The Quest Prompt Thread

For all talk about quest development - creation, testing, and quest system.
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Re: The Quest Prompt Thread

Post by NikitaTheTanner »

It just makes no sense to me for someone at the rank of Champion to still be killing bears and spiders in local houses :| I'll also probably mod gold rewards in like manner so a local bear only pays between 75 and 150 gold regardless of PC level, but killing a Daedroth or a Lich in a dungeon would provide 2000+.

I say this since it would provide a graduated level of difficulty, as you suggested.
This is an excellent idea, but the amount of quests will need to be increased a whole lot, at least twice, before we can restrict high level quests. I totally suport this decision by the way, but I am a bit worried that in late game, having only access to 2-3 quests will get way too tedious and repetitive. At least 5-6 quests should be available at every level.

Maybe not restrict them as heavily for now, so that mid-tier quests are still available even in late game.

P.S. Another good idea in my opinion would be to give additional rewards for the quests, especially high level quests. Specifically, I wouldn't mind a random skill increase from the pool of important skills of this faction. Ultimately, it's like XP reward and makes completing quests a good way to level up your character even at high levels.

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Re: The Quest Prompt Thread

Post by Jay_H »

Those are important considerations, I agree. With the new quests we'll be adding in I hope we get 40+ for each guild, but we still have to make the assumption that some people will just be playing classic quests only.

Quest idea: The questgiver cannot pay you but asks you to do it anyway. On the body of the enemy or nearby there's a large sum of money to act as a reward.

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Re: The Quest Prompt Thread

Post by Jay_H »

It turns out I was wrong; the "say when injured" trigger is completely functional. All four of your quests can be done at any time. I'll give them a shot eventually :D

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Re: The Quest Prompt Thread

Post by Feralwarlord »

Fighters Guild quest:
you need to go to a dungeon to retrieve an item for a client, when you pick up the item the client and a couple of bandits will spawn and the client will say something like "anther fool has come to my trap, now die" then attack you, on the clients body will be a note indicating that he's you client, to complete the quest you need to take this note back to the fighters guild.

once NPC's in town are working there could be 2 versions of this quest, 1 that runs as described gotten from talking to NPC's around town and a fighters guild version where you know beforehand that it's a trap

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Re: The Quest Prompt Thread

Post by Jay_H »

??? quest: The PC is invited to take part in an endurance match of survival. Multiple creatures will be teleported into an enclosed space (palace?), and the PC must kill them all to claim the reward. Once the PC enters, he/she cannot leave until the end (also preventing rest), or the quest will fail. (COMPLETED)

??? quest: Same as above, but at an expert level: magicka is reduced to zero for the entirety of the test.

Innkeeper quest: The merchant asks you to back up a younger sibling in a bar fight. The sibling will accompany you during the brawl and pay you a small amount for helping. (COMPLETED)

??? quest: Some quests could lead to other factions and their quests (startquest ####). A merchant could ask you to present a sacrifice to the Necromancers, and after completing it successfully, the Necromancers could send for you and offer a series of quests. (Perhaps an "extra mile" could be an option on each of these quests; take the quest item to a faction member to open the branch of quests, or keep it for yourself and let the timer expire.)

Innkeeper and Merchant quest: A fool has crossed a witch's coven too many times, ignorantly accepting a death curse. The PC is asked to accompany the questgiver to offer a sacrifice to the witches. If the quest goes on too long, the questgiver will die on his/her feet. (COMPLETED)

Innkeeper and Merchant quest: The merchant is actually a worshipper of a Daedra prince, who has some simple task to perform. Small possibility of leading to a witch coven? (Perhaps a parchment containing instructions on how to arrive at a coven, if map function can't provide it.)

Mages Guild quest: The guild has been informed of an enchanted item in a dungeon of specious origin. The PC is sent with an expert to examine it, but once the item is touched, it sends out a Charm Foe effect. The expert is turned against you, and you may either kill him/her or defend yourself for several minutes until it wears off for different endings. (COMPLETED)

Mages Guild quest: A scholar has been in a dungeon for far too long. The PC is asked to fetch him/her. The scholar will demand a series of correct answers to a quiz designed to weed out non-mages before trusting the PC to show the way back. (COMPLETE)
Last edited by Jay_H on Wed Feb 06, 2019 8:19 pm, edited 6 times in total.

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Re: The Quest Prompt Thread

Post by Feralwarlord »

Knights/Fighters guild quest: Vampiric coven
Requires: reputation 80+, PC level 10+

A coven of vampires has infiltrated a town in the local region

Enemies: 6 Humans henceforth referred to as "Thralls", 7 vampires, 1 vampire lord

During the day the thralls will wander the streets of the town, while the vampires will be hiding in 6 buildings around town, killing a thrall will point you to one of the buildings with each thrall pointing you to a different building, 5 of the buildings contain only 1 vampire and the 6th building contains the vampire lord and the other 2 vampires.
At night the remaining thralls will vanish from the streets and be replaced by the remaining vampires

To complete the quest you need to kill all the vampires and return to the quest giver

Rewards: 2-3 Magic items and some gold or an artifact
Bonus reward: if you complete the quest without killing any thralls you'll receive a letter and some gold from the thralls a few days after finishing the quest.

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Re: The Quest Prompt Thread

Post by Jay_H »

I'm gonna have to put this one on the waiting list for a while. There are a few problems regarding implementation that have to be overcome first.

