Brazilian Portuguese Translation

Discuss translation of Daggerfall Unity and the required Daggerfall installation. Help other communities learn how to translate Daggerfall using any available tools and processes.
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Brazilian Portuguese Translation

Post by Magirion »

Ok, I don't really know if i'm doing it in the right way :)

First of all, I need to clarify that I've never really played Daggerfall, nor Unity, nor the Classic.
I've always find it extremely hard to translate everything on my own during the gameplay, so much that I can't even focuse on the game itself because my encefalic mass is melting.

So, I've decided that maybe it's worth trying to translate everything before starting, because even if I grow tired of the game, other Brazilians will be able to have a good experience with the game.

I will try to keep this forum updated with my progress as I work on it. For now I've been able to translate the following:

- Internal_Flats.rsc
- GameSettings.txt
- MainMenu.txt
- ModSystem.txt
- Internal_Strings.csv

I've noticed some things that dont work and I don't really know how to fix :/

I'll be sure to document everything soon.

Thanks for your attention.

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Re: Brazilian Portuguese Translation

Post by Interkarma »

Hey, welcome to the forums. :)

Let me know which text you have troubles with. I'm compiling some "troubleshooting" notes for common problems and solution raised during the beta.

There's also likely some text I've missed. Daggerfall is a vast game and over 60 people have contributed to DFU. Even after a few years chipping away at localization, there's bound to be hardcoded text I've missed somewhere.

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Re: Brazilian Portuguese Translation

Post by Magirion »

Quick Update :)

I didn't die if someone have wondered :D

I've finally discovered the guilty of my work well.... don't work.

I am currently using Linux, so I was editing the sheets on Libre Office Editor, but for some reason it does kinda of corrupt the format of the file. :/

I plan returning to windows tomorrow in order to use my beloved Microsoft Excel :)

See you soon with good news, or at least I hope so. ;D

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Re: Brazilian Portuguese Translation

Post by Interkarma »

Hey thanks for the update. :)

The main things are your CSV files have UTF8 encoding and use the same structure as the master CSV files.

The best advice I have is to test frequently and make lots of backups. While setting up localised text on my end, I did it in small batches - e.g. a specific UI or game system, and tested that before moving on to the next. I use GitHub here, but any system with file versioning or good backup history will do. It helps if you can compare file history to see where something might have been broken between versions.

If you get stuck, drop back in the master file for a bit and focus just on the text giving you problems at that time. You can also attach zip files to the forums here, so don't hesitate to share a zip of your work if you need help. I'll support localization questions as much as possible prior to 1.0, at which point I'm moving on from DFU.

Good luck!

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Re: Brazilian Portuguese Translation

Post by pango »

I tried a read/write cycle thru LibreOffice Calc, and the differences I noted:
  • end of lines style, changes from MS-DOS (CRLF) to Unix (LF). I don't think DFU cares about that;
  • it strips the BOM at the beginning of file. Again I don't think DFU should care?
  • they're two lines in Internal_Strings.csv that contain standalone CRs, and they're rewritten as LF; I suspect that could be problematic (but should probably not be in the input file to begin with)

Code: Select all

diff --git a/Internal_Strings.csv b/Internal_Strings.csv
index bf67a17..7ff2204 100644
--- a/Internal_Strings.csv
+++ b/Internal_Strings.csv
@@ -759,7 +759,8 @@ add25Percent,25% additional
 add50Percent,50% additional
-adrenalineRushLower,"adrenaline rush^M"
+adrenalineRushLower,"adrenaline rush
@@ -1096,7 +1097,8 @@ Armsmaker
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Re: Brazilian Portuguese Translation

Post by Magirion »

Quick question :)

Is it possible to correctly edit the SVs on excel 2010? I don't think they are being saved in the right way. Before they were putting everything on one column, but I've managed to fix this by changing my whole system to US english, but even so, the files are not saving rightly. :/

Maybe I'm doing something wrong, maybe is beyond my control.

... please don't ask why I'm using 2010 excel ;), let's say eh.... I like it very much. :D. Jokes aside, I don't really have the money. :/

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Re: Brazilian Portuguese Translation

Post by pango »

You're frankly more likely to get correct results using LibreOffice, that's written to be interoperable with modern Excel versions, than 2010 Excel that will probably handle UTF-8 poorly, among things.
When a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure.
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Re: Brazilian Portuguese Translation

Post by Magirion »

OK, I am so proud to say this.

I have finally manage to find a program that works perfectly (Hallelujah)

The program's name is Modern CSV - link:

I've tested and it's really working properly :D

From now on, we'll be making progress 8-)

I will try to make some more advances before posting the first files.

Thanks everyone for the support :)

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Re: Brazilian Portuguese Translation

Post by Magirion »

Ok, there are some things I want to point. :)

I really don't know if there's a way to fix the conflicts on the phrasal structure beetween english (a germanic language) and portuguese (a romance language), mainly when we're talking about strings, values and parameters.

For example: a Iron sword is composed by two different values placed one after the other in a specific order (Iron-Sword = Adjective-Substantive). Nonetheless, in romance languages as portuguese, the Substantive comes first (Espada-de-Ferro) with "de" (equivalent for "of") being the conector, in other words, we say it like "sword of Iron". in other words.

Differences: General Romance Languages (Substantive comes first and the adjective after) / English (Adjective comes first and Substantive after)

The second point I want to present is the matter of genders. Over the years, english became an almost 100% genderless language, but in romance languages, genders are used to assign almost everything, for example, a simple The, becomes, depending on the situation:

"O" masculine and singular;
"A" feminine and singular;
"OS" masculine and plural;
"AS" feminine and plural.

Starting from the assumption that I don't really know in which exact situation everything will be use, and probably a value will be used in situations that can be applied each for both genders, I can use something like " O(a) cantor(a)" = "The Singer", but it does look extremely ugly :/

I was Writing a new point about the location names conflict, but then I have noticed It have been fixed in Internal_Locations.csv. (Insert a Clown Emoji Here)

I don't know if it's possible to fix this, or even, if someone in any other romance translation forum have already brought all this to discussion.

Yeah that's a BIG text I've written. :D
Sorry for making you reading all this... and sorry for my bad spelling. :)
Thank you all once more.

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Re: Brazilian Portuguese Translation

Post by Interkarma »

Happy you found a good CSV editor that's working for you. :)

I'll try to answer your other questions below as best I can.

1) Adjust formatting strings ingredientFormatString, longWeaponNameFormatString, longArmorNameFormatString to assign string format for ingredients, weapons, and armour. By default these are "{0} {1}" which maps to "{material} {name}", e.g. "Iron Sword". If you change this format string to "{1}-de-{0}", along with your other translations this would be displayed as "Espada-de-Ferro" in game.

2) Maybe worth contacting the people behind Projet French Daggerfall to see if they have any tips about how they managed this. They have an almost completed translation of Daggerfall Unity. They never mentioned any gender challenges to me, but there could be other reasons such as this being less messy in French. I don't know enough to answer this point.

3) For location names, you can automate translating majority of these. I don't expect anyone to translate by hand, that's just how the data is arranged. The French team used a Perl script to automate this, and they might be able to share process for you to adapt.

At some point you'll need to write some code to get everything as close to perfect as possible. Daggerfall is a heavily procedurally generated game, which extends to text in some cases. An example of this is building names. From 0.15.3, you can override the way building names are generated using whatever process and string inputs are suitable for your language. But you'll need to code this in C# and distribute that as a .dfmod along with the CSVs.

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