifying PlayerActivate.cs or other game logic

Post by galaxgal »

After being disappointed by Daggerfall's paltry implementation of Pickpocketing I decided to try my hand at modding. After some environment setup I was able to find the Pickpocket() method under PlayerActivate.cs and did a very basic code to set pickpocketed gold amounts to some absurd value (in the 1000's) for testing. However, after building the mod and including the modified PlayerActivate.cs code, I don't see the changes reflected in my game.

Is this type of modification supported, and if so what step am I missing? Is there some way that I can (should?) override the method in my own code file?

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Re: Modifying PlayerActivate.cs or other game logic

Post by Ralzar »

Back when I made the Skulduggery mod I also attempted to mod this. But unfortunately it seemed quite inaccessible unless you start using reflection, which is out of my league and tends to result in less stable mods. So in the end I settled on just changeing the pickpocket formula, as those can be easily overridden in formulahelper.cs

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