1. Time periods. Daggerfall has a natural shortcoming concerning time-of-day constraints. If I accept the quest at 12:00 and it takes me 5.5 hours to travel to the quest town, the quest will be underway and I'll only have half an hour before the vampires appear. This wouldn't be a real impediment to the quest functioning, but I want to make sure people always have a fair chance at completing the quest the way it was intended to be.

2. Building types. I ran into this problem with a different quest, where trying to use too many buildings at once made the quest stop generating enemies, which made it impossible to complete.

3. Right now, there's no quest action to make enemies disappear. That'll be fixed by 0.4, I believe.

4. The quest city. I'd have to make the quest all happen in the same city where it's given, since trying to assign six buildings outside your current city usually means you're headed to six different cities. We don't have a parameter to choose one remote city to put the quest into. In such a case, I'd have to ensure it uses building types that are all different from each other (because of problem #2), and if I disperse the building types too much, there'll be a lot of towns it won't work in.


Mages Guild quest: A renowned scholar is staying at a tavern in the area but selfishly keeps his/her research away from the guild. The PC is asked to take the scholar's writings from the tavern. It may be enchanted to summon monsters upon theft.

Temple quest: A ghost keeps reappearing in a residence in spite of multiple attempts to remove it. The PC must resolve the case of the ghost's murder.

Thieves Guild quest: A captured informant is being held hostage but is belligerent and unwilling to give vital information for a robbery. A Charm spell is needed to turn him/her into the Guild's temporary informant.

Temple quest: 0-10 rep. The temple requires a missionary to send a tract document to an interested future patron. The PC will take the document to the patron in case the person has an interest in converting to the temple. (COMPLETED)

Merchants Guild?

Innkeeper quest: Agent for a subversive group. Wants to change some guard orders for false ones.

"Recurring compass" questline: treasure hunting.

Mages Council?

Innkeeper quest: The NPC is far too busy, but feels the need to place some flowers on a loved one's grave. He/she bought a particular bouquet of flowers from a shady salesperson who claimed they were proper for the month. 50/50 chance of the flowers causing a zombie to rise from the graveyard or a message coming from the departed loved one. Mischevious salesperson, motive not yet decided. [needs "when dropped anitem"]

Innkeeper quest: A particular relic with disease-curing properties is losing its power. The NPC asks you to take it to a rural shrine/dungeon which recharged it the previous time through no obvious means, then bring it back when it's powered up.

Innkeeper/temple quest: Someone in the city has been poisoned/diseased and needs to be cured immediately. The PC must go and cast a curing spell within thirty minutes.

Innkeeper quest: Loan some money to an NPC to keep their shop. 80% chance of a good return, 20% chance of little or no reward.

Temple quest: A rare enchanted item is needed for its proficiency for ending daedric possession. The PC is asked to enter a dungeon to look for it.

Temple quest: 0-10 reputation. Ferry some medicinal herbs to a member in another city for minor pay. (COMPLETED)

Innkeeper quest: Go settle an argument, beating some sense into the other person in the same town. (COMPLETED)

Perpetual quest: A dark elf or some other exotic race asks for your help getting oriented with the region. Small road trip to visit a tavern, a shop, and a temple.

??? quest: Deliver a teleporting item to a warrior, who will get sent to a prison. (COMPLETED)

??? quest: Receiving end of teleporting item. (COMPLETED)

Perpetual quest: A well-to-do orphan is looking for a new family and requests your aid in locating one. Within close succession, several offers will come in, each with their own characteristics and rewards. The choice of who the orphan stays with is yours. (COMPLETED)

Quest involving telepathy?
Last edited by Jay_H on Wed Feb 06, 2019 8:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Quest Prompt Thread

Post by Feralwarlord »

Noble quest: the Duel
Requires: 30 reputation with nobles

A noble has been challenged to a duel, having heard of your feats the noble wants you to be their champion.
You'll need to go to the quest location and be there at the time the duel starts
If your not there when the duel starts the quest will fail
Win the duel to complete the quest
Reward: Gold, Reputation with nobles

Mage guild quest: Mad mage's battle royal

You are tasked to find a mage that has dropped out of contact with the guild, when you find the mage you'll find he's gone quit mad and he proceeds to teleport you to his personal arena filled with all sorts of creatures.
You'll need to kill all the creatures in the battle royal, then make your way back to town to give your report

Follow up quest: kill the mad mage
Go kill the mad mage from the previous quest
Reward: Gold

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Re: The Quest Prompt Thread

Post by Jay_H »

I'm toying around with an idea for consumable items via the quest system. This'll need to wait until spell effects are in.

The idea is that some ordinary quest will use a start quest trigger on this item quest and then end. The new quest will give the item to you (an orb of magic, we'll call it) and then remain dormant. The quest will remain active until the orb of magic is used. This refills the player's magicka completely, and then removes the item and runs a 24-hour timer. After 24 hours it runs a start quest command on itself, and then ends its own quest.

The net effect is that the item remains in your inventory until you decide to use it, then disappears for 24 hours. A nice magicka battery for emergency use, since the player knows it'll be back after a day.

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Re: The Quest Prompt Thread

Post by Al-Khwarizmi »

Wouldn't it be better if the item were replaced with a useless version of itself (e.g. "depleted magic orb") for those 24 hours?

The functionality would be the same, but the immersion would be better than if the item just disappeared.

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